Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1724: Instant flash

Chapter 1724 Instant Fanghua

"He is feeling magical!"

Blood Emperor was shocked.

You know, Dragon Phoenix really just understands a peerless supernatural power, and fights three of them to this point.

If you comprehend a peerless supernatural power, the combat power of Dragon Phoenix will surely skyrocket!

What is this peerless supernatural power, the Blood Emperor is unclear.

But he knew that if Long Phoenix really realized a peerless supernatural power, the three of them would increase the difficulty several times if they wanted to kill him.

This battle will also add many variables!

"Blood offering!"

The Blood Emperor did not hesitate to release the secret method in the Book of Blood Refining!

At the same time, countless blood vines were pulled out of the ground, like thousands of snake snakes, opened their mouths and staggered their fangs, and rushed towards Long Phoenix's true body!


Long Huangzhen opened her eyes, and her eyes fell on the blood emperor directly like electricity!

At this moment, the blood emperor just felt a cold all over, as if disaster would come to pass at any time!

He even smelled the breath of death!

"how come!"

The blood emperor looked embarrassed and refused to believe it.

Even if Long Huang Zhenshen realizes a peerless supernatural power, his combat power is soaring, it is impossible to kill him directly.

At this moment, Long Huangzhen stretched out the claws of Dragon and Phoenix, across the boundless blood sea, heavy void, pointed at the blood emperor, and said four words in his mouth.


These four words fell, and heaven and earth seemed to fall into a silence!

Not to mention the three blood emperors, even the emperor Jinwu Huo, Qianyan Emperor, and other emperors in the war, all looked sideways and looked moved.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely horrifying force descended directly on the Blood Emperor!


The blood emperor had no time to say a word, and then there was no sound.

Under the eyes of the emperors and emperors, the blood emperor's qi and blood were exhausted, and thousands of blood vines withered and became yellow.

The blood emperor's body shriveled down, and it has shrunk countless times, like a most common vine, yellow all over, and lying motionless on the ground, no more sound.

The emperors looked horrified, and there was endless shock and fear in their eyes!

The Emperor Witch King and Wuying Emperor were not far from the Blood Emperor, but they did not shoot.

Because it's too late.

Suddenly, the blood emperor's birthday was exhausted, and his body died!

No blood-making magic scriptures, no magical secrets, no blood rebirth is useless.

A top emperor who comprehends four peerless supernatural powers is equivalent to the top emperor who comprehends six peerless supernatural powers. In an instant, Shouyuan is exhausted and falls in front of the emperors!

The battlefield above the Valley of Dragon Skeletons even had a strange stagnation!

At this moment, many of the kings fighting against each other stopped.

You know, the blood emperor was originally just an ordinary emperor, only to realize two superb supernatural powers.

For thousands of years, the blood emperor has suddenly risen!

In other words, the blood emperor is young and less than 20,000 years old!

The blood rattan emperor's life is similar to the human emperor.

This means that the blood emperor has at least 80,000 years of life!

But just in the moment, the 80,000-year birthday has disappeared into nothingness and disappears!

The blood emperor did not even have the opportunity to resist, even to respond, so it fell.


This is more terrible and more overbearing magical skill than the time knife.

Peerless powers!

The blood emperor's body fell, but the underworld emperor, Wuying emperor and others felt a chill.

If this moment of magnificence came to the top of their heads, it would most likely be one of them!

The blood emperor fell, trapping the boundless blood sea of ​​Longhuang Zhenshen, and naturally dissipated.

The body of Dragon Phoenix Real Body agitates an extremely large and vast force, constantly washing the blood and flesh, even the Primordial God!

Comprehend the second superb supernatural power, the power of supernatural power quenches the body!

The breath of Dragon Phoenix, which continues to rise, becomes more and more powerful, and it seems endless!

The wound on his body is healing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

The phoenix of Dragon Phoenix's real body had already decayed, but in the case of the peerless baptism of the flesh, the qi and blood soared, and the body re-emerged with a powerful and vigorous vitality!

boom! boom! boom!

The five ghosts and demons that originally lay on Long Huangzhen were shattered directly by the peerless supernatural power of Long Huangzhen.

This time, also completely awakened the Hades.

"Don't hesitate, get rid of the shrine and that Qinglian real body!"

The Witch King immediately commanded the surrounding fierce emperors, and yelled, "This dragon and phoenix, I joined forces with Wuying, and can resist for a while!"

Many emperors reacted one after another.

The Battle of Kings broke out again!

At this time, the opposite of Longhuang Zhenshen, there were only the Emperor Wuwu and Wuyinghuang.

Emperor Wuying's eyes stared at the real body of Dragon Phoenix, full of fear.

"No shadow, rest assured!"

The Witch Wong Shen said: "Although this peerless supernatural power is terrible, he cannot release a second one in a short time!"

Wuying Huang took a deep breath and calmed down.

The Witch King again said: "We just need to entangle him, wait for the emperor Jinwu, Emperor Qianyan to resolve the deity, and wait for Qinglian to die."

"By then, we have so many emperors joining forces. Even if this dragon and phoenix are strong, we must hate it!"


Long Huang laughed loudly, and rekindled the blazing flames. He was so imposing that he cried out loudly: "The Witch, no shadow, just the two of you, want to entangle me!"

"Come here!"

The two pairs of Jin Chi's feather wings behind Dragon Phoenix really flew across a lot of space, descended in front of Wuying Emperor, probing out the huge claws of Dragon and Phoenix, and grasping toward Wuling Emperor's Tianling cover!

"Ghost Blood Shield!"

The Wuying Emperor was shocked, and had no time to think, and quickly urged the Yuanshen, condensing this peerless magical power in the Book of Blood-Lengning Devil!

Above his head, a shield condensed by blood and blood appeared.

On the surface of the shield, blood surged, and a strange blood face appeared faintly.


Long Phoenix shouted, "Dare you come out and destroy me!"

On the claws of the dragon and phoenix, there was a gleam of cold light, the flame of the dragon and phoenix skyrocketed, and it pierced into this ghostly blood shield!

This blood face was instantly torn by the claws of Dragon and Phoenix!


The flame of the dragon and the phoenix burns blood and emits billowing smoke!

The next moment, the Nether Blood Shield was penetrated by the claws of the Dragon and Phoenix!

Seeing the Emperor of this scene, my heart was shocked!

Even the peerless supernatural power can't stop the power of the taboo dragon and phoenix!

Stab it!

The claws of the dragon and the phoenix descended, tearing the lower body of Wuyinghuang directly into two halves, blood dripping, and countless internal organs spilled out.

But Wu Ying Huang has disappeared from the claws of Dragon and Phoenix.

In situ, there is a wave of power waves peerless!


In the front line of life and death, Wuying Emperor gave out a peerless supernatural power, teleported away, and escaped from the claws of Dragon and Phoenix to be born.

Only if he was half a step slow, at this point, he had died!

(End of this chapter)

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