Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1736: Devastation

Chapter 1736: Disaster

Thousands of years ago, the storytelling old man had sacrificed the secret law, drawing the eternal emperor to the lower realm, and almost exhausted his life.

Now, this secret method is obviously the same as the secret storytelling old man!

Moreover, this mystery of the Wu tribe is even more intense!

Not only sacrifices the life of the top emperor of the Nether Witch King, but also the four Witch Kings and the blood of more than 100,000 witches.

The powerful Wu tribe from the upper world is about to fall into the sky!

For all this, Su Zimo had no way to stop him.


When the storyteller saw this, he murmured in his heart.

Long Ran also looked dignified, saying: "I don't know how powerful the upper world strongman summoned by the Witches is, but no matter what, the upper world strong man comes down, and it will always pay a heavy price!"

"Not necessarily."

The storyteller looked worried and sighed.

He became the guardian of the Emperor's Hall, and it is naturally clear that the desolate continent today is deficient in heaven and earth, and the rules are incomplete.

As the millennium elapses, the laws of this heaven and earth may not affect the powerful in the upper world!

If so, the consequences would be disastrous!

The souls of all the peoples in the wild are in danger of extinction!

In that year, the realm of the emperor's emperor continued to fall and was severely damaged. Only one yuan **** remained. With the help of Su Zimo's Qinglian true body, he could also kill the top emperors such as the emperor of the gods.

If it is a Witch Strong from the Upper Realm, the realm will not change, I am afraid that no one can stop the killing of the Witch Strong from the Upper Realm!


There was a loud noise at the end of the sky!

In the crack above the sky, a dark green beam suddenly fell and fell heavily on the ground in Zhongzhou!

Shake the mountain!

Under this dark green beam, I don't know how many souls there were, and they turned into ashes on the spot!

Then, under the gaze of the living creatures of the seven races, seven figures slowly descended!

These seven figures are a bit strangely dressed. They are not the same as the Wu tribe on the continent, and they look even older.

But these seven figures also have a pair of dark green eyes, which look strange, like the eyes of demons!

What's more terrible is that the seven figures came down, and with a vast and coercive coercion, all living beings had a sense of great danger coming!

Not to mention some ordinary practitioners, even the emperor on the barren continent, under this coercion, can not afford a little resistance!

Long Huang really looked dignified, looking at these six figures.

"Is this the Upper Witch Strong?"

"Which one is the black witch?"

"Still, Xuanwu doesn't mean a person, but what does it mean?"

The figures of the seven Upper Witch strong descend slowly, and around each figure, the void is constantly falling apart!

This world cannot bear the power of these seven Witch Strongs at all!

What's more terrible is that after the seven witches from the upper world came to the famine, they were not affected at all, and they were not impacted by any laws!

What happened to the Emperor of the Ancients at that time finally happened!

There are flaws in the heavens and the earth, and the rules are incomplete.


Of the seven Upper Witch strong, one in the middle of the old Witch murmured slowly, "We are down, this continent is a world of one thousand people!"

"Haha, the creatures in this little thousand world are so weak!"

Another slightly younger Wu tribe grinned, excited, spreading his senses, and unscrupulously inspecting the continent.

"Elder Feng, are you telling the truth?"

Another Witch woman asked, "What rare treasures are there in this little world?"

"It's natural."

The old Witch veteran nodded and said, "Don't look at this small world, the power is low, but this can be regarded as a world. After all, there is no treasure in this world!"

The witches from the upper world spoke so casually, without concealing their own voices and intentions, and they did not look at the people of the vast continent.

In other words, in the eyes of the seven Upper Witch clans, all the creatures of the ten thousand continent are all ants!

Even the Emperor is just a more powerful ant!

Su Zimo was secretly shocked.

This wind elder is right.

At least, the created Qinglian is a treasure from the upper world.

It seems that the sword of heaven kills the sword, the sword of earth kills, also from the upper world!

This is only what Su Zimo knows, he doesn't know, there may be more!

Just listen to the wind elder continued to say: "You must know that if there is any treasure in the upper world, it will surely attract countless strong people to fight and set off a **** storm."

"But in this Nether, as long as we can come down, we can take all the treasures away! The Nether simply cannot threaten our power!"

"But what treasure can there be in this nether?"

Another young witch clan asked, "In this little world, the aura is thin, and there is too much difference between heaven and earth in the upper world!"


Elder Feng smiled and said, "This realm cannot naturally breed any real treasures, but the treasures of the upper realm are very likely to fall into the lower realm!"

"In the legend, the only natural green lotus in heaven and earth has fallen into the Nether and is missing."

"If anyone can get that natural green lotus and nurture it to the state of twelve grades, it will fly into the sky! That is, a lotus seed of that natural green lotus, refined into medicine, can increase countless lifetimes! "

Su Zimo heard a cold heart.

"This matter is not urgent. The laws of this world are incomplete. We can stay for a few days."

Elder Feng said again.

Thousands of years ago, the emperor of the ancient peoples came and was restricted by the law. After not staying long, they returned to the upper bound.

Now, these seven witches have come to the sky, not only did they fall into the realm, they can even stay in the sky for a few days!

"What happened to the Witch tribe? Will you wait for me?"

Elder Feng's eyes turned and fell in the ancestral land of the Wu tribe, said slowly, his voice was not light, but full of majesty, spreading to every corner of the continent!

The four ancestors of the ancestral land of the Wu tribe hurriedly rushed over, bowed down, respected, and said in a deep voice: "The witches are in danger of exterminating the tribe. Please also ask all mystic witches to kill the enemy of the tribe!"


Elder Feng slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Even if the Witch tribe is in the upper realm, it can be regarded as a powerful race. In this small world, there is still the scourge of extermination?"

"What kind of enemy, dare to destroy my witch tribe!"

Elder Feng's voice suddenly became deep and cold, with a bitter chill!

"It's taboo Dragon Phoenix!"

A witch royal turned around quickly, pointing at the real body of the dragon and phoenix over the ancestral land of the witch, and exclaimed: "That's him!"


There was a gleam of light in Elder Feng's eyes, and he was somewhat surprised and said, "It is rare to have such a monster in this little world."

"In addition to Dragon Phoenix, there is a taboo deity!"

Another Witch Witch King said, "Yes, the green lotus you mentioned just now is the real body of that dragon and phoenix!"


Hearing the good fortune Qinglian, the seven elders of the elder wind tribe look forward to glory!

(End of this chapter)

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