Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1760: The Secret of Havoc

Chapter 1760: Secret of the Holocaust

It is entirely common sense to control these emperors by the ability of the Liefang Demon Emperor and the nature of the Liefang Demon Scripture.

Some of the emperors inside were many ancestors who were close to Shou Yuan. If they can't make a breakthrough, they can only run out of Shou Yuan and die!

At this time, a "Lianxuejingjing" was placed in front of them, and a practice that could make them grow longer and break through the realm was in front of them. Who can resist this temptation?

Even when he was as strong as a monk, he was trapped in an ancient coffin for 40,000 years, and he chose to compromise and practice magic skills before he could break through the coffin.

But Su Zimo still has a lot of puzzles.

With the talented means of the blood-demon emperor, it stands to reason that it has already reached the peak of the continent, why did it have to wait for so many years to launch a catastrophe in secret?

What is the purpose of the blood-evil demon emperor?

Why did he save himself in the first place?

Huang Yaohuang has nothing to do with Su Zimo. Why was he trying to help in the thousand years of blood?

How many secrets does the monk know?

What role does he play in this?

Countless confusions linger in Su Zimo's heart.

"Bloodvine tribe is destroyed, are you doing it?"

Su Zimo asked.


The Blood-Lord Demon nodded and did not hide.


Su Zimo asked.

You know, half of the bloodvine blood is flowing in the blood-refining emperor's body. How could such a **** extinction be done to the bloodvine?

"Because they should kill!"

Endless resentment appeared in the eyes of the blood-demon emperor, and it seemed to recall something, and his face was gloomy, and slowly said, "All blood rattan families should be killed!"

"You are the same!"

The eyes of the blood-finishing demon turned and fell on the old storytellers and other emperors, and said in a cold voice: "At that time, what fairy gates, Buddhist gates, and magic gates were you all pursuing and killing me. No one was willing to help me. ! "

"Today, I want you to pay! I want you all to submit to my feet! I want you all to be my blood slaves!"

"Heaven is in my control. I want to be the eternal demon emperor! I want to create my own race! I want to make heaven into a **** world!"

These words spread throughout the sky, with a strong and unparalleled will!

People are silent!

The emperors were stunned and felt a chill.

Su Zimo was also shocked!

Even he didn't expect that the blood-demon emperor had such a big ambition!

It ’s not even if he wants to dominate the wasteland. He even wants to turn all the creatures of the wasteland into his slaves and obey his orders!

Ten thousand people in the wild, what kind of people, what kind of monsters, what nine fierce tribes, there will only be one title in the future, blood!

The presence of the three demon emperors, the stars of the stars, and the blood-demon emperor was really terrible.

Raise your hands and kill the Kingstown present!

The emperors have lost their square feet.

There are only two ways before the emperors, either die or choose to become the blood slaves of the blood conquering emperor!

The storyteller took a deep breath, calmed his mind as much as possible, and looked at the two demon emperors and the star emperor not far away, saying:

"Blood Demon, you want to dominate the sky, it's nothing, but you want the sky and the blood to become bloodlines. I'm afraid these two don't agree!"

The Yaohuang Emperor is a demon clan, and the Xingsu Xianhuang is a human clan.

From the storytelling old man's point of view, even if these two join forces with the blood conquering emperor, it is unlikely that the blood conquering emperor will annex the demon and the human race!

If you can separate three people, you might find a little vitality!

"They will definitely agree."

The blood-demon emperor smiled strangely.

"Because ... they are just my condensed clones!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the Blood-Evil Demon Emperor, the Puppet Demon Emperor and the Xingsu Xian Emperor suddenly changed, and a scary and scary face appeared!

Three **** faces, wide open mouths, unscrupulous laughter!


The shrill laughter was shuddering.

Looking at these three identical blood faces, the emperors felt deep despair!

Some emperors look at Su Zimo subconsciously.

Everyone knows that today's Emperor Wuhuang has condensed two true bodies, a taboo dragon and a phoenix, and a forged green lotus. They are independent and invincible.

But I didn't expect that the blood-demon emperor in front of him was even more terrible!

In addition to the deity, the blood-demon emperor has condensed two independent avatars, both of which have grown to such a terrible level!

You don't need to use other emperors, that is, the demon emperor and the two stars Xingsu Xianhuang, enough to sweep the sky!

You know, the avatars in the realm of cultivation have almost no primordial spirit and cannot practice alone.

Su Zimo's two true bodies were able to come out together, and they were also mixed.

His practice path can hardly be copied.

But the method of the blood-demon emperor is absolutely superior!

Ye Ling once told Su Zimo that in the upper realm, there is a similar method of superior avatar.

Su Zimo even suspected that this method of separation of the blood-demon emperor came from the upper world!

"More than a thousand years ago, my magic skills could have been cultivated to great consummation."

The blood-demon emperor's eyes turned and fell on Su Zimo's body, and said resentfully: "Unfortunately, a mishap happened more than a thousand years ago! Otherwise, I would have been out of the mountain long ago, and the famine was already under my control! "

"A thousand years ago?"

The emperors looked at Su Zimo subconsciously.

Normally, the barren martial arts more than a thousand years ago should be cultivated to a low level, how could it have any intersection with the blood-demon emperor.

"A thousand years ago ..."

Long Ran frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

"I know!"

Su Zimo's heart moved, his eyes were full, and he slowly said, "The method of your avatar is not to condense two avatars, but to consolidate three avatars!"


The emperors were shocked!

The two avatars are already so scary, let alone three!

"carry on."

The blood-demon emperor smiled slightly, nodded to Su Zimo, and motioned him to continue.

Su Zimo said: "Thirty thousand years ago, you caused the robbery of thousands of demons, causing blood to flow into the river and the bones everywhere. Your ultimate purpose is to condense this avatar of the demon king!"

"It's the same. The horror of Xingsu, 20,000 years ago, you are to unite this avatar of Xingsu Xianhuang!"

"And the calamity of 10,000 years ago is the third avatar you want to cultivate and cohesion! And this third avatar is at the bottom of the Dragon Valley!"

Long Ran was shocked and finally understood.

A glance of admiration passed in the eyes of the Blood Conqueror, and he nodded, "Fine, continue."

Su Zimo sneered slightly, and said, "Unfortunately, when your third clone is about to be completed, more than a thousand years ago, someone went to the bottom of the Dragon Valley!"

"This man originally wanted to go to the bottom of the Dragon Valley to take a treasured treasure of the Buddha, but found out that your avatar exists, and destroy your avatar!"

The crowd heard something a little confused, and they didn't understand who Su Zimo said in the mouth, who was able to destroy the blood prince's clone and wreck it.

And when hearing this, the blood-demon emperor seemed to remember something, his face changed, cloudy and uncertain.

In his eyes, there was a flash of fear, and then a deep hatred. Following Su Zimo's words, Han said, "That's right! This person is your butterfly girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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