Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1752: Daoguo

Chapter 1752 Dao Fruit

The man in white shirt begged for mercy, Butterfly Moon looked indifferent and ignored.

Since she has already shot, and has settled a big grudge, she won't let him leave!

Butterfly Moon re-transformed into an adult form, lotus step nudged into the terrible storm!

This storm is tearing the flesh and blood of the man in white shirt frantically. Between several breaths, the man in white shirt has been swept into a skeleton by the storm!

But in this white shirt man's body, there is still a strong and vigorous vitality, struggling against the surrounding storms!

Su Zimo Ning looked away.

Through the storms, we can see that the skull of this white-shirt man is bred with a brilliance of the size of a goose and an egg.

Even in the storm of terror, this group of Guanghua is still inexhaustible, filled with a ray of divine light, poured into the bones of the white-shirted man, maintaining vitality.

If not, the white shirt man has been torn to pieces by the storm!

Butterfly Yue went into the storm, stretched out her palm, and landed on the white spirit of the man in white shirt!

I saw Dieyue's palm forcefully, and the white, delicate jade fingers penetrated directly into the skull of the man in white shirt!


With a sound of infiltration, Butterfly Yue probed, and directly picked up the Tianling cover of this white-shirt man!


The man in white shirt screamed again and again.

Dieyue turned a deaf ear, with a calm look, and the white palms went straight into the head of the white-shirted man, grabbed the glorious brilliance in the palm, and took it out!

"You, you do bad things ..."

The white shirt man didn't finish the last sentence.

It seems that Butterfly Moon took out the blazing light group, which is equivalent to cutting off the source of strength of the white shirt man.

In an instant, his body and bones were destroyed by the fierce storm and his body was broken!

Butterfly Yue gently waved his sleeves, the storm dispersed.

Between heaven and earth, it returned to normal again, as if the scene just happened was just an illusion.

Butterfly Yue took off the white shirt men's storage bag and shook it directly.

There are a lot of things scattered in the storage bag, elixir, exercises, and weapons, which are many times more than those of the black witch and earth witch!

Although these things are not recognized by Su Zimo, they can also be seen. The contents of the white shirt men's storage bag are obviously better!

More importantly, there are tens of thousands of Yuanling Stones mentioned by Butterfly Moon in this storage bag!

At this time, Su Zimo didn't know that this Yuanling Stone was precious in the upper world.

Yuanling Stone, not only cultivates resources in the upper world, it is also a hard currency circulating in the upper world!

You know, the Xuanxian of the Upper Realm cannot absorb the vitality in the Yuanling Stone, and there is almost no Yuanling Stone.

The tens of thousands of Yuanling Stones are among the immortals, and they can be regarded as a lot of money!

This time, without having to wait for the butterfly's guidance, Su Zimo packed all these Yuanling Stones in a storage bag and kept them.

In the palm of the butterfly moon, there was the glorious brilliance.

I saw her palm with a little bit of capacity, and this group of Guanghua soon faded.

In a blink of an eye, there was only a round egg of the size of a goose egg in her palm, which looked ordinary and very common.

There are a few lines on this round jade.

Butterfly Yue came to Su Zimo, handed the egg-sized jade to Su Zimo, and said lightly: "This is the man's Tao fruit, which embodies this man's Taoism."

Su Zimo was about to take over. Hearing this sentence, his heart was shocked!

He suddenly thought of the deity of martial arts!

Martial arts deity is the fruit of martial arts.

But the fruit of martial arts is very special.

Because he founded martial arts, was blessed with ambition, united martial arts uprights, contained martial arts will, and merged into the beliefs of sentient beings, only a fruit of martial arts condensed.

This Tao fruit in the heart of Butterfly Moon is obviously not the same as the fruit of his martial arts!

Butterfly Yue thought what Su Zimo was worried about, and said: "The power of this Tao fruit has been sealed by me, and there is no threat to you."

"Of course, based on your current practice, you are still far from reaching this level. You can temporarily put it away and wait until a certain practice is achieved. This Daoguo may be useful to you."

Although Butterfly Moon spoke softly and lightly, Su Zimo still heard it. The value of this Tao fruit is obviously much greater than any Yuanling Stone!

"Butterfly girl, please accept this Dao fruit."

Su Zimo said.

"What am I going to do?"

The corner of Butterfly Moon's mouth slightly tilted, shaking his head, "Although this thing is precious, it can't get into my eyes. Put it on me, and I throw it away."

After that, Dieyue threw away.

Su Zimo quickly stepped forward to catch it and placed it on a storage bag alone.

"What does this man do in the upper world?"

Su Zimo couldn't help asking.

"His true body should be similar to that of the man you said."

Butterfly Yue said lightly.

After a pause, Dieyue said again, "This person is a man in the heavens. With his cultivation, he has a high status in the heavens and can break the earth and seal the king."

"His avatar, who has cultivated to this level, has condensed Dao fruit, and it is very difficult. Now I destroy his avatar, it is regarded as a big grievance with him. He naturally dare not seek revenge from me, but if you rise to heaven, be careful."

"Of course, if you can ascend to the wild, you don't need to worry about this person, I will take care of you."

Su Zimo suddenly remembered something.

When Dieyue saw this person, she didn't make the first shot, but let the person get away.

Unfortunately, the man in the white shirt didn't recognize the origin of Butterfly Moon at the time, and wanted to kill Butterfly Moon, and ended up in this end.

At that time, Su Zimo thought that this person was not a young man, and even Butterfly Moon had some scruples.

Now that he understands, Yue Yue is worried about him!

At the same time, Su Zimo's heart raised a little emotion.

He originally thought that he had cultivated the two true bodies of Qinglian and Longhuang himself, which was already an unprecedented evil.

Unexpectedly, the only white-shirted man also has a avatar, and his two true identities are the same!

Even the avatar of the white shirt man is more powerful and more scary!

Fortunately, he also has a martial art deity.

Martial arts deity not even noticed by Yueyue!

In Su Zimo's heart, there are countless confusions, countless words, want to ask, talk.

But Butterfly Yue shook her head at this moment.

"Wait a minute."

Butterfly Yue looked at the crack above the sky, and said, "If this crack cannot be repaired, I am afraid that there will be more upper-bound life.

"My vision is about to dissipate. Let's make up the crack first."

After that, Dieyue stood up and flew towards the sky.

It was not until this time that Su Zimo realized that after this battle, Butterfly Moon's figure seemed to have become a bit illusory, not as solid as it was at first.

Butterfly Moon in front of him, after all, is just a condensed vision of his blood, even Butterfly Moon's avatar is not counted.

Consecutive battles consume a great deal of this bloodline vision!

(End of this chapter)

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