Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1733: Son, it's me

Chapter 1733: It's Me, Boy

It didn't take long for the Protoss of the Tianhuang continent to be imprisoned by the continent of God!

The living creatures of the vast continent are all confused.

"Xuanhuang, what's the matter?"

Long Ran frowned, and asked, "Are people on this continent of God crazy? Or are they conspiring?"

In the eyes of the old storyteller, there was a mist of fog, and he stretched out his fingers and quickly deduced it.

But after a while, there was no result.

The storyteller shook his head and said, "The divine emperor is shrouded in a hidden sacred light. It seems to come from the crown and the throne.

After a pause, the old storyteller said, "However, it seems that there is not much hostility in the land of God."

Su Zimo stared at the emperor on the seat of the god, thinking deeply.

There was a guess in his mind, but it was too bold and he couldn't believe it.

Not long after, under the protection of many gods, the Emperor of God had arrived not far from Su Zimo.

The emperor slowly got up and stood up from the throne.

Su Zimo's eyes moved.

The emperor's blond hair shawl, tall and full, wearing a white robe, sacred and elegant, reveals this perfect figure.

This is a woman!

Unfortunately, it was not the person Su Zimo guessed.

More than a thousand years ago, at the Kunlun Market, Nianqi learned the truth about the War of the Ancients and felt guilty. I didn't know how to face Su Zimo and Yeling, so she jumped into the colorful cave and went to the land of God.

Over the years, there has been no news.

When Su Zimo saw the coming of God's continent, he didn't seem to have much hostility to the famine, and even a bold thought flashed in his mind!

Perhaps the **** emperor of this continent is Nianqi!

However, the moment Su Zimo stood up, Su Zimo shook his head.

Although he couldn't see the appearance, Nianqi had been with him for so long, he knew too much about Nianqi.

Nianqi, who bears the blood of the Protoss, always looks like a girl. Even if it has been over a thousand years, it will not change so much.

Not only the change of body shape, but also the temperament.

Nian Qi usually followed Su Zimo very well.

The **** emperor in front of him has a powerful aura. Although he is a devil, he looks sacred and cannot be seen!

The Emperor stood up and said nothing, but looked at Su Zimo.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, a little confused.

After half a ring, the emperor left the seat of the **** and slowly walked towards Su Zimo. The four emperor royals followed closely, and many protoss gave way.

The two are only a short distance away.

The Emperor raised his hand and whispered, "You stay here."

The four Protoss emperors looked at each other and stopped.

Su Zimo moved his ears.

The sound was a little familiar, but a little strange.

The Emperor came to Su Zimo alone.

Su Zimo did not feel any hostility on the Emperor.

But even so, he dare not relax his vigilance.

At this time, it was not just Su Zimo.

On the continent, even some of the strong men in the battle against the borders of the Northern Territory stopped their hands and looked over here.

The hearts of all races are filled with countless deceptions!

Everyone is curious, the Emperor Wu, the Emperor Shen, two of the two most powerful men on the two continents, what will happen when they meet for the first time!

Soon, the Emperor of God came to Su Zimo.

The distance between the two, but one arm!

This distance for the emperor, but within easy reach, is extremely dangerous!

But Su Zimo did not back away, but just looked at the God Emperor who came over quietly, his gaze revealed a trace of inquiries and a trace of confusion.

The two emperors stood opposite each other.

Immediately, in the sight of everyone, the Emperor bowed down and saluted, and worshiped at the Emperor Wu!


Uproar came from all over the continent!

Creatures of all races stared, their chins almost fell to the ground.

"God Emperor!"

"God Emperor, no!"

The four Protoss Emperors of the Continent of God were quite excited and exclaimed.


Su Zimo looked at the Emperor who was bowing in front of him, struggling to suppress the excitement in his heart, and asked softly.

"My son, it's me."

The Emperor looked up, his senses moved, and the power in the crown dissipated, revealing a nearly perfect face, stunning the world!

Su Zimo was also on the spot.

Although this face is a little different from Nianqi, it still clearly recognizes what Nianqi used to look like.

Nian Qi has grown up.

The only thing unchanged is the blue eyes like sea water.

In these eyes, endless thoughts, dependence, excitement, tenderness ...

In Su Zimo's heart, a fascination passed by.

No wonder he felt the sound a little familiar and strange.

That's because after Nian Qi grew up, there was a change in sound after such a change.

"Is that the baby girl?"

After seeing Nianqi, the storytelling old man was slightly disoriented and quickly reacted.

Suddenly, he was caught in a long memory, showing a touch of emotion.

That was a long time ago, when he first met Su Zimo in the Great City of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Su Zimo followed such a girl behind him.

At that time, he could see that there was some blood of the Protoss in the body of the girl, but it was very vague.

He didn't think too much.

It's just a relic of the Protoss.

Over the years, Nianqi has followed Su Zimo's side, although Xiu Wei has never fallen, but he has not revealed any sharp edges.

But who can think of it, today, the baby girl of that year has become the **** emperor of the continent of God!

"Nian Qi, it's you!"

Su Zimo smiled happily, and when excited, he quickly stepped forward to hold Nianqi's shoulders and helped her up.


The old man of the Protoss holding the sword of doom was staring, stepping forward, blowing a beard, staring at Su Zimo, with a look of anger and shouting loudly: "The body of the Emperor is sacred and immaculate, how can you let you touch it casually!"

"Retreat! Don't be rude!"

Nian Qi glanced slightly, frowned slightly, and drank softly.

The protoss of the Protoss tribe was a little bit embarrassed, but did not dare to resist, but retreated indignantly.

"Nianqi, how can you ..."

Su Zimo's heart also has countless doubts.

"These things are long storytelling."

Nianqi smiled, and in her eyes, she passed a bitterness that was not easy to detect.

Su Zimo's heart suddenly burst into pity and distress.

He did not pursue further.

But he can imagine that Nian Qi, alone on the continent of God, will inevitably experience countless grievances, hardships, and dangers!

As a relic of the Protoss, Nianqi was impure, but she stepped on to the position of Emperor God step by step. In the middle, what kind of suffering would she experience?

Su Zimo has been practicing till now, and there are gifts left by Yueyue, as well as the masters and friends of Zong Feng, the sorrowful ancestor, the red hairy ghost, Jihuo, and Lin Xuanji.

Nian Qi is on the continent of God, but she stands alone and is helpless!

(End of this chapter)

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