Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1750: One-eyed creature

Chapter 1750 One-Eyed Life

Dieyue glanced again, pointing at the seven baby fist-sized stones, saying: "This is the Yuanling Stone, which contains a strong heaven and earth vitality. It is also an important cultivation resource. The preciousness is far from those condensed. Above Yuandan! "

"Based on my current practice, still unable to absorb the vitality of the heaven and earth inside?" Su Zimo asked.

Dieyue shook her head slightly, and said, "Don't say it's your current state. Even if you cross the calamity and rise to become a monk in Xuanyuan Realm, you can't absorb the vitality of the heaven and earth inside."

"This Yuanling Stone is something that can only be absorbed by the monk of the Yuanyuan Realm. The monk of the Yuanyuan Realm wants to absorb the vitality of the heavens and earth inside, unless he practices the top taboo secrets of the upper world!"

"Forbidden secrets?"

As soon as Su Zimo moved, he had heard the term mentioned by Yue Yue, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Forbidden secrets, on par with several great Supreme Masters, these are too far away from you, and telling you is useless." Dieyue did not continue.

Su Zimo nodded, without questioning, just carefully put a few bottles of Ning Yuan Dan and seven Yuan Ling Stones into separate storage bags and put them away.

Butterfly Yue was about to speak, and suddenly frowned, looking up.


A loud noise!

In the crack above the sky, suddenly came down a huge sole, thick thighs, like a pillar of heaven!

This huge sole carries the momentum of extinction, forming a huge shadow, descending from the sky and stepping on the East China Sea!

The East China Sea instantly caused a huge tsunami that swept the Quartet!

Suddenly, in the East China Sea, countless creatures were trampled to death by this foot!

Thousands of creatures look horrified!

The bottomless East China Sea has set off huge waves, but these tens of waves are so high that they haven't even lost the ankle of this creature!

The barbaric strong man turned pale and looked up.

At the end of the eyes of the Heavenly Destroyer, I still can't see the whole picture of this creature!

To be precise, one thigh of this living creature has penetrated the entire world of the continent!

"Not over yet?"

Butterfly Moon looked colder, waved his sleeves, and threw it towards this thigh that penetrated the world.

The crimson robe sleeve, as if transformed into a blood-colored long knife, passed directly across this thigh!


This thigh of the sky, the sleeve of the butterfly, was cut directly into two!

Blood spewed out, staining the East China Sea with blood red!

The lower half of the thigh fell heavily in the East China Sea, setting off waves of blood!


Above the sky, there was a roar of pain and anger!


Immediately below, a huge palm came down from the sky, covering the sky and catching the butterfly towards the moon.

This huge palm seems to envelop Zhongshan, which is so vast!

Thousands of creatures are shocked!

Where have they seen such a huge creature!

One palm covers the sky, covering Zhongzhou.

One foot is enough to fill the East China Sea!

The most important thing is that so far, the tens of thousands of creatures have not seen the whole picture of this creature, and do not know what kind of creature it is!

Butterfly Moon's look remained unchanged, looking at the palm that came towards her, the backhand was a punch.

The fist of Butterfly Moon is like dust compared with this big hand covering the sky.

But this punch passed, but the palm of the hand was torn apart!

"Roar! Roar!"

Above the sky, the growl grew louder.

Consecutive blows have sent this creature into a rage!


There was a gloom in the sky.

A large shadow slowly descended, and in the middle of this shadow, a huge eye appeared, fierce and cruel, with endless anger and murder!

Millions of creatures have never seen such a huge eye!

This eye, like the stars in the sky, is filled with powerful coercion!

In the minds of thousands of people, a picture can't help but flash.

There was a creature like a giant **** who stepped into the wasteland with one foot and probed into the wasteland with one hand. After being severely damaged, he now leaned down and wanted to see what happened!

That shadow is this soul's face!

On this creature's face, there are five noses and five ears, and only one huge one-eyed!


Dieyue snorted softly, raised her hand toward the one eye above the sky, and gently pointed.

This jade-like finger broke through, like a sharp sword, submerged directly into this one-eyed eye!


This one-eyed was blinded by the finger of the butterfly!


This creature roared, uttered a stern roar, and the sound was getting farther and farther, apparently fleeing the continent!


In the cracks of the sky, a huge ancient bell came down!

The surface of this ancient bell is filled with runes, simple and mysterious, exuding a strong breath, overwhelming terror!

The breath emanating from this ancient bell seems to be even worse than the one-eyed creature just now!

Dieyue waved her sleeves and drew heavily towards this ancient bell!


Butterfly Moon's sleeves drew above the ancient bell, and a long, loud bell sounded!

The heavens in the wilderness, cracked by these bells, are dense!

The ancient clock did not recede, but instead shrouded over the head of Butterfly Moon, and seemed to want to fight against Butterfly Moon!

Butterfly Yue's eyes were magnificent, she reached out her palm and patted towards the ancient clock.


The ancient bell trembled and a bell erupted.

Immediately afterwards, the runes on Gu Zhong's body burst out, shining with a dazzling divine light, covering the palm of the butterfly moon.

Looking at the posture of this ancient bell, it is actually to fight against the butterfly and the moon!

puff! puff! puff!

These runes collided with the palm of the butterfly moon, and they shattered, unable to resist the power of the butterfly moon at all!


Among the flashes of light and light, the palm of the butterfly moon shattered many runes and shattered them on the ancient bell!

Su Zimo can clearly see that above the ancient bell, a large pit was deeply collapsed, and the palm print of Butterfly Moon was clearly printed on it!


The ancient bell seemed to have a spiritual generality, sending out waves of wailing.


On top of this ancient bell, a huge and powerful force burst forth, and the brilliance was diffused, forming a halo.

On the surface of the ancient clock, the brilliance flows.

I saw that the deep pit palm print on the ancient bell was gradually recovering!

"Don't dare to show up, take down a psychic artifact and test it! I don't want you, a psychic artifact!"

Butterfly Moon looked cold, this time leaped up, left Su Zimo's side, and rushed towards the ancient clock.

Since the war, Dieyue left Su Zimo's side for the first time, apparently preparing to go all out to leave this ancient bell!

The ancient bell seemed to feel the crisis and did not dare to stay. He quickly turned into a streamer and fled towards the crack in the sky!

Dieyue was about to chase, but suddenly her face changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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