Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1756: Extermination

Chapter 1756 Destroy the Clan

These days, Su Zimo has not practiced, and he is always feeling the movement of the martial arts deity.

It wasn't until the third round of life was condensed by the deity of martial arts that Su Zimo recovered his mind.

Condensing the third life wheel, the power of the master of martial arts has far exceeded the real body of Qinglian and the real body of dragon and phoenix!

Although the martial arts deity has not yet crossed the robbery, he has not yet risen, but his level of strength has surpassed the two true bodies!

In a blink of an eye, it was another month before the martial arts departed.

The emperors of all races cultivated in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons have all recovered.

After this battle, many emperors felt something, even broke through, and realized a peerless supernatural power.

In the past two months, there have been many ancestors who have realized the supernatural powers and become kings!

During this time, the thousands of ethnic groups in the Tianhuang continent were recuperating and recuperating. They were extremely peaceful and peaceful, and the emperors of all ethnic groups were also ready to leave.

Outside the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, the emperors of the clan said goodbye to Su Zimo and others.

"Xuanhuang, when are you going to rob?"

Kongyun Monk asked.

"After all, I am the guardian of the temple. I have to guard some years on the continent, and I will leave after I find the next guardian of the temple."

The storytelling old man smiled and said, "Kongyun, you have realized the three superb magical powers, and you are ready to take off and take off."

"Let's talk about it."

The monk Kongyun shook his head slightly and stopped talking.


The storyteller asked, "What's the problem?"

Long Ran said: "Although it is a life of nine deaths, no one is unavoidable, and we must always take this step."

The monk Kongyun laughed bitterly and sighed, "To be honest, I'm a little scared in my heart, alas."

The storyteller was silent.

The battle two months ago had a huge impact on the hearts of the emperors of all races on the continent!

Under the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, even if it is as strong as the emperor, it is like a ant, and its life is like a mustard. It may fall at any time!

People like Su Zimo, even if they are not for Butterfly Moon, have a strong will and are hard to shake. Naturally, they are fearless and go forward.

But most people can't help but feel a little fear and hesitation.

Su Zimo's eyes turned.

The other emperors were also silent, and it was obvious that this fear, like the monk of Kongyun, was not alone.

An emperor suddenly said, "Actually, the upper world is not as beautiful as we think."

"Yeah, what do we practice for? Isn't it just to live forever?"

Another emperor also said: "However, this crossover and ascension is a lifetime of nine deaths. Even if we survive and can ascend to the upper bound, we are only the lowest level of existence. Anyone can kill us."

"So, it's better to stay in this lower bound, and to look at all sides."

The emperor expressed a lot of opinions of the emperor.

In fact, in recent years, few emperors have taken off and taken off. On the one hand, they are dangerous.

On the other hand, it is also a fear of this unknown place in the upper world.

The worries of these emperors are justified.

If they stay on this desolate continent and run out of life, they will have tens of thousands of years to live.

But if you choose to cross the robbery and rise, you may die directly!

Long Ran swaggered and said, "Afraid of a bird! The path of cultivation is not a smooth road at all! Since you chose this path, don't look back!"

Long Ran is naturally fearless for the upper bound.

Su Zimo believed that Xiuluo Yan Beichen would also choose to soar.

Because, Yan Beichen's heart has an obsession!

That is to go to the upper realm and find a power that can revive Qin Pianran!

This war brought fear to others.

But what brought Xiuluo Yan Beichen a hope!

He saw the power that belongs to the Upper Realm.

He believes that as long as he ascends the upper bound, he will definitely find a way to resurrect Qin Pianran!

Su Zimo was a little silent before he looked at the monk and other emperors, slowly saying, "You are right, you are right."

"Maybe you can live tens of thousands of years if you stay in the wilderness, but if it ’s soaring, it may fall immediately, but ..."

Su Zimo paused a little and said, "Only by flying to the upper bounds can there be a real hope for longevity!"

"Only by flying to the upper bounds can it be possible to control even more powerful forces, to obtain 200,000 years, 300,000 years, and even longer life!"

"Only there can be more insights and a wider world!"

Emperor Kongyun and several other emperors thoughtfully.

The storytelling old man did not persuade much.

For monarchs such as Kongyun Monk, staying in the wilderness may be their best choice.

Originally, crossing the robbery was extremely dangerous, a life of nine deaths.

Now that the monk of Kongyun has fear in his heart, the hope of crossing the calamity is even slimmer.

At this moment, a streamer broke into the distance, and in a blink of an eye, many of the emperors had approached.

This man has a Confucian crown on his head, has no white face, and is slightly fat. He has a folding fan in his hand.

"What, what happened?"

When the storyteller saw Lin Xuanji look different, he frowned.

Lin Xianji calmed down his breath, and said, "The blood rattan tribe is destroyed, hundreds of thousands of tribe, no one is spared, all fall!"


Many emperors could not help but change their expression when they heard this sentence.

You know, even though the Bloodvine Clan was defeated, there are still several emperors in the clan, and there are more than a dozen ancestors.

Su Zimo did not rush to kill.

In just two months, hundreds of thousands of blood rattans have been killed!

"The Emperor of the Bloodvines is dead?"

The storyteller looked dignified and asked.


Lin Xuanji swallowed and said, "I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. I went to the ancestral land of the Bloodvine Clan and glanced ...

Speaking of this, Lin Xuanji's eyes flashed a horror of fear, and it seemed to recall some terrible scenes, and he was afraid.

"There has been a sea of ​​blood, there is no vitality! Numerous blood rattan people, no matter how high or low, are all dead!"

Lin Xuanji said something.

"You are too reckless!"

The storytelling old man blame a little, turned to look at Su Zimo, revealed the questioning intention.

"Who did it?"

"The terrible thing is that the whole process of destroying the Bloodvine family is silent, and even the emperors of us have not even noticed it!"

Su Zimo frowned.

His first reaction was the Daming Monk.

But what is the purpose of this monk?

I haven't seen it in this period of time.

Or, is that **** face?

But Su Zimo thought for a while and shook his head again.

Blood face and Blood Demon Daojun are inextricably linked, and the body of Blood Demon Daojun has half the blood of the Bloodvine family, and there is no reason to do this kind of thing.

How hateful it must be to do such a genocide!

(End of this chapter)

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