Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1764: Appearance of deity

Chapter 1764: The Honor Appears

"Hehehe ..."

The look of the Blood Conquering Emperor changed, and he suddenly laughed.

At first it was just a chuckle, and in the end, the blood-demon emperor laughed.


The laughter was loud, full of powerful will, deafening, and spread all over the place!

Normally, the third clone of the hard-working Emperor's hard work, completely out of his control, is definitely a huge blow to him.

What's more, this also means that this time, the blood-demon emperor lost to Daming Monk.

This is even more unacceptable to the blood conquering emperor!

But the blood-demon emperor didn't anger and laugh. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to all this. His body was filled with blood and imposing, saying: "Daming, even if I lose my mind twice, it doesn't matter!"

"Again, the situation is still under my control!"

"Although you cracked the Blood Scriptures, you have never won me! As long as I suppress you, I can still use magic to completely assimilate you! After all, you still cannot win me!"

The monk Daming slightly shook his head and said, "If you want to suppress me, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

The blood-demon emperor proudly said, "I know nothing about your strength. Even if you absorb and refine the endless blood in this race of the nations, one of my avatars is enough to suppress you!"

Daming Monk smiled and said, "Blood Demon, this is your third mistake."


The Alchemy Emperor squinted slightly.

Daming Monk said lightly, "You missed someone."


The blood-demon emperor categorically said: "I plan for 40,000 years, and all the arrogant and evil spirits born in the heavens are within my sight, without exception!"

Daming Seng turned and said to the void: "I can only deal with one of the Gorefiends, the Gorefiend and the other Gore, and I can only give it to you."

The monk is obviously talking to someone!

But the void was empty, empty.

Many emperors could not see anyone.

The blood-demon emperor squinted his eyes, blood leaping in his eyes, spreading his consciousness directly, covering the past, and sealing all that void!

"no one?"

In the eyes of the blood-demon emperor, a trace of confusion passed.

Based on his understanding of Daming Monk, Daming Monk will never do such a trick.

But on this continent, who can hide his feelings?

At this moment, there was a sudden change in the void, and the entire space was like a lake with ripples.

In the ripples of the void, slowly came out alone.

This man was wearing a purple robe and a wholesale shawl, and his face was covered with a layer of fog.

In a hurry, countless eyes, all fell on the man in this purple robe!

"Who is this person?"

"What is it?"

Many emperors looked confused.

At that time, the deity of martial arts was only at the Wanzu conference, and had taken the plunder of the three major gates of Tianzhangism, Dishaism, and Penglai Island.

No one had seen him there.

What surprised the emperors most was that not only could they not see through the fog on this person's face, they could not even detect that this person's cultivation was a realm!

Everything about this person is a mystery!

The storytelling old man secretly deduced.

It didn't take long for the storyteller to start shaking!

Not deduced at all!

At the beginning, even when he deduced Su Zimo, he could still see some clues, but it was abandoned halfway.

And this one is completely missing!

The look of the blood-demon emperor also became cloudy.

Because, even he could not see the origin and cultivation of this man in purple robe!

However, the blood conquering emperor is not worried.

The world of the wild and continent has been perfected, and the laws of heaven and earth have been fulfilled.

This person can never be a strong person in the upper world.

Since it is a person in the Nether World, the Blood Evil Emperor believes that by his means, it is enough to suppress it!

"who are you?"

The blood-demon emperor squinted his eyes and asked quietly.

Before waiting for the Master of Martial Arts to answer, the monk smiled slightly and said, "Blood Devil, I just said that you despised the Emperor Wu."


The blood-demon emperor frowned, and said, "What does this person have to do with the desert?"

The martial art deity was a little surprised. Looking at the monk Daming, he smiled and asked, "When did you know?"

"In the ancient battlefield."

The monk Daming said: "On that day, after you and I passed the emperor's exit and killed the emperor and the corpse emperor, I mentioned your existence to your Qinglian true body.

"Although your Qinglian Zhenshen was a little surprised, she still behaved too calmly without being curious. At that time, I guessed it."

Martial arts could not help but sigh.

I have to say that the monk is indeed the most intelligent and talented person among all the monks he has ever met.

Even if he can crack the Blood Scriptures, it is enough to prove that he is powerful.

Since it was broken by the monks, there is no need to hide the deities of martial arts.

The fog on his face gradually dissipated, revealing his true features.

Originally, the emperors were still confused as they listened to the dialogue between the master of martial arts and the monk.

But when the true image of the martial arts demon revealed, there was an uproar immediately!


"This, this, how is this possible!"

"The Emperor Wu?"

The emperors stared, their faces covered with incredible colors.

The storytelling old man also opened his mouth slightly, and looked around the real body of the dragon and phoenix, the real body of Qinglian and the martial art deity.

Is this the third true body of the Emperor Wu?

The blood-demon emperor is indeed a generation of heroes. After his expression shook, he quickly returned to peace and looked coldly at the martial arts deity.


The blood-demon emperor smiled, and said, "Your avatar is so hidden that I have hidden it!"

The blood-demon emperor secretly urged the magic, in his eyes, the blood flashed, trying to control the martial arts deity.

"No need to try."

The martial art demon saw the intention of the blood conquering emperor, and said lightly, "Your magic is useless to me."

The birth of the martial arts deity is a strange number in itself!

This true body is the fruit of martial arts, condensing martial arts will, Cangsheng belief and many other forces, without being stained with a trace of the "Lianxuejing"!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The Bloodlusting Emperor nodded again and again and said, "I did not expect that I planned the layout for 40,000 years, but there were still variables!"

"However, it doesn't matter! I want to see, this continent, who can stop my killing!"


The blood of Demon Emperor Demon Emperor, Demon Demon Emperor, and Xingsu Xian Emperor was full of blood. Behind the three of them, they all showed a **** evil face, yelling at the four!

The war broke out instantly!

The storytelling old man, Long Ran and others found the blood slave emperors who had already surrendered to the blood emperor.

The blood-demon emperor and his two avatars can only be given to the martial arts deity and the monk.

That level of battle, even the night spirit can't intervene!

(End of this chapter)

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