Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1741: Nirvana

Chapter 1741 Nirvana

"Even if you explode, I will crush your body!"

Elder Feng said resentfully.

After crushing Long Huangzhen's body, his hands fell, and the blood mist filled the sky, extinction of life, and turned into countless dust!

This is really an ashes.

Taboo Dragon Phoenix has no blood, staying in this world.

Kunlun Market.

Su Zimo watched this scene quietly, silent.

The destruction of a real body is nothing to him.

The only thing he felt regrettable was that he failed to cultivate the last magical power and failed to cultivate the Great Demon King's Secret to the full.

"Son, are you okay?"

Nian Qi worried about Su Zimo and asked softly.

"It's all right."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly and murmured, "Unfortunately, I didn't see what the last demon king was."

In the final sight of Long Fengzhen, the light ball shattered, but a flame appeared.

But in this flame, what kind of demon king was born, he had no chance to see, Yuan Shen has already destroyed himself.


Suddenly, Su Zimo's heart moved with a different look.

"what happened?"

Nian Qi asked.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, looking a bit weird, but shook his head, and stared at the place where Longhuang's true body fell.

Normally, the dragon and phoenix's real body spirit exploded, and the flesh and blood died out, it must have been dead!

He could not have any connection with Long Huang Zhen Shen.

But strangely, when Su Zimo was calm and quiet, he could still sense a trace of induction from afar, from the real body of Dragon and Phoenix.

It's just weak, if not.

Isn't Dragon Phoenix really dead?

Thinking of this possibility, even Su Zimo was startled.

Seeing from the eyes of the people of all races, the dragon and the phoenix are protecting themselves, the soul is flying away, and the flesh is ashamed by the wind elder. How can it be alive?

At this moment Su Zimo was thinking wildly, the induction between Long Huang Zhenshen and him has become more and more obvious!

Su Zimo's mind shook and stared into the distance.

Above the sky.

Elder Feng's face was gloomy.

Although the taboo of Dragon and Phoenix will be discouraged, it is still difficult to resolve his hatred!

"What else can I do to get the whereabouts of Qinglian?"

Elder Feng turned his head and looked at the four witch royals in the barren continent, asking coldly.

A witch royal rushed forward and said, "Predecessor of Qixuan Xuanwu, there are still many close friends on this continent. As long as you catch them, you will be able to find out where Qinglian is. "

The words of the Majestic Emperor did not hide his voice. The old storyteller and the long monks could hear clearly.


Lin Xuanji sank in his heart and cursed.

The Witch Witch King said these words, apparently to cut the sword to their side!

"Where are they?"

Elder Feng asked.

Sure enough, I saw the witch emperor pointing quickly at the Valley of Dragon Skeletons and Shen said, "The emperors of the tribe over there, as well as the dragon, the dais, and the barbarians are desolate friends!"

"If they can't ask them, there are still some people who are close to the deserted Wu!"

Another Wong emperor pointed at the direction of the northern border and said: "Xuanwu seniors rest assured that none of these people can escape!"

"it is good!"

Elder Feng slowly nodded, and said blankly, "Just ask these lower-bound ants first, I don't believe it, I can't find the whereabouts of Qinglian!"

The four Witch Kings straightened their backs, looking at the storytelling old men and other kings over the valley of Dragon Skeletons. They looked proudly and exclaimed: "Xuanhuang, this is retribution!"

"Thousands of years ago, you summoned the emperor of all ages, but you thought of today!"

The storyteller was silent.

A thousand years ago, he had no choice.

If the Emperor of the Ancients had not come, the human race would have been lost, and it would not even be possible today!

But if the emperor of the ancient peoples came to heaven, breaking the world of heaven, making this world lacking, the law is incomplete, and it will not allow these upper-class witches to come down.

Moreover, the realm of these upper world witches did not fall, and still possessed the power from the upper world!

"Catch these ants, and I will interrogate them one by one!"

Elder Feng said lightly.


The remaining six Upper Witches agreed, and they had to start.


There was a strange wave in the empty space next to it.


Elder Feng and others turned their eyes.

I saw a cluster of flames the size of a fingertip, reddish, erratic, not far from the void, and it seemed that a gust of wind could blow out.

It is extraordinary to be able to condense in the void space!

"The smell of this flame seems a little familiar ..."

Elder Feng frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

"It's that ball of light!"

Elder Feng suddenly remembered something.

He just crushed the body of Taboo Dragon Phoenix and crushed a ball of light by the way.

In that ball of light, there was a flame floating, exactly like the flame of the flame in front of me!


Elder Feng suddenly smiled, and said, "Under my palm, the flesh of Taboo Dragon and Phoenix has all turned to ashes. This flame did not go out?"

At this moment of work, this flame is getting bigger and bigger.

At first it was only the size of a fingertip, and it quickly became the size of a fist. In the end, it blazed and evolved into a huge fireball, just like a hot sun!

All living creatures stared at their eyes, looking at this scene with confusion.

"Supernatural power?"

A Upper Witch cried suddenly.

In this huge fireball, there is even a powerful magical power!

"It's a peerless superpower!"

Elder Feng said slowly.

As soon as the words fell, in this fireball, there was a huge vitality, and blood was flowing, and it was almost going to burst out!


In the fireball, a roaring sound like a dragon's yin and a phoenix's sound came across the world, and all the people were shocked!

This is the howling of taboo dragon and phoenix!

"My God! Taboo Dragon and Phoenix are not dead!"

"How is it possible that the Yuanshens are all gone and their bodies are so dead that they are not dead?"

There were screams of exclamation from all parts of the continent.


"I know."

At Kunlun Market, Su Zimo seemed to realize something and murmured.

"what happened?"

Nianqi couldn't help asking, surprised and happy.

Su Zimo said: "The fourth light sphere is broken, and the last magical power is Nirvana magical power!"

Legend has it that the Undead Phoenix has a powerful ability to regenerate Nirvana!

But in fact, every time Nirvana is full of immense danger to Shenhuang!

Because Nirvana has a 90% probability that it will fail, and only 10% will succeed.

Therefore, less than a last resort, even the God Phoenix will not use Nirvana.

Of course, if Nirvana succeeds, the combat power of Undead Phoenix will be greatly improved!

In the last light sphere, in the flame, the last demon king bred is the immortal Phoenix!

However, in the eyes of Su Zimo, there is still no lightness.

Even if Nirvana succeeds and rebirth, Long Huang really realizes the third superb supernatural power, and is still vulnerable to Elder Feng.

Nothing but to die again.

(End of this chapter)

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