Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1753: Make up for leaving

Chapter 1753 Departure To Make Up For The Sky

Under the gaze of the living creatures of the various races, Butterfly Moon stood on the sky and waved his hands, and filled with a glorious ray of gods, falling on the crack.

The crack was pulled by an invisible force, slowly closing together, like a miracle!

Butterflies make up the sky!

This scene is extremely shocking!

The storytelling old man, the dragon burned, the emperors of the human race showed deep admiration, bowed their heads, and worshiped toward the **** figure on the sky.

Everyone knows that if this rift is still there, the souls of the heavenly continent may suffer doom at any time, and the calamity is imminent!

Butterfly Moon's move is equivalent to saving the entire wasteland continent!

As long as the heavens and the earth are complete and the rules are complete, it is too difficult for people in the upper world to come down!

First of all, some people in the Nether have to release the secret method to summon.

Today, the Wu tribe is destroyed. No one except the storyteller old man knows this secret method.

Secondly, even if someone calls, the people in the upper realm must have extremely powerful cultivation to do it!

At least stand by with the emperor!

More importantly, even if the emperor of the ancient ages came, they also suffered a fierce backlash, the physical collapse, the primordial tragedy, and the realm fell!

Until now, they have not been able to re-establish contact with the Imperial Palace.

Who would be so sacrificed in order to save the wild life like the emperor of all ages?

There is only one Emperor of all ages.

The whole process of supplementing the sky lasts a long time, and the consumption of the butterfly moon is also extremely great.

Su Zimo can clearly see that Butterfly Moon's figure is becoming more and more bleak, more and more empty, it seems that it will collapse at any time and disappear from the continent!

Su Zimo was silent, staring at the **** figure intently, clenching his fists unconsciously, nervous.

He has a lot to say and wants to talk to Dieyue.

He was worried that Dieyue left without leaving him.

After a long time, the crack on the sky finally closed completely, without a gap.

Completion of the world and the law!

The continent is back to normal!

The spirits of all nations uttered a shout, looking happy.

The scene of the advent of the strong in the upper world just brought them too much shock, like a nightmare.

No one wants to conquer the continent, and endure such a disaster again!

Su Zimo didn't laugh.

Although Butterfly Moon is still there, her figure has also become extremely blurred, and may disappear at any time!

Dieyue walked towards Su Zimo's side, but before walking a few steps, her figure shook and almost collapsed!

Dieyue stopped.

Su Zimo knows that the butterfly moon in front of him is just a blood vessel vision, but he still wants to meet him in his heart.

Dieyue shook her head and said, "You don't have to come, I'll just talk to you again."

"Actually, your cultivation is enough for now. In the Nether, don't stay too long. It's better to fly early."

Butterfly Moon said: "In the upper world, no matter which side of the world, you will experience a lot of discomfort."

In the lower realm, Su Zimo is a martial arts emperor who is respected by all races. When he reaches the upper realm, he can only be reduced to the bottom.

This huge gap is difficult for everyone to accept.

Dieyue said: "In those days, I took you to practice. I just thought about the cause and effect between you and me. I didn't expect that you could cultivate to this step."

"But now that you have come this far, I hope that you can fit into the environment of the upper world and work hard to survive!"

Su Zimo could hear the concern and worry expressed in Butterfly Moon's tone.

Dieyue said: "The upper realm is a huge jungle, more cruel and bloody, you have to remember, even I almost fell that year!"

That year, Yueyue was seriously injured and came to the continent of heaven to meet Su Zimo.

How powerful is Butterfly Moon, who can hurt her seriously!

Su Zimo did not speak.

Now he is powerless, even if he wants to help each other.

But in his heart, he secretly made up his mind to rise to the upper bounds in the future, he must practice as soon as possible, and catch up with the steps of Butterfly Moon as soon as possible!

When he meets again, Su Zimo believes that he will bring more surprises to Butterfly Moon!

"I should be going."

Dieyue sighed gently, looking away from Su Zimo's body, looking around the entire wasteland.

To this side of the thousand world, Dieyue's heart, there is a little nostalgia.

Butterfly Moon's gaze paused a little in Pingyang Town, fell in the Canglang Mountain, and soon fell to the bottom of the funeral dragon valley.


Butterfly Yue suddenly made a soft sigh, and her eyes brightened!

She saw the four lines of handwriting on the wall in the ancient temple at the bottom of Dragon Valley!

The first two lines were left by her many years ago.

If you want to be dragons of Buddhas, first be a horse and a cow.

Behind these two lines of handwriting, there are still two lines of handwriting, which are written with the same sharp edge, and the world is full!

As soon as the dust is gone, there are thousands of flowers breaking through the mountains and rivers!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Butterfly Yue's eyes were magnificent, and she nodded again and again, and couldn't help laughing, praising: "A big spirit, not weaker than me."

Butterfly Yue looked at Su Zimo again and said, "I'm waiting for you in the Upper Realm. I hope you can shine through the mountains and rivers of the Upper Realm and see you again!"

After saying this, Butterfly Moon's figure completely collapsed and disappeared into the world.

Su Zimo and Dieyue finally met, but they couldn't say a few words. The two have been together for less than half a day.

There was so much in his heart that he hadn't had time to talk to Dieyue.

Su Zimo looked in that direction, and if he was lost, he sighed softly.

"Son, don't be lost, this senior said, you can fly up now, and you will see her by then."

Nian Qi looked tender and comforted softly beside him.

"I'm fine."

Su Zimo also nodded at Nianqi and smiled.

As Nianqi said, the incident on the continent is basically over. At that time, he can take off and go to the upper world!

If you are lucky, you may directly rise into the wild!

The battle was waged by the five fierce tribes, and the dust was settled.

The witch tribe was destroyed and the protoss were imprisoned by Nianqi, ready to be brought back to the land of gods.

Of the original nine gangsters, there were only seven gangsters.

Among the seven fierce tribes, the Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians are the absolute winners. The remaining four fierce tribes suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that without 10,000 years, it will be difficult to restore vitality.

Just after Butterfly Moon left, Wan Yaogu's original dead sea of ​​thousands of blood suddenly burst into a few bubbles.

Deep in a cemetery in Zhongzhou, a sound of 'squeak' suddenly sounded in an ancient coffin. There seemed to be something sharp that was scratching the coffin wall.

Donghai, the blood is surging!

Among these blood waves, a flat boat emerged strangely, on which stood a fisherman wearing a blue bucket, with a fishing net at his feet.

"It's time to close the net."

The fisherman slightly raised his head, gazing at the wasteland, murmured, a strange blood flashed in his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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