Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1758: Xingshu Xianhuang

Chapter 1758

"how is this possible!"

The storytelling old man shook his face, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes. He said: "Yu Yaohuang, you should have died in the horror of Wan Yao already, how could you be alive!"

Su Zimo recalled that he had watched the record of Wan Yao's robbery in Xuanji Palace.

There is indeed a demon emperor falling in the robbery of thousands of demon, that is 梼 杌!


The Yaohuang emperor laughed while chewing on the dragon's flesh and blood.

梼 杌 looked around, shaking, blood shed in his eyes, his expression bleating, and he said loudly, "You are finally here! I have been waiting a long time!"

"This demon is strong, you retreat!"

Su Zimo looked dignified, and he did not hesitate to directly convey the knowledge of many emperors such as storytellers.

This demon emperor, not to mention other emperors, even his two true bodies are not necessarily their opponents!

The other emperors came forward, but they were just dead.

Storytellers and other people are also ugly.

The horror of the Xun Yaohuang has far exceeded their expectations.

In the void, a strange wave appeared.

A ghost-like figure sneaked silently towards the Yaohuang Emperor!


After the World Wars, Ye Ling has realized two superb supernatural powers.

Even in the face of the siege of the Witch Witch King and others, Yeling has absolute certainty and will kill the Witch Witch King and others one by one!

But Su Zimo saw this scene, but his heart sank.

He hadn't had time to remind him that Yeling had already appeared and shot it directly. His huge cricket claws grabbed at the cricket's neck!

The sharp tail stroked a dim light in the air and stabbed towards the head of the Yaohuang Emperor.

In the huge blood eyes of the Yaohuang Emperor, there was a mockery.

He didn't turn his head back, and stretched out his hands to cover the sky. Between the light and the flint, before Ye Ling's killing tricks had not come down, he grabbed Ye Ling's body directly in his palm!

It's too fast!

The speed of the Yaohuang Emperor is even faster than Yeling!

Come first!

Not only the terrible speed, Ye Ling can't even break free in the palm of Yao Yaohuang, and can only utter a roar!

The demon emperor's palm was forced, and Yeling's body burst into crackling sounds!

The whole bones seemed to be crushed by the Yaohuang Emperor!

Long Huangzhen's eyes are full of vitality, spurring Yuanshen, and a mist of gray mist is shrouded on his fingertips, as if condensing the passing of time, with time changing!


The power of years ignores cultivation as a state.

No matter how strong this Emperor Demon Emperor is, it can't pass the years!

But at the moment when this peerless supernatural power was about to condense, a sudden dizziness came from the mind of Longhuang Zhenshen, the blood in his body floated, and the whole person shook!

The fog at Long Fengzhen's fingertips quietly dispersed.


Dragon Phoenix really looked blank.

He had no idea what had happened!

This kind of dizziness has no symptoms, no reason, and is not in line with common sense.

"Little shrine, dare to challenge me!"

Ye Yaohuang sneered, palm capacity!


Flesh flying, blood splashing!

Under the attention of the emperors, the taboo gods were even torn apart by the palm of the demon demon emperor, and blood was flowing slowly along the fingers.

Yeling realized that it was not good, Yuanshen had fled one step earlier, and reunited with the flesh.

"Don't go!"

Su Zimo swiftly perceived his voice with a sharp tone.

The demon emperor put the palm stained with the blood of the god, put it to his mouth, stuck out his huge tongue, licked the flesh above, grinned, and looked scum!

The emperors saw the scalp numb, but felt that a chill came from the soles of their feet, and their breathing became a little rapid.

"Hey hey, do you guys want to escape?"

The demon emperor laughed: "It's so naive!"


As soon as the words fell, behind the emperors, a loud noise came suddenly!

The emperors turned their eyes.

I saw a gray sarcophagus from the cemetery in Tianhoujiaoshan, breaking through the earth, soaring into the sky, suspended in mid-air!


There was a harsh sound in the sarcophagus!

"War Corpse?"

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

Immediately, under the watchful eye of the emperors, the lid on the sarcophagus slipped a little, and finally fell off and fell to the ground.

A figure slowly stood inside.

This is not a corpse, but a living person!

Even though this person is in the ancient coffin, he has no trace of corpse, and his body is full of vitality.

This man is wearing a dark golden robe with countless sun, moon and stars printed on it, black hair fluttering, his eyes twinkling with a little bit of starlight, extraordinary style, elegant and elegant!

"Xingsu ancestors!"

When many of the emperors present saw the man, they widened their eyes, revealed an incredible color, and exclaimed.

Su Zimo also frowned.

The cause of the horror of the stars is greatly related to the ancestors of the stars.

But in the robbery of the stars, the stars' ancestors have fallen!

Unexpectedly, this person who has fallen has now stood alive in front of the emperors.

Even more frightening is that this person has already surpassed his ancestors, and now the breath emanating is comparable to that of the Xiuhuang Emperor, echoing from afar!

This is no longer the ancestor of Xingsu, but the emperor of Xingsu!

An emperor could not bear this pressure, tearing the void directly, and wanted to escape from this place.

The void in front of the emperor had just cracked, and saw the star emperor Xingsu smiled slightly, and patted in that direction across the heavy space.


The emperor was stiff, eyes wide.

The next moment, the emperor's flesh suddenly burst, and countless flesh was absorbed into the space crack in front of him.

His primordial spirit fell into the cracks of space, without the protection of the flesh, was instantly torn by the turbulence of the void, and fell on the spot!


The emperors changed their looks and took a secret breath.

The emperor who had just escaped, although he only realized a superb magical power, but this understatement killed one emperor. The strength of this star emperor has exceeded the imagination of the emperors!

An emperor demon emperor has felt the imminence of the emperors and cannot resist it.

Now, there is another star emperor!

Su Zimo looked dignified.

He knew that in addition to these two horror kings, there should be one!

At this moment, in the direction of the East China Sea, a golden light galloped through the air and fled madly towards this side!

The emperors have strong eyes and can see clearly.

This golden light is an emperor of the Jinwu tribe!

At this moment, the Jinwu tribe emperor looked terrified, as if he had been frightened by some great fright, and fled in the direction of the continent.


A huge white brilliance descended from the sky, bursting with an irresistible force, fierce and fierce, as if to split this world!

"God cut!"

The storyteller whispered.

Heavenly cut is a peerless supernatural power in the knife path. It is the most powerful and powerful, and few supernatural powers can hardly shake it!

(End of this chapter)

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