Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1768: Blood face mask

Chapter 1768: Blood Face Mask

The blood network is constantly shrinking, and the blood is pervasive, limiting the movement of the martial arts deity.

If there are only two peerless supernatural powers, there can be no threat to martial arts deity.

But in this blood network, the power of the martial arts deity cannot be released at all, and the body is soaked with blood, and the power is greatly suppressed!

The two spears condensed with blood exuded a scorching breath, and they broke into the air!

These two superb supernatural powers cannot kill the martial arts deity.

But if you ca n’t escape from this blood web, the martial arts destiny is a living target, and the blood conquering demon emperor and the evil demon emperor will continue to shoot and launch fierce offensive!

The physical body of the martial art deity may not be able to withstand it.

At this point, the martial arts master urged the Yuanshen, a hot magical power burst out from his body, and a crimson flame burst into his body!

The blood-demon emperor squinted a little, and his heart narrowed.

This crimson flame made him feel a palpitation!

"Burning the sea to cook the sea?"

"Flame of Dragon and Phoenix?"


The Blood Evil Emperor secretly denied that this kind of flame is by no means the above two!

This is a magical power he has never seen!

In a blink of an eye, the two **** spears were stabbed near the martial arts deity.

But these two superb magical powers crashed into the flames of the martial arts deities, like snow in the hot sun, but were instantly incinerated by the flames and collapsed into invisibleness!

Two peerless superpowers did not hurt the martial arts deity!

The deity of the martial arts was burning with flames, but his eyes were cold, and he looked at the Blood Conquering Emperor not far away.

In the palm of his palm, a crystal clear lotus flower flashing with red light was gradually condensed, burning with flames, slowly rotating!

The blood on the fishing net began to dim.

The entire fishing net was burnt and crackled, twisted wildly, and the breath continued to weaken and exhaust!

After the burning red lotus condensed, this blood-colored fishing net could no longer support it and was burned out of a huge hole!

This blood-finding emperor had conceived a magic weapon for 40,000 years, completely abolished, and fell off the body of the martial art deity!


Seeing this scene, the blood-demon emperor was frightened and furious, and wanted to take the shot and retrieve the broken fishing net.

At this moment, a voice rang out in the mind of the blood-refining emperor.

"Don't go, it's karma!"

The blood conquering emperor froze slightly.

"This is the red lotus industry fire, retreat first!"

The sound in the mind of the Blood Lever Emperor became a little dignified.

At this moment, the martial art deity threw the karmic fire red lotus in his hand, and threw it towards the Blood Evil Demon Emperor!

The red lotus of this industry turned into a rainbow, and it was just around the corner.

The blood-demon emperor hated this red lotus, and condensed another peerless magical power.

"Don't touch it!"

The sound in the mind of the Blood Conquering Emperor sounded again, but it was too late.

A huge blood-colored palm caught on the red lotus of karma. Failed to hurt Yehuo Red Lotus, the **** hands were burned to the ground!

The blood conqueror's pupils contracted, and she realized that she was terrific, and her body was receding.

But this karma burned scarlet palms and spread along this peerless magical power.

A small cluster of karma fell on the Blood Emperor!

If there is cause and effect, there is karma.

And this karma is like a primer.

Although it is only a small flame, it instantly ignites the karma on the blood conqueror!

In a short time, the body of the blood-demon emperor ignited a raging fire!

You know, for the past 40,000 years, the Blood Evil Emperor has planned for thousands of people, and has promoted four catastrophes in one hand.

These are bad karma!

The heavier the karma, the more terrible the lethality caused by the karma!

Just in a blink of an eye, the blood-demon emperor has burned into a huge fireball, completely engulfing his body!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the fireball, the screams of the blood-demon emperor came out with great pain.

The karma fiery red lotus slammed heavily on the blood-demon emperor, almost piercing his flesh!


The blood spitting emperor spit out a large mouthful of blood, and before being spilled, he was burned by the karma!

The demon emperor next to him looked horrified, and hid in a hurry, afraid to step forward.

Before long, the screams in the huge fireball came to an abrupt end.

"Death of the Bloodfinger?"

The spirits of the emperors startled!

If the blood-demon emperor falls, with the strength of martial arts deity, even if the two major avatars of Xun Yao and Xingsu Xianhuang join forces, they are not his opponents!

Martial arts frown slightly.

Only he knew that the Demon Emperor was not dead!

If the blood-finding emperor falls, the real body of the dragon and phoenix and the real body of Qinglian will break free of the shackles of the blood-fining magic scriptures.

Nowadays, the two true bodies are still resisting the power of the Blood Scriptures and cannot help themselves.

The huge light of karma gradually diminished.

The shape of the Blood Conquering Emperor is revealed again!

The blood-demon emperor looked extremely embarrassed. His body was burnt with karma and the flesh was fuzzy, but his body was still filled with a powerful breath of life!

Moreover, this breath is still rising rapidly!

The eyes of the martial art princes were gazing at each other.

The face of the Alchemy Demon Emperor, with a blood face mask!

This blood-faced mask is filled with a powerful magical energy, which is continuously poured into the body of the blood-demon emperor, repairing his physical body!

The injury of the Blood Conquering Emperor is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It is this blood-faced mask that suppresses the karma of the martial arts deity!

"Desolate, you really surprise me!"

Through the mask, the voice of the blood conquering emperor, with deep resentment, said coldly: "I'll see, what else can you do!"

The words did not fall, the blood of the blood-demon emperor filled with monstrous blood, and rushed towards the martial arts deity.

The Alchemy Emperor punches.

The martial art deity also made a punch and greeted him.


A loud noise!

The martial arts master shook his body, and there was a crackling noise in his body, and his bones seemed to fall apart!

Pedal Pedal!

The martial art deity couldn't stop the fist of the blood conquering emperor, and took three steps back.

Martial arts stunned in their hearts!

Putting on that blood-faced mask, the blood-staining demon emperor soared, reaching an extremely terrifying state, and almost hit him hard!

What's more, the blood in the blood-demon emperor's body seemed to have spirituality, spreading towards his arm along the fist of the martial art deity!

In an instant, the palm of the martial art deity was covered with bloodshot!


This bloodshot contains extremely evil power, corrodes the flesh and blood of the martial arts deities, and emits billowing smoke!


The martial art deity looks dignified.

The blood-demon emperor apparently resorted to another power.

On the blood face mask, there is a steady stream of magical gas. Under the blessing of this power, the combat power of the blood-demon emperor has skyrocketed!

(End of this chapter)

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