Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1757: The Witch King

Chapter 1757

"Go, go to Wan Yao Valley, thousands of years of blood!"

There was a gleam of cold light in Su Zimo's eyes, Shen said.

No matter who killed the Blood Vine tribe, he has to go to the millennium Blood Sea to solve the hidden danger of that blood face!

"it is good!"

Old storytellers and other emperors did not hesitate to answer.

The average player in the game was the emperor. If he took a shot, he would easily tear the void, and descended directly from the Valley of Dragon Skeletons directly above the Valley of the Monsters.

This time, Su Zimo and others did not cover up their tracks.

After the World Wars, many emperors appeared at the same time, and immediately attracted the attention of many souls. I don't know what happened.

This time, Su Zimo's Qinglian real body and Longhuang real body started at the same time.

The martial art deity still practiced in Kunlun Ruins, smelting supernatural powers, and did not show up.

Su Zimo and others came to the sea of ​​blood for thousands of years, stood high, and looked down.

At that time, when Su Zimo and monkeys first saw this sea of ​​blood, they felt extremely shocked.

Today, he has cultivated to the emperor, standing at the peak of the continent, this sea of ​​blood, in his eyes, is like a **** lake.


Monk Kongyun frowned, "This **** sea exudes a strange power, and even my consciousness cannot detect it!"

Except for a few storytelling elders, the rest of the emperor did not know what happened.

"This is the battlefield of the annihilation of thousands of demons."

An emperor murmured softly at the corpse bones surrounding the sea of ​​blood for thousands of years.

Su Zimo looked at the white bones beneath his feet, and the millennium of blood, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, and made a light noise.

Looking down like this, he suddenly found that the thousand-year blood sea beneath his feet was like a blood-colored eyeball!

And the bones and corpses surrounding him are like white eyes!

The bones, the sea of ​​blood, and the two scenes make up a weird **** eye!

This eye seems to be staring at many kings in the air!

There was a strange light in the eyes.

At the same time, ripples rippled in the millennium of blood.

"Strange, why do I feel like being watched."

An emperor was agitated and murmured.

"This place is really evil." Another emperor also said.



An emperor exclaimed, looking horrified, pointing at the millennium of blood beneath his feet, trembling: "It, it, it just blinked just now!"

"What blinked, don't make a fuss, make it clear!" Long Ran frowned.

"Just, just ..."

The emperor seemed to be greatly frightened and couldn't explain it for a while.

Su Zimo looked dignified and slowly said, "This thousand-year blood sea should be the eyes of a living creature, before blinking!"


The storyteller old man, Long Ran and many other kings were shocked.



Deep in the bottom of this 10,000 demon valley, a deafening roar came, as if a powerful demon awakened from the ground!

This roar spreads throughout the heavens!

No matter where on the continent, no matter what kind of creature, you can hear clearly, and you can feel the terrible power in this roar!

The creatures in the Wan Yao Valley are trembling, dare not move!

Even some big demon, old demon, are not immune!

With thousands of years of blood and sea, some of the less powerful emperors felt the trembling of both ears. Under this roar, the blood vessels floated uncontrollably!

The emperors were pale and stunned.

Click! Click!

Immediately after, the ground under the feet of the emperors cracked a huge fissure, centered on the sea of ​​blood for thousands of years, and continued to spread around!

In this crack, there is extremely strong demon and **** air!

This time, all the emperors can see clearly.

In those thousands of years of blood, a kind of eyes that really belonged to souls were revealed!

Teasing, cruel, mocking!

The ground under everyone's feet, slowly raised, bulging a soil bag the size of a mountain, as if there is any peerless fiend to break through!


A loud noise shook the ground!

A huge figure broke through the ground, quickly rising and climbing, full of demons and blood!

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet!

In a blink of an eye, this huge figure had already broken through the height of thousands of feet, almost standing upright, with his knees buried under the ground, waving his arms, arrogant, overwhelming and terrifying, sweeping across the wilderness!

Countless stones splashed around.

The rise of this figure, the boulder that has been stirred up, contains extremely powerful power.

Many emperors evaded and dispersed.

Under the terror of this terrifying breath, Long Ran directly manifested the dragon form.

However, his dragon form is not more than a thousand feet, and it is not much thicker than this living creature's arm.

Long Ran has just transformed the dragon body. This horrifying creature is dancing with a huge palm, as if breaking through the void, breaking through the rolling dust, and directly holding the thousands of dragons in the palm of your hand!

This horrible creature's claws protruded a sharp and sharp claw tip, instantly pierced the dragon's protective dragon scales, and caught blood holes in the dragon's body!

Dragon Burn struggles!

But the thousand flames of dragon burning, in the hands of this powerful creature, is like a seven-inch python, which cannot escape!


Dragon Burn roared in pain!

The voice of Longyin deterred all peoples.

But below this distance, the sound of dragon yin can erupt extremely terrifying killing power.

But the horrible creature was unheard of, and saw his arms carry his strength, yelled, and tore the dragon burn in two, the blood of the dragon became red!

This scene is extremely shocking!

How powerful the dragon blood is.

Even if someone can kill the Dragon Emperor, it will never be possible to tear the Dragon Emperor's physical body. What a terrifying power must erupt!

The emperors were all pale on the spot.

At this point, even Su Zimo's shot was too late.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Long Ran immediately abandoned the physical body, and Yuanshen got out of it to escape!

The dragon-burning Yuanshen fled. The horrifying creature didn't go after him, but he snorted disdainfully, and he directly grabbed the **** half of the dragon's body and pushed it into his mouth.

Click! Click!

This creature was biting the flesh of the Dragon Emperor and swallowing with a big mouth!

Long Ran fled the day of birth, and quickly transferred the drip of blood rebirth to re-consolidate the flesh.

But even so, he was shocked and angry when he saw the flesh he had just given up and was devoured by this horrifying creature now!

"too strong!"

Su Zimo looked dignified.

The strength of this creature has even surpassed the former Emperor of Heaven, the Witch King and others!

At this moment, the dust gradually dissipated, and Su Zimo's eyes fell on this creature.

This creature has a human face, tiger feet, black short hair, and a pair of sharp pig teeth on both sides of the mouth.

Behind this creature, there is also a huge stout tail, sweeping back and forth, with fierce eyes and surging blood, staring at Su Zimo and others.


Su Zimo frowned slightly. In contrast to the records in the ancient books, the name of a fierce beast flashed in his mind.

"Evil Emperor!"

At this moment, the old storyteller and several other emperors exclaimed, their expressions shaking!

The chapter of Tianhuang is about to end. I think about it a lot, write it slowly, and fill in some pits. Forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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