Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1759: Bloodlinder

Chapter 1759

The emperor of the Jinwu tribe, feeling the crisis, quickly stopped his body and urged the peerless supernatural powers. The whole body crooked, as if transformed into a scorching sun, burning with a raging fire!

Heaven is here!


There wasn't much stagnation, and the light of the sky chopped the scorching sun directly into two pieces, blood spewed out and scattered on the East China Sea.

King Jinwu tribe, meteor!

"In the world, those who can use the sky to cut, I am afraid that this is the only sword king in this world." Kongyun monk said in a conspicuous voice.

"Is it Yankee?"

The storyteller frowned slightly and said, "Although Yanboker's strength is strong, as far as I know, he only realizes the three superb supernatural powers. When is he so strong?"

Although it is only a slash in the sky, you can also see that the combat power of the people who shot has far exceeded the emperors of various races!

Another emperor also puzzled: "And, quite strangely, in recent years, he hasn't appeared in any major incidents."

The emperors of the races looked down.

I saw above the East China Sea, there was a page of flat boats floating in the vast smoke waves, seemingly slow, but extremely fast!

Standing on the flat boat, there was a man in a green jacket and a blue jacket on his head, looking far away, like a fisherman.

"It's Yanbo!"

The airlift monk said: "No matter what, he can come, after all, it is not a bad thing for us."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly and condensed: "The visitor is not good, everyone be careful!"


The hearts of the emperors were stunned.

At this moment, the flat boat had reached the shore, Yanbo Ke slightly looked up, looked at Zhongzhou, and paced towards this side.

Behind him, every void broke apart, and every figure came out from inside, exuding a strong breath, each one was a royal!

The mountain barbarian emperor who once betrayed the barbarians, the cloud boat emperor who betrayed the barbarians, and the tiger emperor are impressively listed!

In addition to the Barbarian and Wa people, other fierce tribes also have the emperor following the Yanboke!

In addition, there are some human royals, demon royals!

In a blink of an eye, the number of emperors behind Yanbo has reached nearly twenty!


The storyteller frowned, staring at one of the emperors, and said in a deep voice, "You are not dead!"

Tian Tao's ancestors, but the elders of the Xuanji Palace, entered the twilight long ago, but later disappeared, without knowing where to go.

Everyone thought that Tian Tao's ancestors had already run out of Shou Yuan and sat down somewhere, leaving behind his legacy.

Unexpectedly, Tian Tao has actually become the emperor, just follow Yanbo Ke!

"Yunzhou, Tiger!"

When the Emperor Yinlan saw two betrayers who betrayed the Dai people and beheaded many people, he could not help but his eyes turned red and murderous, and he rushed out.

Dragon Phoenix really dragged her!

Yin Lan has just been promoted to the emperor, and he is definitely not the opponent of Yunzhou and Huanghu.

What's more, now is not the time to resolve the grievances of the Dai people. If they don't cope, all of them must be buried here!

It didn't take long for Yanboke to come to the sky over Wanxiu Valley.

Yanbo Ke, Huang Yaohuang and Xingsu Xianhuang each stood in three directions, forming horns with each other, surrounding Su Zimo and other emperors.

Yanbo Ke held Zhang Yunet in one hand, and drew a slender fishing rod in the other, and looked at Su Zimo and others with a look of sigh, sighing softly, "I have waited a long time for this day."

"The robbery of the Barbarians, the Wa, and the Dragons is controlled by you behind the scenes, the purpose is to cause a war among the races!"

The storyteller asked intently.

"That's right."

Yanbo Ke smiled and did not deny.

"Where is the Dragon King!"

Long Ran couldn't bear it and asked sharply.

The Emperor Hailong shot and killed the Emperor Chenlong, which caused a great war among the peoples.

There are many emperors behind Yanbo Ke, but there is no shadow of Emperor Hailong.

"The Dragon King is here."

Yanboke took off the bucket **** and smiled strangely. Under the eyes of everyone, he changed his shape and became an old man with white hair, just like the Hailong Emperor!

Peerless magical power, ever-changing!

The emperors widened their eyes and looked shocked.

If it weren't for everyone to see with their own eyes, it would be hard to believe that the old man with the blood of the Dragon tribe in front of him was actually changed by a single tribe!

Normally, there are many changes and there is no killing power.

But they can use the ever-changing to such a degree, hiding all the feelings of the emperors, everyone feels a horror!

The old man slowly spoke, saying, "Although the Chenlong Emperor is old, there are some means. Other than me, I can't do it."

Chen Longhuang fell, leaving many doubts.

At that time, Su Zimo had questioned how, with the power of the Hailong Emperor, even if he was close, how could it be possible to slay the Chenlong Emperor in one shot.

These doubts have now been resolved.

"You are not a smoker."

Su Zimo slowly shook his head.

"of course not."

There was a glow of blood in Lao's eyes, saying, "That smoker was stubborn and stubborn. He refused to submit to me and was killed by me!"


Su Zimo stared intently at the old man, slowly saying, "It's already this step, there is no need to hide it, let me see what you really look at!"


"Blood Demon King?"

"how is this possible……"

The emperors looked surprised.


The old man suddenly laughed in the sky, and his body shook. Under the watchful eyes of the emperors, he changed into a blood-haired man in a black robe with red eyes!

This life is extremely handsome, with a wicked temperament all over him, carrying his hands, looking at Su Zimo, and nodding: "Very well, you really guessed my identity!"

"It's you!"

Even though the storytelling old man was already mentally prepared, seeing this blood-haired man still felt a trembling heart.


"It's him! He's not dead!"

Among the emperors, some of them were aged, and at one glance recognized the face of the demon bleeding monk, and exclaimed.

The blood-haired man suddenly shot, across the void, and grabbed at an emperor who spoke in it!


The body of the emperor suddenly turned into a ball of blood!

All bones, viscera, are almost dissolved in this blood!

The man with **** hair is the creator of the Book of Blood Purification.

This magic work, released in his hands, was so horrible!

An emperor, even under his command, could not stop a trick!

I saw the blood-haired man opened his mouth and sucked. This **** water ran across a **** Changhong and poured into his mouth!

The blood-haired man smiled faintly, and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and slowly said, "I have been crowned, the honorary blood-smelting demon! Call the wrong honorary, kill!"

The emperors looked pale and horrified.

If we say that the Emperor Demon Emperor and the Xingsu Xian Emperor have made the emperors feel irresistible.

The blood-demon emperor in front of them made the emperors feel a kind of fear, blood, cruel, unpredictable!

This blood-finding demon emperor is even more terrible than the evil demon emperor and the celestial fairy emperor!

Su Zimo was silent.

The man behind the scenes finally appeared, but there were still many confusions in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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