Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1765: Star Wars

Chapter 1765 Star Wars

Daming Monk flickered and went straight to Xingsu Xianhuang!

With his combat power, he can hold down a clone of the Blood-Length Demon Emperor, which is already the limit.

His practice time is too short!

He returned from a real rebirth, broke through the barriers, and practiced to this point in less than a thousand years.

It is also based on the Book of Alchemy, no matter how strong his talent is, it is difficult to make up for it. This accumulation of thousands of years has accumulated.

The star tragedy occurred 20,000 years ago.

Among the two main avatars of the Bloodfinger Emperor, Xingsu Xianhuang practiced for a short time.

Therefore, the monk directly found the Xingsu Xianhuang!

The martial art demon stepped forward and walked towards the blood-seeker emperor. It seemed slow, but in a blink of an eye, he had already come near!

The blood-demon emperor looked cold and stared at the martial arts deity!

Both shot at the same time!

The master of martial arts shook his fist, his body was swollen with blood and blood, as if there was a huge furnace, burning in raging flames, bursting with great power!

The blood of the blood-demon emperor was full of blood and wet, and he had been soaked with blood, and he also made a punch!

This punch, like a sea of ​​blood condensed, drowned in the martial arts deity!


The fists collided with a loud noise!

The world is shaking!

At this moment, on the entire battlefield, there seemed to be a momentary pause, and time was still!

This is not just a collision between the strength of the two, but also a battle between water and fire!

This martial art deity's fist is like a volcanic eruption, bursting out with horrible hotness.

The fist of the blood conquering emperor, such as the tide surge, set off heavy blood waves!

The hard punch of the two of them turned out to be evenly matched and did not distinguish themselves!

Both are half way back!

In fact, the combat power of the blood-finding demon emperor far surpasses his two avatars, and it has exceeded the cognition of ordinary monks, and cannot be measured by comprehending several superb magical powers.

Because of the existence of the "Lingxue Demon", the blood-demon emperor can continue to refine the blood, quenching and baptizing his own flesh and blood, Yuan Shen!

In other words, there is almost no upper limit to the power of the Blood Purifying Emperor!

Forty thousand years of practice, you can imagine what kind of realm the Blood Evil Demon Emperor has reached!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the storytelling old man and other emperors released the peerless supernatural power, the blood-finding demon emperor could easily smash it!

And the martial arts power cannot be used for common sense!

Martial arts smelt a hundred sutras, smelt ten thousand ways, and his power has no upper limit!

What's more, the deity of martial arts has opened up a new method of spiritual practice to create a lifeland secret.

It can be said that the martial arts deity and the blood-finding demon emperor have now cultivated to the peak of the power of the Nether, and are infinitely close to the powerfuls of the Xuanxian of the upper world!

The biggest difference between them and Xuanxian of the upper world is that there is no robbery and no vitality in the body.

This fist really shocked the heart of the blood conquering emperor!

He really didn't expect that on the continent, someone could resist his power!

Even more frightening is that in the body of the martial art deity, he smelled a terrible breath, and it seemed that he was going to incinerate everything!

It is even possible to smelt and incinerate him!

The Bloodlust Demon Emperor felt the threat.

But he didn't let the demon emperor avatar come to join him to fight the martial arts deity.

Because, the blood-demon emperor realized that even if he joined forces with the demon emperor, he might not be able to suppress the martial arts deity.

However, if the Huangyao Emperor and the Xingsu Xianhuang join forces, they can suppress the monks in a short time!

In this way, when he surrendered to Daming Monk, he could condense the third avatar.

By then, his magical achievements will be achieved, and his combat power will skyrocket.

The blood-demon emperor just moved.

The prince demon emperor who had rushed to the deity of Wudao suddenly turned around and rushed towards the monk!


Although the deity of the martial arts was facing away from the Xiuhuang Emperor, he felt this scene. His body violently withdrew, and immediately came to the back of the Xiuhuang Emperor and grabbed his huge head!

Feeling the crisis, the evil demon emperor hurriedly ducked his head.

But the martial arts deity shot extremely fast, and landed instantly, patted on the shoulder of the Yaohuang Emperor.


The martial arts deities have five fingers, with sharpness like a knife, piercing the flesh and blood of Emperor Demon Emperor directly.

The master of martial arts raised his arm, grabbed the shoulder of the Yaohuang Emperor, and slammed it down front!


There was a loud noise!

The demon emperor's huge body was dropped to the ground by Budomoto with respect and smashed into a huge pit!

This scene is extremely shocking.

It's like a tiny tadpole, who pulls up a towering ancient tree and drops it on the ground!

Absolute suppression on strength!

The demon emperor was crumbling, and the pain was unbearable.

The original body of thousands of feet, in a blink of an eye, returned to the normal height of the human form.

Huge demon emperor has a huge body. Although he is terrible and fierce in power, he is too awkward. Under the shot of the martial art deity, he can't dodge at all!

The Yao Yao Emperor can only be forced to shrink in size.

At this moment, the blood-demon emperor rushed up again, and the slender fishing rod in his hand fell off head-on towards the martial art deity!


A white light, stunning, like lightning in the night sky!

The outer skin on this fishing rod shattered, revealing the cold sharpness inside!

Where is this fishing rod?

This is a sharp knife!

At the same time, another battlefield.

Daming Monk and Xingsu Xianhuang continued to fight, close to the war front, but the body was back and forth, the viscera shook, blood fluttered, completely fell into the wind!

You must know that the monks of Daming were physically powerful, terrifying blood, and even in close combat, they could even fight against martial arts deities.

But now, it is completely suppressed by Xingsu Xianhuang!

Xingsu Xianhuang practiced for too long, at least 20,000 years longer than Daming Monk!

In the melee technique, the Xingsu Xianhuang did not fall into the wind at all.

In this way, the Ming monk will be killed by the star emperor in the melee!

The monk stepped back one after another, suddenly biting his finger, and spilling the blood of the emperor with his fingertips!

The monk urged Yuanshen, his eyes were magnificent, and his cold-blooded murderous power was revealed. His blood-stained fingers were waving, and a **** character was quickly written in front of him.


The eternal supernatural power of the Emperor of the Ancients, kill the words!

The power of horror and supernatural power permeated.

This killing word was condensed in an instant, and contained a terrible killing force, and smashed towards Xingsu Xianhuang, trying to kill it!

"Ha ha."

Xingsu Xianhuang sneered slightly, and similarly urged Yuanshen, stretched out his arm, and pointed at the oncoming word killer, and drank softly, "Turn the star to the sky!"

It is also a peerless supernatural power.

After this supernatural power was released, a strange supernatural power was shrouded in the word killing tactics.

The star emperor suddenly turned, pointing his finger at another martial art deity on the other battlefield!

This killing tactic turned out to hit the martial arts deity!

(End of this chapter)

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