Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1767: Bloodnet

Chapter 1767: Bloodnet

For the other emperors, the killing of other emperors did not pose much threat.

After all, Ye Ling now realizes two peerless supernatural powers. Among the many emperors, they are almost invincible!

But no matter how the situation on this side is, the overall situation cannot be determined.

Only by completely killing the blood conquering emperor can the heavens be rid of this catastrophe!

The emperors stayed out of sight and could clearly see that the martial arts deity was one enemy and two enemies, although they suppressed the blood-demon emperor and the evil demon emperor.

However, if you want to completely kill the blood conquering emperor, you can't do it in a short time.

On the other side, the Da Ming monk and Xingsu Xianhuang played against each other soon, and they will soon be divided!

The monk's practice time is still too short.

Although Daming Monk cracked the Book of Alchemy and took on many Buddhist teachings, the descent has accumulated for tens of thousands of years, and this gap is still difficult to bridge.

Above the power and supernatural power, all the monks of Daming fell into the wind!

Since the war, the Daming Monk has been covered with bruises, embarrassed and exhausted.

And the state of Xingsu Xianhuang is much better. His clothes are fluttering, his hands are raised, and he still reveals a bit of chic air!


The storyteller was worried.

If the Daming Monk is suppressed by the Xingsu Xianhuang, it means that the martial arts deity will be one enemy and three!

What's more serious is that the Daming Monk was suppressed, and the blood-demon emperor is likely to refine it into his third avatar!

At that time, the magical powers of the Blood Emperor Demon Mahayana, I am afraid that the martial arts deity is not an opponent!

At this moment, on the two most critical battlefields, another change took place!

The blood-demon emperor was suppressed by the martial arts deity, and the blood in his eyes surged, and he could not bear it anymore.

There was even miserable over Emperor Demon Emperor, and he was beaten with blood.

"Give me!"

Suddenly, the blood-demon emperor suddenly found a fishing net from the storage bag, bit his tongue, spit out the essence of blood, and spilled on the fishing net.


This fishing net glowed with blood, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a **** fishing net, exuding the extreme evil breath!

The Alchemy Emperor turned his hands up.

This scarlet fishing net is shrouded in martial arts deity!

The martial arts master frowned slightly, his body flickered, and he flew towards the side.

Through spiritual consciousness, the martial arts demon feels this scarlet fishing net is not easy to deal with!

But no matter how the martial arts deity shines, it is difficult to get rid of this fishing net!

The martial arts dodging continually, not only failed to get rid of the scarlet fishing net, but it was getting closer and closer!


The blood-demon emperor sneered, and said, "This blood web is the secret method of my upper realm. It has been sacrificed for 40,000 years. Even if you have the power to fly to the earth, you cannot escape!"

The words fell, the **** fishing nets came, and the martial arts deities have been shrouded in it!

The moment the Scarlet Fishing Net contacted the Martial Arts deity, it was directly attached and kept tightening!

"Break me!"

The martial art deity is swollen with blood and blood, his body is soaring, and his flesh is inflated. He wants to break through this **** fishing net with the strength of his body.

But his body climbed, and the scarlet fishing net expanded.

His power, acting on this scarlet fishing net, did nothing at all!

The fishing net itself is soft.

The strength of the martial art deity is the most fierce, and it is exactly restrained by the fishing net.

Although the strength of the martial arts outbreak is fierce, the fishing nets are spread in all directions, and they will be rendered invisible!

Not only that, the blood-colored fishing net was close to the flesh and blood of the deity of the martial arts, and began to emit an evil blood, and penetrated into the body of the martial arts deity through the purple robe!

Martial arts frown slightly.

This **** fishing net is indeed a bit scary!

If you can't escape from this fishing net, let alone kill the blood-demon emperor, he will easily be devoured by his assimilation in the end!

The situation is renewed.

In an instant, the martial arts master fell into passive!

the other side.

The Daming Monk looked a little slumped, but he still didn't mean to shrink back. His eyes were still compassionate, and he looked at the star emperor not far away.

I saw the Ming monk with his hands folded, closed his eyes, and vomited the Brahman.


Around the Xingsu Xianhuang, a tall and sacred Buddha emerged, full of blooming, overwhelming!

Every great Buddha is chanting Sanskrit scriptures, ringing the world!

Around these big Buddhas, the ghosts of dragons and idols gradually appeared.

The dragon roars, the idols grow!

Buddha's most powerful peerless supernatural powers, dragons!

Only in the Dharma, you have the deepest insights and the integration of many Buddhist mysteries, can you comprehend this Buddha statue!

Even Qinglian's true body had never realized this supernatural power.

On the continent, only Daming Monk did it!

The advent of dragons and Buddhas, the force of terror, suppress the past toward the stars of the Celestial Emperor!

"Falling stars!"

The star emperor looked dignified, and dared not to carelessly.

Suddenly, the world shook.

Above the sky, countless stars with a horrifying atmosphere, marked out a flame, descended on the continent of heaven!

But the Buddhas have the protection of Buddha light and the shelter of dragon elephants. These stars still cannot shake the power of the Buddhas!

"Ghost Blood Shield!"

The star emperor's look changed greatly, realizing that it was just a peerless supernatural power that could not shake the dragons of the Buddha at all, and immediately offered a second peerless supernatural power!

As soon as the statues of the Buddhas emerged, the Xingsu Xianhuang had to sacrifice two peerless supernatural powers in succession to resist!

boom! boom! boom!

The power of the Buddhas collided with the stars.

Numerous Sanskrit sounds are suppressed toward the Xingsu Xianhuang.

Countless sacred Buddha lights are coming, wanting to transcend the stars.

But Xingsu Xianhuang responded extremely quickly. On top of his head, a shimmering **** shield condensed, covering the sky and hiding himself behind him!

Countless Sanskrit sounds, Buddha light, fell on the blood shield of the Nether, and stirred up ripples.

Xingsu Xianhuang's face was a little pale.

For the first time, he felt the threat under the help of a monk!

Fortunately, his path is very deep, with the help of two peerless superpowers, he finally resisted the dragons!

Since he resisted, it was the death of the monk!

On another battlefield.

Feeling this scene, the deity of martial arts was also excited. The fire of the martial spirit in his body was burning, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a huge furnace. He wanted to burn the **** fishing net into ashes!


However, the **** fishing net exuded blood and resisted the martial arts flood furnace.

For a time, the Buda Hong furnace was difficult to incinerate!

Seeing this scene, the blood-demon emperor frowned slightly, anxiety in his heart.

"You can't delay it, you have to fix it all as soon as possible!"

In the eyes of the blood-demon emperor, the blood shined!

"Burning spear!"

Almost at the same time, the Blood Evil Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor urged the Yuanshen to condense the supernatural powers.

In the palms of the two emperors, a **** spear condensed, the blood veins boiled, braving the heat and throwing them fiercely towards the martial arts deity!

(End of this chapter)

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