Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1742: Who do you scold?

Chapter 1742 Who Do You Scold Little Animals?

"It's Nirvana!"

Elder Feng felt this wave of power permeating the flames, his eyes narrowed.

"Unexpectedly, this Dragon Phoenix has a lot of cards in his hands." Another Upper Witch clan was also a bit surprised.

Elder Feng smiled slightly and said: "Nirvana magical power, as a peerless magical power, is really powerful, and can be reborn by fire, which is equivalent to breaking the law of life and death."

"But Nirvana's magical powers are extremely restrictive, and the probability of Nirvana's success is extremely low. Even the gods of the upper world cannot dare to use nirvana magical powers easily."

The Wu woman next to her said: "I heard that after Nirvana succeeds, the combat power will be significantly improved after rebirth."

"so what?"

Elder Feng smiled and said, "This little beast is nothing more than going through another baptism of supernatural power. No matter how much his combat power improves, he can't bridge the gap with us!"


Another Upper Witch tribe also laughed and said, "This dragon and phoenix are resurrected, and Elder Feng can just release the soul-searching method again!"

"This time, he wanted to expose himself to the gods. It was impossible!"

Elder Feng said quietly.

In the void, the flames billowed.

Born in the fire, Long Phoenix gradually recovered her consciousness, and she also knew what was happening to her.

The power of Nirvana's supernatural power constantly baptizes his flesh and blood.

Longhuang Zhenshen can clearly feel that the power in the body is rapidly rising!

The physical fire becomes more tenacious and unshakable.

The blood is in the Nirvana flame, and the baptism is even more pure!

Yuan Shen is also more condensed, with flames lingering around, like dozens of fire dragons circling around!

The whole person stood in the flame, as if burned through by the flames from the inside out, and burst out a crimson brilliance, the sky was full of sky!

This time, let alone besiege by three fierce clan emperors like the Hades.

Even if it is the five top fierce royal emperors, Dragon Phoenix can kill them all!

But across the blazing flames, looking at the seven upper-world witches not far from the opposite side, the look of Dragon and Phoenix's true body was still a little dignified.

Because, even if he understands Nirvana's supernatural powers, his combat power is improved, and this change is still not enough to fight against the upper-level Witch strong!

Su Zimo sighed in his heart.

In fact, it was at the moment that Long Huang Zhensheng was reborn and regained consciousness that he realized that Butterfly Moon had good intentions.

Although Dieyue left, she still couldn't rest assured.

He even left him three gifts, although he still doesn't know what the third gift is so far.

But the first two gifts, Wuyouhua and Shenhuang Bone, helped him too much on his spiritual journey!

Because of the worry-free flower, which replaced the role of the spiritual root, he was able to step into practice.

And because of the worry-free flower, he was able to regenerate at the bottom of the Dragon Valley, and Jin Dan was born again!

Dieyue even worried that he couldn't bear too much blow, and still left two words in the ancient temple buried at the bottom of Dragon Valley.

The God Phoenix bone has saved his life countless times!

In the end, he used the blood in the bones of the **** phoenix to fuse with the blood of the dragon clan, and evolved into a taboo of the people, dragon and phoenix!

Butterfly Yue left Nirvana supernatural power at last and passed it on to him.

This is equivalent to giving him an extra life!

What is anti-day change?

This is!

With Nirvana's supernatural power, Su Zimo can be reborn in a fire, his combat power is greatly increased, and the enemy can be killed with great probability!

Normally, this is true.

A battle with the top emperors of the five fierce clan, even if Long Huang Zhenshen didn't realize the instant fragrant, was killed on the spot.

Long Phoenix Zhenshen also has the opportunity to rebirth Nirvana, when the time will also kill the Witch King and others!

Su Zimo smiled slightly.

Butterfly Moon has almost everything.

But Butterfly Moon is not omniscient, omnipotent.

Not even Yueyue can think that today, Su Zimo is not facing an opponent on the continent, but a strong enemy from the upper world!

His strong enemy Su Zimo could not compete with!

Above the sky.

Long Huang Zhen Shen suddenly took a deep breath.

The burning flames surrounding him turned into a ray of fire, all pouring into his mouth and nose, blending with his physical blood as much as possible!

Dragon Phoenix is ​​coming back!

This is an extremely exciting thing, but whether it is the emperors of the race or the souls of all races, they are all in a heavy mood and their faces are dim.

Everywhere on the continent is shrouded in sadness and the atmosphere is depressed!

Someone with a little eyesight knows that even if Dragon Phoenix is ​​born again, it will not help, but it will be killed again without mercy!

"Live here, good."

Elder Feng nodded his head with a smile, and did not talk nonsense with Dragon Phoenix at all, and directly released the horrible sense of knowledge, completely locked Dragon Phoenix's awareness of the sea!

This time, the Dragon Phoenix Primordial wants to explode, there is no chance!

Approaching, Elder Feng reached out his palm and grabbed at Long Huangzhen!

Before this palm came, the void around Dragon Phoenix had collapsed!


The qi and blood in Long Huangzhen's body seemed to feel a huge stimulus, and it ran on its own, bursting out, setting off waves of tidal waves, qi and blood quickly rising to the limit!

The thick blood was permeated, and around the real body of the dragon and phoenix, a horrible monster with a huge body was quickly gathered!

Demon King!

Stone Bear Demon King!

Anaconda King!

Blood ape demon king!

God foal demon king!

Underworld Tiger King!

Wind Leopard Demon King!

Desolate Dragon King!

Zhenhai Ling Turtle!

Golden-winged Dapeng!

Six Tooth Idol!

Undead Phoenix!

The twelve demon kings in the Great Wild Demon King's Secret, all of them are manifested, lifelike, eye-catching, exuding a terrifying atmosphere!

Blood Vision of Dragon Phoenix Real Body!

The twelve demon kings protected Dragon and Phoenix in the middle, which was a shocking scene.

But the emperors of the races couldn't bear it, and sighed.

In the eyes of everyone, this is just the dying struggle of Long Phoenix Zhenshen.

Long Huang really looked at the twelve demon kings around him, looking a little confused.

This blood vision was not his will, but his own operation and manifestation.


Elder Feng sighed softly: "Trapped beasts fight, break me!"

The palms of Elder Feng's hands were just a little bit of capacity, and the twelve demon kings were crushed and crushed as much as possible, and turned back into red crimson demon.

The palms of Elder Feng continued to gather.

These crimson enchantments are still turbulent and have not disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, all the demon spirits condensed and transformed into a butterfly in front of Su Zimo.

This butterfly is nothing but a bird, with blood-stained wings stretched, and two bright moons printed on it, like a pair of cold eyes, watching the elder wind opposite!

Elder Feng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and he was inexplicably upset.

This feeling made him very upset.

"Little beast, you're not dead!"

Elder Feng's gaze was stern, and he sneered, "Look at me, I have ruined your vision!"

"Who are you calling a small animal?"


In the air, a sound of indifference and coldness sounded.

This is a woman's voice, not trivial.

Everyone else is wondering who this voice is.

But when Su Zimo heard this voice, he was so shocked that he looked at the Scarlet Butterfly in disbelief. His body was out of control and shook slightly!

Although many years have passed, he is also most familiar with this voice!

(End of this chapter)

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