Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1754: Fate of Life Wheel

Chapter 1754

Butterflies make up the sky, after the end of the war, the emperors of the human race, storytellers and the like did not leave, but stayed in the valley of the dragon bones under the suggestion of Su Zimo.

Nian Qi has taken the Protoss back to the continent of God.

Su Zimo always had a hint of worry in his heart.

Although the battle ended, from the beginning to the end, the blood did not really appear.

Strangely, the monk did not show up!

According to his speculation, the calamity of Tianhuang started from the robbery of 10,000 monsters 30,000 years ago, to the robbery of stars, to the calamity of Dagan, and to the catastrophe that swept the nations today.

Although they won this battle, the wild peoples suffered great losses.

Amazing blood, achievements, corpses!

In the end, it is even more related to the advent of the power of the upper realm, and the blood of the power of the upper realm is probably an inconceivable supplement for those who practice the Book of Blood Scriptures!

What kind of realm that blood face will grow to, Su Zimo dare not imagine!

Butterfly Moon came down without mentioning it.

But Su Zimo believes that the existence of blood face should not be concealed from Butterfly Moon.

However, after the advent of the Butterfly Moon, she has been fighting with the strong in the upper world for almost no time.

In the end, Bu Tian exhausted the last strength of the Butterfly Moon Vision, and his body dissipated.

Su Zimo did not immediately rise to the upper bound, it is precisely because of the hidden danger of blood face!

After the war, the emperors of the clan and the emperors of all races will be healed.

Su Zimo then persuaded the emperors of all ethnic groups to stay in the valley of the dragon skeleton as much as possible to gather together to prevent accidents.

Although he did not specify the specific reasons, the emperors of all ethnic groups were still anxious about the changes that occurred in the Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians before the war.

What's more, after this war, the prestige of the Emperor Wu has reached the extreme, even beyond the ancient emperor of that year!

Among them, there are Su Zimo's own reasons, and part of the reasons for Butterfly Moon.

Since Su Zimo persuaded in this way, the emperors of all ethnic groups did not refuse to stay in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons for the time being.

As for many issues after the war, it was quite cumbersome, and the emperors of various ethnic groups were handed over to the ancestors of various ethnic groups to deal with them with great power.

In a flash, a month passed.

Unexpectedly, the Tianhuang continent fell into the long-lost peace!

After experiencing this battle, all peoples chose to rest quietly, and their blood faces never appeared, and they seemed to disappear completely.

The major emperors who healed in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, except for some who have suffered heavy injuries, most of the emperors have also gotten better.

On this day, Su Zimo, the storyteller, and Long Ran gathered together.

"Strange, have we guessed wrong before?"

The storytelling old man frowned slightly, and said, "Perhaps the **** face has risen and taken off from the sky?"

Long storytellers, Long Ran knew the existence of blood.

At the beginning, Long Ran almost fell into the valley of Wan Yao!

"probably not."

Su Zimo shook his head.

He believed that Xuelian would make such a big handwriting and would never leave without interest!

Long Ran said, "If I say, let's all three join forces, and then go and see in the thousand-year blood sea of ​​the Wan Yao Valley! I don't believe that we can join hands, but we can't beat a **** face!"

Su Zimo frowned slightly and was about to speak. Suddenly his heart moved and his eyes were magnificent!

He sensed the existence of the martial arts deity!


Kunlun Market.

Deep in the depths of a lake, there is not much light.

In the bottom of the lake, there seemed to be a figure in a purple robe!

The deity of martial arts retreats here, deceiving the heavens and the earth, no one can sense him!

Even if a creature passes by him, the martial arts deity is only a lifeless stone in the sight and perception of this creature.

At this time, the martial art deity was awake from the retreat.

The figure of the martial art master slowly rose from the bottom of the lake, gradually surfaced, opened his eyes, and the eyes were shining with bright light!

This time the retreat, the martial arts deity gained a lot.

Originally, there was no way before him.

Without road, he could not continue to practice.

No matter how many supernatural powers he blends in, he just steps in place.

Today, he perfects martial arts and finally opens up the rest!

The practice of martial arts is different from immortals and demon from the beginning.

Budo focuses most on physical practice.

The physical body is a huge treasure, with endless potentials in it, waiting for the monks to excite!

After the martial arts master has cultivated the martial arts spirit, the practice method is not much different from that of the immortal Buddha.

There is still metamysticism, heaven and earth, and union.

But in the Mahayana realm, the deity of martial arts did not feel any magical power, but forcibly melted the magical power into his own flesh!

From this moment on, the martial arts practice has once again been different from the three ways of immortal Buddha and magic!

Cultivation of magical powers naturally relies on magical powers to manifest the essence and fight against opponents.

The martial arts deity directly melts the supernatural power, but it is constantly inspiring the physical strength and potential!

Martial art deity sat cross-legged on the lake, black hair fluttered without wind, eyes closed, the fire of martial arts burning, the power of the physical blood, continually condensed in the body!

The martial arts smelting magical powers melt into every inch of flesh and bone, stimulating the physical life potential!

The meaning of spiritual practice is actually to constantly inspire the power of life.


This power in the deity reaches a critical point and reaches its limit!


There was a loud noise in the body of the martial art deity!

At this moment, the body of the deity seems to have been broken!

Behind the deity of martial arts, a mysterious circular halo emerges, condensing the power of martial arts, intertwined with the methods of martial arts, exuding powerful power, the surrounding void, one after another, collapses and shakes the mountains!

Under the reflection of this mysterious halo, the martial arts deity is like a god!

Under the shroud of this mysterious halo, the power of the martial art deity is far superior to the past!

The martial arts deity has not stopped, continue to urge the strength in the body, continue to condense!

The breath of the deity is still rising rapidly!

This is the path pioneered by Martial arts deity!

Life Wheel Mystery!

After martial arts, practice martial arts, you will enter the secret circle of life!

The life ring is like the growth ring of an ancient tree.

The more life wheels, the stronger the life, the stronger the physical blood!

In the deduction of the martial art deity, there are nine layers of the life wheel secret.

Today, the Budo Master only opens the first life wheel!

The martial art deity has not stopped practicing and continues to impact the second life wheel!

For the last half month.

There was a second loud noise in the body of the martial art deity!

As if another yoke was broken!

Behind the martial art deity, in addition to the first mysterious halo, a halo is born again!

Second life wheel!

The breath of the martial arts master soared suddenly, and suddenly he stood up, and there was a sound of slamming bones in the body, and the whole person exuded an imperial spirit of the king!

Suddenly, the world changed color!

Many of the creatures in the Kunlun Fair feel this breath, and they are discolored, as if the next moment, they will be in trouble!

It's gone tonight, everyone goes to bed early

(End of this chapter)

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