Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1737: The only escape route

Chapter 1737: The Only Retreat

"Good luck!"

Elder Feng stretched out his palm, grabbed the elder elder directly across the void, and asked in a condensed voice: "What you just said is the good fortune!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

The voice of the witch royal trembled with a tremor.

Under the palm of this elder Feng, he has no resistance at all!

"Where is the good fortune Qinglian!"

Elder Feng tried hard to suppress the excitement, Shen Shen asked: "What is the true body you just said, what is going on, you come quickly!"

"The Dragon Phoenix Road No. Wuhuang is the Emperor Wuhuang on the continent, almost the strongest person! The Emperor Wu also has a true body. , Become the true body of Qinglian. "

The Witch King said quickly.

"Is it avatar?"

Another Upper Witch tribe frowned slightly, and said, "Can flesh and blood be integrated into the created green lotus? Humanoid created green lotus?"

The Wu Clan Emperor nodded again and again, saying: "Exactly, and the Emperor Qinglian's true body has grown to the top of the eight grades. It is extremely powerful, and the physical body can be a magic weapon!"

"The peak of Bapin!"

Elder Feng heard his eyes bright.


Elder Feng couldn't help laughing anymore, and the wrinkles on his face were piled together, and he said loudly, "God help me too! This is supreme luck!"

"Congratulations Elder Feng."

The six young witches next to him hurriedly congratulated, but in their eyes, there was a jealousy.

Who doesn't care about treasures such as the created Qinglian?

Elder Feng looked excited, and said, "If you can get a good green lotus, the old man can live longer, and he will be able to take that most crucial step!"


The four witch royals also quickly joined.

"Where is that humanoid Qinglian?"

Elder Feng asked quickly.


The four witch royals looked at each other and shook their heads.

They have been arranging sacrifices in the ancestral land of the Wu tribe. It is not clear that Qinglian Zhenshen and Nianqi are in the Kunlun Market.

Su Zimo stood with the protoss such as Nianqi and did not provoke Qi and Blood. These upper-class witch strongs naturally did not notice him.

"You don't know?"

Elder Feng frowned.

"That good-looking Qinglian is a real body forbidden Dragon and Phoenix. As long as you catch him, you can know the whereabouts of Qinglian's real body!"

A witch emperor pointed at Dragon Phoenix and said quickly.


The eyes of the seven Upper Witch clan powerhouses all fall on Long Phoenix's body!

Although there are millions of miles apart, this look seems to be able to pierce countless voids and fall on him, like a thorn in his body, faint pain!

Long Huang Zhen stood up in the air, his body swelled with blood, squinting his eyes, and looking at the seven Upper Witch Tribes.

It is not that he does not want to retire.

There is no escape route!


The elder Feng laughed suddenly, and suddenly reached out his palm, facing the real body of Dragon and Phoenix across the void of a million miles.


The surrounding space of Dragon Phoenix's real body suddenly collapsed, and a huge dark green palm appeared in the void, holding his body tightly!

"Six Tooth Divine Power!"

Dragon Phoenix Real Body erupts directly into a peerless supernatural power!

Behind him, six white and jade-like ivory teeth were stabbed slowly, and the body was permeated with extremely powerful forces, blood and blood flowing!

Dragon Phoenix has pushed the strength in the body to the limit.

But even so, he still couldn't break this dark green palm!

His power seemed so small under this palm.

This scene is like shaking a tree.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of living beings, it was almost the peak of the taboo continent on the continent, and the dragon and the phoenix were forbidden, so they were caught by a dark green hand and dragged towards the wind elder!

The gap is too big!

It's a world of difference!


Kunlun Market.

Su Zimo's face became extremely ugly.

This kind of power is completely beyond their ability to compete.

In that year, the emperor of the ancient people fell to the realm, the realm fell, and only the Yuanshen was seriously injured, and the major fierce emperors could fight one.

Now, the seven Upper Witch clans come and the realm remains unchanged. Under this unknown power of the upper realm, Dragon Phoenix has no resistance!

This is a game without a solution.

Not to mention the martial arts deity hasn't moved much yet.

Even if the martial art deity has some insights, now that he is out of the game, there is no chance of winning under this kind of power!

This gap is like a mortal, facing the emperor of the continent!

As soon as Ye Ling's body moves, she wants to tear the space and go to help Dragon Phoenix's true body.

"do not go!"

Su Zimo quickly stopped him.

Even if the night spirit passed, it was just dying in vain.

"Her Majesty, let's go!"

The old Protoss whispered, "This is too dangerous to stay here!"

The other three Protoss royals nodded.

Fortunately, Nianqi worshiped the corpses of the gods, and they followed them to the Kunlun Market. They were very close to the colorful cave, and they could arrive in a blink of an eye.

If they are still in Zhongzhou or Beiyu, they may not have the opportunity to leave!

"My son, while they don't notice you, hurry up and leave with me!"

Nianqi looked worried, and secretly spoke to Su Zimo: "Go with me to the land of God! The law of God's land is perfect, and these upper-level witches cannot break in."

"My son, this is the only way out!"

Su Zimo pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, but looked at Long Phoenix's true body.

Nianqi knew Su Zimo's intentions, and said, "My son, I know you can't bear it, but Long Huang was captured in real life, and can't be saved, so he can only give up."

"If you stay here, this Qinglian true body will be caught by them sooner or later. By then, both of the two true bodies will fall into their hands!"

"Son, don't hesitate, just follow me!"

Nian Qi was anxious and urged.

Su Zimo's heart didn't know it. Now going to the continent of God is his only retreat.

But Long Phoenix's true body, for him, is not just a true body.

The real body bears everything about Butterfly Moon.

For him, it is a spiritual sustenance.

What's more, the arrival of these seven Upper Witch clans and the thousands of souls on the continent will surely endure a catastrophe!

Under this catastrophe, I don't know how many people will die!

Storytelling elders, little fat men, Lin Xuanji, monkeys and other brothers, Ji Feng, Nine Schools of Xianmen, Seven Demon Sects, Six Temples of Buddha ...

All the old people, everything, I am afraid they will be wiped out and turned into ruins!

Su Zimo is the Emperor of Wu, as the emperor of this world, once martial arts, Bu Wu Cang Sheng, how can now make such a choice, abandon everyone, and leave alone!

"Nianqi, you go first, I'll be there in a little while."

After a pause, Su Zimo said again, "Yaling, you leave here with Nianqi!"

"My son!"

Nian Qi called quietly and did not leave.

She also guessed that Su Zimo never wanted to leave before letting her and Yeling go first.

"I do not go!"

Yeling said slowly.

A family of oracles was born to guard the sky.

What's more, his brothers are here!

(End of this chapter)

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