Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1749: Unique style

Chapter 1749

Afterwards, Yueyue waved her wide robe sleeves, and struck at the many mantras that came down.


A loud noise!

These mantras burst into pieces!

Butterfly Moon's robe sleeves were red as blood. After defeating these mantras, the strength was not diminished, and he hit the earth witch heavily!


The earth witch's physical body was torn apart by this seemingly weak robe sleeve, the Yuanshen was dead, and his body was dead!

Butterfly Moon's eyes turned, looking at the sky, the huge skull did not reach out, but Tankou slightly opened, exhaling a white gas.


This white gas, like a long sword, burst out with a sharp edge, soared up into the sky, directly submerged into the huge skull head!

"Breathe into a sword!"

Su Zimo was shocked.

These methods are nothing in the field of cultivation, which is very common.

Anyone with a strong heart and a terrifying breath can do this.

But this long sword condensed in one breath can rise up against the sky, sink into Jiuxiao, and confront the weapons of the land witch strong in the upper world. This method has completely surpassed Su Zimo's perception!


This mountain-like skull started to collapse, and countless bone scum fell from the air.

This earth witch's weapon was turned into a sword by Butterfly's breath, and it was cut to pieces!


The earth witch standing behind the skull's head, with dark eyes on one side of his head, fell from mid-air, leaving no trace of life in his body.


Dieyue exhaled into a sword, not only destroying his weapons, but also killing him on the spot!

In a blink of an eye, there were only four earth witches left!

The butterfly moon was standing in front of Su Zimo, and the magical magic of the four earth witches erupted, without any strength, falling on Su Zimo's body!

The people of all races looked up, staring at this scene with stuns, their expressions shocked!

The strong man in a blood robe, although a woman, was extremely powerful. He struck the world and suppressed the strong in the upper world with an almost invincible attitude!

Not to mention other creatures, even the great emperors on the barren continent have been completely convinced!

This woman in a blood robe is like an emperor.

Domineering, strong, invincible!

Long Ran grinned and said, "I saw her at the bottom of the buried Longgu that year, but where did I think she was so scary!"

The palm of the storyteller was also trembling slightly.

He found an ancient book from the storage bag, and seemed to want to record something on it.

But after a long time, he didn't write a word, only a long sigh.

"The emperor of ancient times can also be recorded or described in words, but this predecessor, I can't describe anything in style, I am afraid!"

The storytelling old man was a storyteller in the Xuanji Palace, and he will record every major event on the continent.

But at this moment, the old storyteller couldn't write a word.

Above the sky.

The nine resentful babies looked stern, with a shouting cry in their mouths, staring at the green eyes, and had already fluttered in front of Butterfly Moon!

Dieyue was motionless and had no intention to shoot, so she stood there, looking calm.

Nine resentful babies rushed to the front of Butterfly Moon, as if they had been frightened. The cricket on their face suddenly disappeared, and all turned into fear!

Nine blame babies, of course it is impossible to know Butterfly Moon.

But they are the most sensitive, and they smell a terrible breath in Butterfly Moon's body!

In the eyes of the nine resentful babies, there was no resentment, but there was a trace of petition.

Nine babies, holding their hands together and constantly struggling towards the butterfly moon, looked awkward, but extremely pathetic.

Although they were condensed by the power of supernatural powers, they felt that the woman in the blood robe in front of them could give them real relief!

"Let's go."

Dieyue spoke and said softly.

The colors of the nine babies began to change, from dark green to pink and healthy skin.

In the eyes of the nine babies, there was a trace of relief.

Soon, the nine babies dissipated between heaven and earth, and became invisible!

Dieyue didn't even take a shot, just said three words, and broke this great magical power!

Not only that, this time Butterfly Moon also completely cut off the source of the power of this great magical power, this earth witch can no longer condense this magical power in the future!

The witch had a pale face and a terrified look.

He also realized that the woman in the blood robe in front of him was not what he could resist at all!

Between thoughts, he flickered, turned and fled towards the crack above the sky!

"Cultivate such a venomous supernatural power, cause and effect, and today is your death!"

Butterfly Yue said, holding out his hand, and holding it gently across the void.


Before the earth witch could escape into the crack, his body turned into a mist of blood, and he died on the spot!

The four great powers of the Witch Realm all fell down!

Butterfly Yue waved her hand to gather up the storage bags of the seven former black witches and the four earth witches.

Butterfly Moon's palm was slightly hardened, and all of these storage bags were shattered, and the contents inside were revealed.

Die Yue didn't even glance at it, and handed it to Su Zimo, and said, "Take these things away."

Normally, even though these upper-level witches fell, there are still marks of their gods on their storage bags.

With Su Zimo's power, there is no way to open it.

Butterfly Yue thought of this, without erasing any marks of consciousness, she shattered all the storage bags directly!

"What's all this?"

Su Zimo took it over, with some confusion in his eyes.

There are a lot of things in these upper world witch storage bags, elixir, weapons, and various materials.

But most of these things are not known to Su Zimo.

He has never seen many materials.

Dieyue glanced casually and said, "These witches are very poor and have nothing good. Most of these things are witches' things, and for you, they are not very useful."

"Those bottles of elixir, you keep them."

Dieyue pointed to several of these medicine bottles and said, "This is Ning Yuan Dan, which is the most commonly used elixir when practicing in the Upper Realm and Xuan Yuan Realm."

"Ningyuandan not only conceives the vitality of the heavens and the earth, but after taking it, it also helps the practitioners to better absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth."

Su Zimo moved in his heart and asked, "If I now take Ning Yuandan to practice, can I control the heaven and earth?"

"Of course not."

Dieyue shook her head and said, "You haven't crossed the calamity yet. Only flesh and blood, the Yuanshen who has survived the calamity, can try to absorb and contain the vitality of the world."

"Although you are the dragon and phoenix now, if you take this Ning Yuan Dan, you can't bear the power in this elixir, you will explode on the spot!"

Su Zimo dumbfounded his tongue.

In the upper world, it is just the most common elixir, which has such a terrifying power!

No good night

(End of this chapter)

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