Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1731: killed!

Chapter 1731 Killed!

Over the Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

Several wolverine protoss emperors looked at the protoss army that traveled in the extreme west, one by one, excited and excited.

"finally come!"

"The sword of doom, the shield of disaster, the rod of dawn, the spear of judgment, the four gods of our protoss come, I see who can resist the famine!"

"The one on the throne should be the **** emperor of our continent!"

Some protoss who are still killing at the northern border are even more excited.

In the continent of God, although there are some emperors with different names, only one person is qualified to become the emperor of the continent of God, called the emperor of the gods.

Only the Emperor is eligible to sit on that supreme throne and wear the crown of the Emperor!

According to legend, the crown of the **** emperor and the seat of the **** emperor are the treasures passed down from the **** world!

Other races, including the Protoss themselves, even if they are the Protoss emperor, dare to sit on this seat of the Protoss without permission will die on the spot!

Without the approval of the crown of the **** emperor, nor can it bear the weight of this crown, it will be crushed to death!

Only with the approval of these two treasures is the only **** emperor of the continent of gods!

The civilization of the continent of God is also a treasure inherited from these two divine realms.

This scene is extremely shocking.

Whether it is the battle of the kings over the valley of dragon skeletons, or the assassination of thousands of ethnic groups at the northern border, it has gradually stopped.

Wuying Huangdun was in the air, his mind was shaking.

After a while, he calmed down, frowned slightly, and glanced back, revealing hesitation.

He was caught in the middle now.

In the back is Su Zimo, and in front is the protoss army!

In addition, the Protoss army was advancing very fast. Before long, it had already landed in Zhongzhou and galloped towards the Northern Territory.

Numerous Protoss knights gallop on the sky, stepping on clouds, imposing!

Under the trampling of many Protoss knights, the entire void sent out a roar and tremble, and a crack appeared in the void!

The world is shaking!

Wuying Emperor groaned a little, without turning back.

In the face of Su Zimo, he must die.

Although the Protoss army came fiercely, so far, his Rakshasa have been in the same camp as the Celestial Protoss.

What's more, as a top emperor, no matter what continent he is, he is a peak power.

If he is willing to take refuge with the Rakshasa, the Protoss will certainly welcome it!

At this point, Wu Ying emperor had been thinking about it and greeted the protoss army.

"There is no shadow in the Lower Rakshasa. It is one of the nine fierce tribes in the wild with the Protoss.

There is still a long distance between the Emperor Wuying and the Protoss army, so he exclaimed: "I would like to bring the Rakshas, ​​and join hands with all the Protoss and Taoists to suppress the rebellious desolation!"

"It's shameless!"

Seeing this scene, Long Ran could not help yelling.

Many of the Qiang and Barbarians are also unremarkable.

Alien invasion, as the most powerful emperor in the wild, Wuying emperor did not hesitate to surrender first!

Wuying Huang is very smart.

He knew that if he rushed up, he would most likely attract hostility from the Protoss army!

Therefore, while still far away, the Emperor Wuying began to shout, showing his good intentions, and being sincere.

The speed of the Protoss army slowed down.

It didn't take long for the Protoss army to come to the shadowless emperor and opened a passage one after another, letting the shadowless emperor go in!

In a blink of an eye, the Wuying Emperor was already surrounded by the Protoss!

Numerous eyes fell on Wu Yinghuang.

As the top emperor on the continent, Wuying Emperor is still calm and fearless, even after being surrounded by so many strong aliens.

"Meet you Protoss!"

The Emperor Wuying faced hundreds of Protoss of the Protoss, and did not show the slightest pride, but clenched his fists and smiled slightly.

The four Protoss emperors holding the weapon of the God of Divinity, looked up and down the Emperor Wuying with a trace of inspection in their eyes.

However, the four Protoss emperors did not have a superficial attitude, instead they turned their eyes to look at the people on the seat of God, revealing the colors of inquiry.

Wuying Huang also saw it.

Among the many protoss, the one with the highest status and the highest status is the one sitting on the seat of the **** and wearing a crown!

Even the four Protoss emperors exuding a powerful breath must obey this man!

However, the person's appearance, under the cover of the crown, could not be seen clearly and dimly.

"Divine Emperor, how does this person surrender?"

Carrying the sword of doom, the old man in armour caressed his chest with his right hand, bowed slightly to the man on the throne, and asked in a deep voice.

The Emperor raised his hand slightly.

Emperor Wuying fell on the palm of this person.

This is a fair palm, soft and delicate, even shimmering.

This seems to be a woman's hand.

Just as Wuying Huang thought about it, God Emperor opened his mouth slightly and said two words gently.


The Emperor Wu Ying has not been able to respond yet, and a loud drink has come from the side!


The old man in armor, backhand drawn the sword of doom on his back, and chopped down towards the King of Shadowless!

Although this protoss emperor is already an old man, his blood is still very strong, soaring into the sky!

The sword of doom is filled with the cold and evil breath in the hands of the old man of the Protoss.


Wuying Huang was shocked.

He did not expect that he realized the four superb supernatural powers. As the top emperor, he chose to surrender, but the other party did not give him a little life!

The Emperor Wuying sacrifice his own magic weapon, two moon-like scimitars, facing the sword of doom to resist the past.


With a loud noise, Mars was splashing!


Emperor Wuying was shocked, vomiting blood, and the machete magic weapon in his hand was directly blown by the sword of doom!

His response was slower, and his power could not be exerted to the extreme.

What's more, he just had a battle with Su Zimo. His blood and blood consumption was severe, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

In this state, the Protoss Emperor struck him close, and Wuying Emperor was immediately hit!

The sword of doom collapses with a scimitar magic weapon, a huge sword body, and the black mang that bursts out is severely chopped down towards the King of Shadowless!

Although, the Emperor Wuying retreated desperately by relying on the horrific stature of the Rakshas.

But his chest was still cut by a huge gap with the dark sword of the sword of doom!

This sword almost cut the Wuying Emperor into two!

The Emperor Wuying looked terrified, staring at the old Protoss of the opposite race, with complex emotions in his eyes, angry, puzzled, questioning ...

He couldn't figure it out.

There was no time for him to think about these things.

This Protoss old man strode meteor, holding the sword of doom, and has already killed him!


The Emperor Wuying didn't even want to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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