Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1766: Invincible!

Chapter 1766: Invincible!

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, is a peerless supernatural power, although there is no powerful killing power, but still not to be underestimated!

The word killing tactic is one of the most terrifying killing powers in the peerless supernatural powers, but it has been star-shifted by this bucket and directly transferred the target!

Killing the word tactics failed to pose a slight threat to Xingsu Xianhuang, but instead killed towards the martial arts deity!

At the same time, the long knife in the hand of the Alchemy Demon Emperor turned into a white rainbow, and it was already here!

The shy demon emperor, who was downsized, was filled with demon and **** spirits, and also flung towards the martial arts deity!

The situation is changing rapidly.

At this moment, it was tantamount to the blood prince and his two avatars joining forces to launch a fierce offensive against the martial arts deity!

To one enemy three!

The Budo master took a deep breath, his eyes were magnificent, and he didn't even see the killing tactics that hit him from behind, and hit a backhand punch.

At the same time, he exhaled!

This white gas exudes a sharp sense of sharpness, killing intentions, and in the midst of the air, two dragons and beasts of the Dragon Dragon Snake have condensed and rushed towards the Demon King!

The white air spit out by the martial arts deity is not an ordinary sword air, but a sword air condensed by the killing of sword skills!

At the same time, the martial arts master stretched his fist and ran towards the sword!


The sword was chopped on the fist of the martial arts deity, and the sound of the golden stone fighting came out!

The martial arts fist is intact!

The blood-demon emperor's heart froze.

You know, the flesh and blood of the martial arts deities, perpetuated with the fire of martial spirits, is like a huge flood furnace, smelting hundreds of thousands of methods, indestructible!

The physical body of the deity of martial arts can suppress all magic weapons of heaven!

Even the imperial seal of the people can hardly hurt the martial arts deity!

The master of martial arts did not wait for the Blood Evil Emperor to take back the long knife, and suddenly changed his moves. The entire arm suddenly became weak and weak, like a proboscis nose, rolled on the long knife!


Martial arts master's arms, one roll and one shock!

The blood-demon emperor was shaken.

He felt a horrible twisting, shaking, tearing power bursting out of his palm through the long knife in his hand!

The tiger's mouth of the blood conquering emperor tears instantly, the blood drips, can't hold it, the long knife flies away!

This long sword of the blood-demon emperor is indeed a superior magic weapon.

If it is an ordinary magic weapon, if it is scrolled by the martial arts deity like this, it will be directly broken into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron and completely destroyed!

The long knife fell.

On the other side, the word killer collided with the fist of the martial arts deity!

The sharp supernatural power constantly tears the arm and fist of the martial art deity, trying to tear his flesh and cut it.

But the martial arts deity did not move!

The blood spit out, and a punch punched the word killing tactics to pieces, broken into invisibleness!

The demon Emperor burst out of his magical powers, and soon shattered the dragons and snakes that were transformed from the sword-slaying spirit, staring at the martial arts master with anger.

The martial arts deity, with one enemy and three, resolved as many as three offensives!

Of course, the deity of martial arts dare not care.

He didn't even dare reveal his hole cards easily.

Because, the blood-demon emperor must have a powerful backhand!

On the other side, the monk once again released peerless magical powers, fighting with the star emperor Xianhuang.


The blood-demon emperor was full of strong blood, and rushed towards the martial arts deity, and said in a cold voice: "I don't believe that my 40,000-year-old practice is better than your more than 1,000-year-old juniors! "

Yao Yaohuang also shot at the same time.

The martial arts deity is not afraid, with clear eyes, stepping forward to meet the two emperors, raising his hand is a punch!


There is a volcanic eruption in the body of the martial art deity, and this fist is fierce and suffocating!

boom! boom! boom!

The blood-evil demon emperor, the demon emperor and the martial arts demon continued to fight, and the melee fight was completely a fight of strength, without any skill!

Continuous hard shock, full of vitality, blood engulfed!

The martial arts demon stands in the air, black hair is dancing, his eyes are like a torch, and one enemy is two, and the wind is not falling at all!

On the battlefield of the three men, the void was torn apart and full of holes!

The three have almost separated from the world of the heavenly continent, and are in the turbulence of the void. Through the fragmented void, their bodies are looming!

I have to say that the 40,000-year-old practice of the Blood Evil Emperor is really terrible.

For so many years, the continuous refining of the blood, the physical body and blood of the Demon Emperor have reached an unimaginable level.

The strength of the martial arts demonstrating a punch in one hand is enough to smash a magic weapon!

But the Blood Evil Demon Emperor can fight close to the martial arts deity!

The two are getting faster and faster, and their power is getting fiercer. In a blink of an eye, they have fought a thousand moves!

This is not only a fight of strength, but also a fight for blood and physical strength.

You know, the two people's hard-hitting record is extremely fierce.

The Blood Emperor Demon Emperor has 40,000 years of deeds as the foundation. Naturally, the blood veins are strong, the breath is long, and the physical strength is strong.

The martial arts master cultivates martial arts, perpetuates the physical body, and the fire of the martial spirit is tempered. The physical body is like a huge flood furnace.

The two of them tried a thousand tricks, and they were all guaranteed.

And the next demon emperor, only occasionally took a punch of the martial arts deity, and now he has a pale face, his body has been beaten open, and blood has soaked!

During this period, he was repeatedly broken up by the strength of the martial arts deity and reunited.

But the three-man battle has not stopped.


The blood conquering emperor yelled, the blood in his body was turbulent, sprayed out, and behind him a huge blood-stained face turned into a martial art deity!

Bloodline vision!

The demon emperor also condenses the bleeding face vision.

Two blood faces came, exuding the wicked breath!

"Burn me!"

The martial arts demon also urged blood, and the whole person seemed to disappear. Instead, it was replaced by a huge furnace, the flames of which burned the furnace to red and almost transparent!

The blood face collided with the martial arts blast furnace, making a shrill scream!

The three blood vessels collided.

Initially, it was difficult to distinguish between the winner and the loser.

But after half a column of incense, the two blood faces finally could not resist the burning of the martial arts furnace, gradually withered and defeated!


Budomoto respected the newly revealed figure, sang aloud, and was so imposing that he shot again and shrouded the blood-demon emperor and the demon emperor!

The martial arts demon is getting more and more brave!

In martial arts, what you build is to go forward, and what you build is to be brave and advanced!

Under such a confrontation, the will of martial arts has been sharpened even stronger!

The power of the martial arts deities is also constantly rising!

This goes for the other.

The blood-demon emperor gradually fell into the downwind, and the counterattack became less and more defense became available.

The Yaohuang Emperor was even defeated, losing ground.

The martial arts deity is one enemy and two, strong and invincible, and arrogant, like an emperor, coming over the ages, completely suppressing the blood-demon emperor and the evil demon king!

(End of this chapter)

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