Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1735: Advent Witch

Chapter 1735

The war waged by the five fierce tribes has come to an end.

The creatures of the eight demon domains are surrendered.

The strongest of the five fierce clan is also countless dead and wounded, completely defeated!

The top five emperors of the five fierce clan only left the Hades Witch alone, and fled back to the ancestral land of the Wu clan.

Long Huang Zhenshun chased her all the way, ready to completely kill this hidden danger!

The ancestors of the Wu tribe are full of horror everywhere, and many of the buildings of the Wu tribe are made of white bones, which is extremely scary!

Around the ancestral land of the Wu tribe, a dark green river was surrounded by it, which was extremely viscous and murmured with blisters.

In the Green River, a skull floated from time to time, and the black eyes were staring at the real dragon and phoenix in the air.

After the advent of Dragon Phoenix Realm came down, I already felt that in this ancestral land of the Wu tribe, there was some kind of cursing power, which greatly restricted the primitive god!

Even his consciousness cannot cover the entire ancestral land of the Wu tribe, and cannot explore the whole picture!

Long Huang real sensed it and murmured: "There is actually a formation here. I did not expect that there are also strong players who are proficient in formation."

Long Phoenix really groaned a little, and she already noticed the flaw of this formation.

"Make it for me!"

Long Huangzhen's eyes were full, and he suddenly opened his mouth and gushed out a crimson magma, pouring down toward the dark green river around the ancestral land!


The hot magma blended with the sticky green river, bursting with weird sounds, the smoke was billowing!

Although the flame of Dragon Phoenix has not yet reached the level of peerless magical powers, as a taboo talented flame, its power is also terrifying!

In the green river, there were even stern shouts.

The next moment, there are soul figures appearing above the green river, fluttering and dense, countless!

How many souls have swallowed up this river!

This large array of witches, the source of strength, is this green river.

After killing the tens of thousands of living creatures, the Wu people will detain their souls by secret methods, put them into this river, and they will not be able to live forever without reincarnation!

The flame of Dragon Phoenix was finally released from these souls.

Long Huangzhen's face was cold, and the flame sprayed from his mouth was so full that he soon enveloped the entire green river.

Burning fire on the river!

It didn't take long for the cursing power in the Green River to be burned and burned by Dragon and Phoenix!

The formation of the ancestral land of the witch tribe was thus broken.

The phoenix of the Dragon Phoenix has no restrictions, and is released suddenly, covering the entire ancestral land of the Wu family instantly!


Dragon Phoenix frowned slightly.

The vast ancestral land of the Wu tribe is so empty that under the shroud of his consciousness, he can't see any figure in the tribe!

However, in the depths of the ancestral land of the Wu tribe, there is a valley.

Dragon Phoenix really did not hesitate, shaking its wings and galloping towards this valley.

It didn't take long for Dragon Phoenix to come into the valley!

as expected!

In this valley, all the witches are densely packed, with at least 100,000 people!

Of course, these witches are different.

Standing in the air and looking down, you can clearly see that the ground of this valley is covered with huge gullies.

These gullies are made up of white bones, forming a circle.

More than 100,000 people of the Wu tribe stand on this gully circle.

Among the rings, there are eight gullies that cross these rings to the center of the valley.

There is a bone bone altar!

On the altar, stood alone.

It is the Hades who escaped from the Valley of Dragon Skeletons!

In addition to the Witch Witch King, there are four Witch Kings standing around this bone bone altar!

It's just that these four Witch royals are all a few years old.

The Witch Witch is standing at the very center of the White Bone Altar, waving a bone staff, supplemented by four Witch Kings, what witch tricks are being performed!

Long Huang Zhen's gaze was faint, and she couldn't help thinking.

Hundreds of thousands of witch clan have already split their wrists, flowing witch blood.

The blood of these witch races flowed slowly along the eight gullies to the bone bone altar.

The sorceress woke up with words, chanting obscure mantras in his mouth. The blood of many witches, under the guidance of his bone staff, gathered over the valley into a dark green blood cell!

This dark green blood cell is constantly surging, and on the surface, a series of weird runes are condensed, emitting extremely terrible fluctuations in power!

Longhuang Zhenshen has never seen such a method, but he realized that he must not be allowed to release this secret method!


Longhuang Zhen's body flickered, and she rushed towards the Hades Witch in the middle of the Bone Altar with amazing speed!

"Get up!"

The Witch Wong apparently saw Long Phoenix's true body, but he didn't feel a little flustered. Instead, there was a taunt of mockery in his eyes, and he drank softly.


Around the bone-bone altar, a circle of white-bone furrows suddenly burst out with a dark green brilliance, which fell directly on the body of Dragon Phoenix.


A loud noise!

Dragon Phoenix was physically hit by these rays of light, and the Linjia on her body appeared rotten and dim, falling off!

The power erupted from this altar was extremely strong. The dragon and phoenix were hit by this one, and the internal organs were severely shaken!


The Witch Wong laughed, looking a little crazy, and said, "Desolate, uncomfortable? Uncomfortable, still behind!"

"You want to stop, it's too late!"

"You, all of you, the living beings of all races in the continent, prepare to accept the slavery of my witches, hahahaha!

The Witch Witch looked pale and laughed loudly, and in the end, it was already hysterical.

With the voice of the Witch King, the dark green light ball in the air became richer, and the runes above it became brighter and brighter!

"Please ask Xuan Wu to fall into the wild and deter the people!"

The Witch Witch raised his head and stared at the dark green ball of light in the air, hissing.

"Xuan Wu is here to frighten people!"

A dozen shouts broke out at the same time.


The Witch Wong yelled.

Immediately afterwards, his body exploded, turned into a mist of blood, and was quickly swallowed by the dark green light ball in the air!

Dragon Phoenix looked dignified.

The Underworld Emperor is dead!

In order to sacrifice the secret method of this witch tribe, the underworld prince even sacrificed his life!

Who is the ‘Xuan Wu’ in the mouth of the Hades?

Is it ...

Long Huang Zhenshen suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, and looked up subconsciously.


In mid-air, the dark green light sphere suddenly burst, and the force of terror swept across the sky, and the clouds were not stained dark green!

This force was heading towards the sky, and a fissure crackling hit it!

This crack is exactly the crack left by the Emperor of the Ancients thousands of years ago!

In the last chapter, some book friends disagreed. In fact, I have left a foreshadowing before, chapter 1531, redemption, so only 1734 chapters can complete the redemption. In addition, some book friends said that it was unreasonable for Nian Qi to bow down on the body of the god. In fact, there is a similar situation in reality. Interested book fans can search for Warsaw's kneeling.

(End of this chapter)

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