Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1732: prison

Chapter 1732 Prison

Wuying Emperor is now trapped in the Protoss army, and there are three Protoss Emperors on the opposite side who have not shot, and want to escape from this place, only to move instantly!

However, the Emperor Wu Ying urged the Yuanshen. This superb supernatural power had not been formed yet, and it collapsed directly.

The figure of Wuyinghuang shook for a moment, his face paled!


Failed to release Peerless Supernatural Power!

Just at the moment of movement, when it was about to be released, the shadowless Emperor's Yuan God suddenly cast a dark power.

This power did little harm to his primitive god.

But it directly isolated his connection with the peerless supernatural power, causing the teleportation failure!

"How could this be?"

"what is this!"

Emperor Wuying searched the dark power attached to Yuanshen, and his heart shook.

This time, he really shocked him!


Emperor Wuying felt a pain in his chest.

He looked down subconsciously.

I saw a wound on his chest with no tendency to stop bleeding.

Instead, the blood flowing from his wound had turned black!

The flesh flung on both sides of the wound has become as dark as ink.

Moreover, this black power is still spreading along his wound, gradually spreading to his whole body!

"That sword!"

Wu Yinghuang's heart stunned, and suddenly thought of the answer.

"Injured by the sword of doom, and doomed, do you still want to escape?"

At this moment, the old man of the protoss had come behind Wu Ying Huang, and the sword was cut in half by a sword!

Blood, internal organs, spilled all over!

The **** of the shadowless emperor, entangled by the power of doom, failed to escape from the sea of ​​knowledge and was beheaded by a sword!

The top emperor of the Raksha tribe was thus killed by the two swords of the old protoss.

In fact, if the Emperor Wuying is at its peak, and he fights with the old man of the protoss, it will not necessarily fall.

However, after a big battle with Su Zimo, his combat power was less than half of his peak.

Plus, he didn't expect that the Protoss would strike him.

Underestimated the power of the Sword of Doom, leading to death!

All the living beings looked at this scene, and they all froze!

The faces of storytellers, Long Ran and others became extremely ugly.

Although they did not fight with the old man of the protoss, they can also see that the fighting power of the old man of the protoss is by no means inferior to that of the Witch King and others!

Moreover, the protoss did not hesitate to kill the shadowless emperor, which showed an attitude.

Protoss may want to kill on the continent!

Even surrender is useless!

"it is good!"

"Good kill!"

Many protoss on the continent are naturally excited and excited.

Over the years, they have been abandoned by the vast numbers of people and have suffered enough humiliation.

Today, it's finally their turn to exhale!

At this point, the Underworld Emperor had returned to the ancestral land of the Wu tribe.

Looking at the scene happening here, the Witch Wong sneered slightly and whispered: "Continent of God? Oh, then, I will let you all stay in the sky!"

"The future wasteland will be the world of my witch family!"

After finishing speaking, the Witch Witch flashed into the valley of the ancestral land of the Wu tribe.

There are hundreds of thousands of witches waiting for his order!


In mid-air of Zhongzhou, a crack suddenly opened.

Three Protoss Emperors over the Valley of Dragon Skeletons escaped, tearing the void, and descended directly to this side.

There are also some ancestors of the Protoss race, also galloping, looking excited.

"Meet His Majesty the Emperor!"

The three Protoss emperors were all scaly and bruised. They came across the heavy Protoss army, came to the Emperor, and knelt down.

"Her Majesty, you are finally here!"

"We look forward to this day, too long!"

"Her Majesty, please order it, we will take the army of the protoss, sweep the tens of thousands, and conquer the continent completely!"

The three Protoss emperors shouted.

The emperor on the throne was motionless and said nothing.

The three emperors shouted for a long time without getting any response and gradually calmed down.

"Her Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

A Protoss emperor carefully said, "Now, the Ten Thousand Families are fighting each other, and the Ten Thousand Powers have fallen countlessly. This is the best time!"


Another Protoss emperor also said quickly: "Today, the only threatening thing on the continent is the Terran Emperor!"

"As long as Wuhuang Town is killed, there is no threat to the wasteland!"

"The Emperor Wu, the Emperor ..."

The emperor on the throne suddenly spoke and murmured.

"Yes, it is the Emperor Wu!"

The following protoss emperor heard the response, and was shocked. He quickly said, "There are two true bodies in this martial arts road. However, after the war, the two true bodies of the emperor are also consumed ..."

God Emperor slowly raised his hand.

The Protoss emperor quickly answered.

For some reason, every move of the Emperor God has irresistible majesty. Although he is an emperor, he dares not offend!

"Tie it."

The Emperor said lightly.


The four Protoss emperors next to the seat of the gods nodded slightly and walked towards the three Protoss emperors in the wild.

"Her Majesty, you, what are you doing?"

"We are helping you, helping the Protoss!"

The three wild gods of the Protoss were somewhat excited and wanted to resist.

The old man of the Protoss holding the sword of doom sank and said coldly, "Dare to disobey the will of the emperor, are you trying to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the three Protoss emperors in the sky were instantly frightened and trembled.


The storage ring on the four fingers of the old man of the Protoss flashed, and a huge chain of golden light flashed out from it.

The first two ends of the chain are sharp barbs!

Once the flesh is pierced, it will be locked dead!

The three Protoss emperors of Tianhuang were so frightened that they shivered, but did not dare to resist.

You can only let the Protoss entangle this chain and entangle them firmly!

The barbs at the ends of the chains pierced their flesh and blood!

The three emperors were trembling with pain, but they could only clenched their teeth and said nothing.

The storytelling old man, Long Ran, and others looked confused, and did not understand what the emperor was, and what the conspiracy was.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Some proto-ancestors galloped from the northern border.

When I arrived here, I just saw such a scene, all in a stunned place, looking uncertain.

"Her Majesty, look ..."

An old woman of Protoss holding the staff of the dawn, bowed slightly and asked softly.

"These ancestors are also tied."

The Emperor said faintly: "The protoss below the ancestors are all put into the protoss prisons, and no one should be left alone!"


The Protoss army suddenly answered.

The next moment, the Protoss army ran forward, and the ancestral Protoss ancestors were also locked by chains, unable to move.

These Protoss troops rushed to the border of the Northern Territory, and did not take action against any creatures in the continent, and did not injure anyone by mistake.

On the contrary, they all arrested the Protoss of the Famine, regardless of their cultivation, and put them in a huge cage!

(End of this chapter)

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