Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1755: Red lotus industry fire

Chapter 1755: Red Lotus Industry Fire

The two full wheels of life manifested behind the deity of Martial arts, exuding a purple halo, blooming sun, and a terrifying breath!

Martial arts master felt the power in his body.

Concentrating two life wheels is equal to the emperor in the world of cultivation.

But today, the martial arts master's combat power can be matched with Qinglian's real body and Longhuang's real body!

The martial arts breakthrough has not stopped.

He wants to consolidate the third life wheel!

Since the martial arts smelt the supernatural powers, they have all been smelting small supernatural powers and great supernatural powers.

If you can melt the peerless supernatural power, the third life wheel can be condensed!

But just with the fire of Wuhun, it is almost impossible to melt the supernatural powers.

The Martial Lord must control the second flame!

Moreover, the quality, level and potential of this flame must not be too low.

So far, the only flame in this barren continent that is worthy of the martial arts deity is the flame of the Dragon and Phoenix.

Even Jinwu's Sunfire cannot get into the eyes of martial arts deities.

But the flame of Dragon and Phoenix on Dragon and Phoenix is ​​the talent of taboo Dragon and Phoenix.

Unless the martial arts deity has smelted the dragon and phoenix, it is almost impossible to control this flame!

Budo's dedication is calm.

Over the years, he has smelted many supernatural powers, countless powers and secrets, and contained a lot of essences in his mind!

Martial arts destiny must feel a new kind of flame!

In that year, Su Zimo was in the preaching area and once broke through the three robberies.

The second calamity of Sanjieyu was the burning of karma, which caused him great pain at the time, and it is still unforgettable!

At that time, the burning karma was caused by greed.

But the martial arts master smelted countless powers and supernatural powers, practiced along the way, and had a deeper understanding of karma.

The birth of karma is more than the idea of ​​greed!

Killing, stealing, and delusional acts will all produce bad karma!

The root of karma lies in cause and effect.

In other words, every being, from birth, is contaminated with cause and effect, and is accompanied by karma.

But some are good karma and some are bad karma.

The practitioners have been killing all the way, and everyone's body is contaminated with countless bad karma!

Even Su Zimo was not immune.

The karma on each creature is like a pile of dry firewood. As long as there is an ignition star, it will ignite a raging fire, from the inside to the outside, to burn the internal organs and the body!

This is karma!

The karma is constant and the fire is not extinguished!

If there is cause and effect, there is karma.

With karma, there is karma!

Cause and effect are everywhere.

Even if you are the high king, there are countless karma entangled in your body, but no one is going to light it!

Even if you comprehend the myriad of magical powers, if you still have causality and karma, you will not be able to avoid the burning of karma!

The deity of martial arts has a new understanding and understanding of the karma of the Three Calamities.

The martial arts deity, rolled up a fierce storm!

This storm is continually filled with terrible killing power and seems to tear everything up.

The storm was full of powerful magical powers, shaking the world.

Peerless Supernatural Storm!

Originally, the martial arts deity had attracted the attention of numerous Kunlun people.

There are already many Kunlun ethnic groups, galloping towards this side.

Today, the formation of this peerless supernatural storm has shocked many Kunlun people!

"It's that person!"

Some Kunlun people remembered something and said, "Before, there was a man who came to Kunlun Market and provoked a magic storm!"

"I remember it too! And, that person can survive the storm of magical powers!"

Said another Kunlun tribe.

The sacred martial arts smelt magical power in the Kunlun Ruins, which is not a secret to many Kunlun people.

However, these Kunlun people did not know who he was, they could not see the face of the martial arts deity, they could only see a faint layer of fog.

"Isn't this person gone?"

A Kunlun clan secretly said, "I thought this man was torn up by the miraculous storm! Unexpectedly, returning today has led to a peerless magical storm!"

"Go and see!"

Everywhere in the Kunlun Market, Kunlun people set out and rushed towards this place.


Peerless magical storm.

The martial art deity did not urge blood to fight against the peerless supernatural storm, but let the peerless supernatural storm continue to tear and baptize his physical body!

In the body of the martial art deity, there was a reddish light.

If someone's eyes can penetrate this magical storm, they will be horrified to discover that a dense red flame is burning inside and outside the body of the martial art deity!

Karma burns!

The body of the martial art deity is also entangled with countless karma.

And the power of this karma has even led to a peerless magical storm!

But weirdly, this red martial art karma in the body of martial arts deity has no magical power permeating.

Karma is not a magical power.

This is a very strange and unique power!

Under the karma's incineration and quenching, the flesh and blood of the martial arts deity is more and more condensed, the karma in the body is burned clean, the bones are dirty, and the sun is shining!

Behind the deity of martial arts, the two life wheels exude shimmering light, the breath becomes more pure, like a god!

"Supernatural powers are not good for karma."

The martial arts master pinched a strange French seal with both hands, like a lotus flower, and suddenly said six words, spreading across Kunlun Market!

It's like saying things out!

After these six words were spoken, the countless magical powers in the Kunlun market calmed down instantly!

The peerless supernatural storm that originally surrounded the deity of Martial arts gradually calmed down!

Although this storm still surrounds the martial art deity, it is no longer impacting the martial art deity, but guarding it!

After these six words were spoken, a huge and powerful coercion suddenly descended on the entire Kunlun Market!

It's like having a stronger will above Kunlun Market!

In the Peerless Supernatural Power Storm, the corner of the mouth of the martial art deity slightly tilted.

I saw the burning karma among his two palms, gradually illusion, condensed into two crystal red lotus, like a treasure in the world!

These two red lotuses did not have any temperature.

But the breath emitted by this red lotus is extremely terrifying, and even the peerless magic storm must be quiet!

In the body of the martial art deity, after the fire of the martial spirit, a second flame was condensed.

Red lotus industry fire!

This red lotus industry fire does not belong to the category of magical powers, but it can smelt magical powers.

Even the superb power in this Kunlun market can be melted by the fire of the red lotus industry!

The martial arts fire and the red lotus industry fire, under the tempering of two flames, the cultivation speed of the martial arts deity will increase greatly!

His physical body, under the tempering of two flames, will become even more terrifying!


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the body of the martial arts deity!

Behind him, outside the second life wheel, a purple life wheel has condensed again, the breath of the whole person has skyrocketed, and the internal strength has risen!

The third life wheel emerged, and the martial art deity has broken through to a higher level!

(End of this chapter)

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