Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1734: Complete redemption

Chapter 1734: Complete Redemption

Su Zimo never believed in any natural bloodline.

The nine fierce races are born with strong bloodlines, but their future achievements may not be above the race!

He Su Zimo is the most ordinary mortal, without even a spiritual root. Now he has reached the peak of the continent, and has been named the Emperor of the Wu Dynasty.

Forty thousand years ago, the blood demon prince, the great monk, was only the relic of the fierce tribe, and the final achievement was stronger than any fierce fierce fierce!

The same is true of Nian Qi.

Su Zimo believes that in the past millennia, Nianqi has experienced countless times on the continent of God, and may even be more exciting than he was on the continent!

It is these experiences that have made the current emperor!

"Nianqi, why did you come here at this time?"

Su Zimo asked again.

Nianqi smiled slightly and said, "In the civilization of the continent of God, there is a kind of prophecy, similar to some methods of deducing hexagrams in the mysterious palace, which can predict something."

"In my deduction, there has been a big change in the land of the wilderness. I speculate that it is most likely that a war between the fierce and the human race broke out, and they brought your Majesty to come and help you calm the evil of the fierce.

After saying that, Nianqi suddenly exclaimed: "All the protoss obey, you join hands with the cultivators of the terrestrial continent to suppress the Witch, Bloodvine, Tianyan, Raksha, and Jinwu!"


Many Protoss knights answered suddenly.

The Protoss army launched, the iron hoof thundered, and rushed towards the battlefield in the northern border.

Still standing behind Nian Qi, there were only the four Protoss emperors holding the weapon of God.

The four Protoss emperors, looking at Su Zimo's eyes, still carried a hint of alert and a bit of hostility.

They have no feelings for Su Zimo.

They only knew that Nianqi, as the emperor of the continent of God, bowed and saluted the emperor, which was really inappropriate.

In any case, the Emperor of God should be equal to the status of the Emperor of Wu!

But at this time, Nianqi returned to Su Zimo's body, and the emperor's aura of his body had long disappeared, as if returning to the past.

With her words raised and her hands raised, Nianqi's dependence on Su Zimo can be seen.

The four Protoss emperors frowned.

Su Zimo also turned around and looked at the northern battlefield. His voice was cold and slowly said, "Jinwu Fire Emperor, Wuying Emperor, Thousand Eye Emperor, and Blood Emperor have all fallen down!"

"Five fierce tribes, the creatures of the eight demon realms, listen, the descendants do not kill! If you still have to resist and resist, kill without pardon!"

Su Zimo didn't plan to kill everything.

On the one hand, the two sides of the war suffered heavy losses. If they continue to fight, it will be a disaster for the people of the wild continent.

On the other hand, he was still worried about another huge hidden danger!

On the battlefield of the Northern Territory, after the fall of the emperors of the five hordes, the five hordes have shown their defeat.

Today, the Protoss army joins the battlefield.

Su Zimo said this again, and the coalition forces of the five fierce clan suddenly collapsed.

The creatures of the eight demon domains bowed their heads.

The major fierce powerhouses have also given up resistance, either surrendered or flee desperately.

Looking at this scene, the emperors of the race finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After this battle, the five fierce tribes will be completely silent.


Nian Qi bowed her head slightly, and said softly, "My son, I'm sorry."


Su Zimo was a little confused, and asked subconsciously.

Nianqi pointed to the many protoss who were imprisoned behind him and said, "After all, they are the protoss of the tribe. As a **** emperor, I am not good at killing them all."

"this is nothing."

Su Zimo shook his head.

In this battle, even if the human race wins, he has no plans to kill it.

Nianqi did not hesitate before killing the three Protoss Emperors of the Desolate Continent directly, which is already an explanation to the thousands of souls who have fallen in this war.

"My son, I want to go to another place."

Nian Qi was a little silent and said suddenly.

"Let's go, I'll stay with you."

Although Nianqi didn't say it explicitly, Su Zimo already guessed it.

The two galloped towards the West, and the four Protoss emperors followed closely.

It didn't take long for the six to reach the sky above the Kunlun Market.

The four Protoss emperors sacrifice the sacred ruler's device, run the blood, urge the power in the sacred ruler's device, and cut a wide passage in the Kunkunlun market.

No magical storm will form in this passage.

The six men traveled all the way, and soon reached the Death God Canyon.

Two tall, fierce, majestic corpses stand on both sides of the Gods Canyon!

Even if they fell through the ages, the two corpses still exhaled a heartfelt breath, and they were full of courage!

Two deities in the ancient times!

Nian Qi came to the killing gods canyon and knelt down in front of the two shrines.

"God, why are you ..."

Seeing this scene, the Protoss elder stepped forward and wanted to help Nian Qi up.

But Nianqi's gaze turned.

These blue eyes only saw Su Zimo still full of tenderness, but at this moment, Nianqi's eyes were permeated with murder and majesty!

The protoss of the Protoss froze in their hearts, and shivered all over.

Nian Qi whispered softly: "The two deities predecessors, the protoss made a big mistake that caused the two predecessors to die here, and they have been wronged forever.

"Today, the descendants of the Protoss come and ask the two seniors to forgive me."

After that, Nian Qi bowed his knees toward the bodies of the two deities!

One click after another.

Every time he bowed his head, Nianqi's eyes carried endless guilt.

"Nianqi, get up."

Su Zimo couldn't bear it, and whispered: "This is the sin committed by the protoss of the protoss tribe that year. It has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't bear it."

Nian Qi didn't answer, still a nod.

I wonder when Ye Ling came to Su Zimo's side.

At that time, after learning the truth about the War of the Ancients, although Ye Ling never said it, in his heart, there was indeed a gulf to Nian Qi.

Nian Qi felt it.

Therefore, she left Tianhuang without a second thought, left Su Zimo, and went to the continent of God alone!

This time Nianqi returns, in addition to helping Su Zimo, another important reason is to come to atone for the Protoss!

Not long after, Nian Qi was already seeing blood on his forehead.

After a long time, Nianqi looked up and looked at the bodies of the two gods, and said in a deep voice: "I swear in the name of the emperor. As long as I am alive, all the people of the continent of God must never invade half of the world! "

"If you violate this oath, it will be destroyed!"


As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the shrines on both sides of the Gods Canyon were shattered and began to collapse, turning into countless light spots, floating in the air.

These light spots gradually condensed into two taboo gods.

The two shrines took a deep look at Ye Ling and yelled at Nianqi before turning around and leaving, disappearing in front of everyone.

Ye Ling had tears in his eyes and knelt silently.

Su Zimo hissed and sighed softly.

The two deities in the Archaic era had a heart in the sky, and even if they died, they also had endless obsessions, and the two corpses would stand here.

Nianqi's vows made the two gods finally let go of their minds and leave the world completely.

Nian Qi was forgiven.

The Protoss were redeemed.

The oracle was understood to escape.

At this moment, all the grievances of the ancient times are turned into the past, and finally there is a conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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