Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1751: White shirt men

Chapter 1751: White Shirt Man

In the crack in the sky, a figure suddenly fell down.

The man's black hair was scattered, and he was dressed in a white shirt. He looked handsome and energetic. His eyes were like stars, and his hands were as elegant as a fairy!

This seems to be a human race!

The Terrans of the Upper Realm!


The man in a white shirt stood up in the air, glanced across the continent, groaned softly, and said, "This small world is good, and all peoples coexist ... Hey, there is still a god?"


The gaze of the man in white shirt suddenly fell on the body of Long Phoenix, sniffed, his eyes lightened, and said, "The breath of Long Phoenix!"


The man in white shirt laughed a long time, and said, "Yes, yes! This oracle, dragon and phoenix, just happen to be able to catch me and be my fairy's pet!"

"However, after this king came down, he still had to look for the green Qinglian, oh ... where is it?"

The man in white shirt looked around.

Between a few breaths, the gaze of the man in white shirt fell directly on Kunlun Market, Qinglian's body!

Su Zimo just felt cold, and his hair was standing up!

"Hiding here!"

The man in a white shirt stunned and said, "I never thought that it would be so rare to blend with flesh and blood."

Under the gaze of the man in the white shirt, Su Zimo only felt that he was seen through all over his body, as if there was no secret at all!

Su Zimo was secretly shocked.

You know, the strong men who came down from the upper world, no matter the Wu tribe, the one-eyed creature, or the ancient bell, did not find the true body of Qinglian!

And this white-shirt man, he could find him the first time!

Although he didn't know that this white-shirt man's cultivation was a realm, but this man was definitely more terrible than all the previous upper-mighty men!


The white-shirted man's eyes fell on Nianqi's body again, his eyes brightened, and said, "Yes, this Protoss woman is very good, and her looks are all superb, I can just take it back!"


The white-shirted man's body flickered, and in a moment, he had already fallen over the Kunlun Market.

The man in white shirt looked at Su Zimo and said, "My King refining the elixir just lacks the natural green lotus. After refining you, the elixir will become a success!"

"You can be considered as deadly as the alchemy material of your king."

The man in white shirt proudly said that he reached out his palm directly and grabbed at Su Zimo!

Su Zimo's body suddenly flashed a **** figure.

"court death!"

A white light flickered through the eyes of the man in the white shirt, and an extremely horrifying force burst out from the palm of his hand, striking towards the butterfly moon.

Butterfly Moon's look remained the same, just an understatement, a backhand.


The two played against each other, collided a little, and touched each other with a loud noise!

The man in the white shirt was shocked, his face changed slightly!

Su Zimo was also secretly shocked.

Since the war, this white-shirted man is the only one who can block the blow from Butterfly Moon without being injured!

Not only that, this man in white shirt did not even take a step back!

Su Zimo couldn't help worrying.

But Dieyue's expression was calm, her eyes were still calm, she just looked at the white shirt man coldly.

"who are you?"

The man in white shirt narrowed his eyes and asked intently.


Butterfly Yue did not say a word.

Su Zimo's heart moved.

Butterfly Moon's temperament, decisive decision, normally, will never talk nonsense with this white shirt man, and will not let him leave.

But now, Yueyue seems to have some scruples.

Could this white-shirt man be so powerful that he could threaten Butterfly Moon?

"You are just a blood vision. How strong can you be?"

The angle of the mouth of the man in the white shirt was slightly tilted, and at a glance the butterfly's reality was broken.

Die Yue said lightly: "You are just a clone."

"This is the gap!"

The man in a white shirt proudly said, "My King, who has his own primordial god, is the result of my King's cultivation for more than 100,000 years! What a bloodline vision you can compare!

"My lord of nature, Qinglian, of this little world!"

The man in white shirt whispered: "Whoever dares to stop me today, I will kill anyone! Even if your true body dares to come, I will dare to kill!"

The words didn't fall, and a white shirt suddenly appeared in the eyebrows of the man in white shirt!


Su Zimo, Nian Qi and others, under this glorious group, felt a tremendous pressure and couldn't help humming!

This brilliance is even more dazzling and dazzling than the scorching sun above the sky. It contains an extremely horrifying coercion!

"The avatar actually cultivates to this realm?"

Butterfly Moon squinted slightly.

"I'm sorry now, it's too late!"

The man in the white shirt gave a low drink, the brilliance in the eyebrows, burst into a terrifying force, poured into his hands!

This terror force quickly gathered a huge sword in the palm of a white shirt man!

Although this long sword is not a real weapon, it is even more powerful than the ancient bell just now!

"Cut me!"

The man in the white shirt raised his sword and beheaded towards the butterfly moon!

"Want to kill me?"

Dieyue looked cold and said, "It seems that you don't know who I am!"

The words didn't fall, and Butterfly Moon's figure suddenly disappeared.

In the air, a scarlet butterfly about the size of a bird appeared!

On the wings of this blood-colored butterfly, two full moons are printed, like a pair of eyes, staring coldly at the white shirt man!

Su Zimo held his breath.

Before this, Butterfly Moon has never transfigured her own body.

Just shoot casually, and suppress the strong in the upper world as much as possible!

But now, in the face of this white-shirt man, Dieyue turned out to be the form of the body!


The man in white shirt sneered: "The butterfly family has only golden emperor butterflies. Some strength, you red butterfly ..."

The white shirt man seemed to think of something, and suddenly couldn't go on!

"you you……"

The white-blooded man's face faded, his eyes glared, and he was terrified, his arms trembling slightly, pointing at Yueyue, and trembling, "You are, you are the blood butterfly of the wild!"

As soon as the voice fell, the white-shirted man didn't want to, just turned and fled!

Butterfly Moon fluttered.

The trembling was minimal.

But the figure of the white-shirt man suddenly shivered violently. Between his hands, the long sword that had just condensed revealed a huge crack!

Click! Click!


A loud noise!

This glorious long sword is shattering!

The man in the white shirt vomited blood and looked horrified and wanted to continue to escape.

But Butterfly Moon's wings trembled again!

This time, as if in mid-air, rolled up a terrifying storm, destroying the world, and instantly fell on the white shirt man!

The flesh and blood of men in white shirts kept falling off in the storm, and blood splattered everywhere!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

There was a scream of screams from the white shirt man.

"Blood Butterfly ... Emperor ... Rao ..."

During the storm, the voice of the man in white shirt came out intermittently, as if begging for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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