Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1769: Demon disintegration

Chapter 1769 The Demons Disintegrate

boom! boom! boom!

In the body of the martial art deity, there were three loud sounds, as if he had broken some kind of shackles and opened the door to a secret place!

Behind the deity of Martial arts, three mysterious purple haloes emerged, condensing countless Taoism and Dharma!

Three life wheels emerge!

The breath of the martial art deity has skyrocketed, and the strength in the body has risen rapidly!

Under the shroud of these three purple haloes, the martial arts deity is like a true deity.

"what is this?"

The blood-demon emperor looked uncertain, confused, and murmured.

And this time, the voice didn't ring.

Because, even that voice, I do n’t understand, what these three rotating purple haloes that emerged from behind the martial art deity represent what!

Three life wheels emerged, and the blood-colored silk on the palm of the deity's deities was instantly shattered and fell off!


The master of martial arts gave a loud scream, and he was carrying three life wheels, moving under his feet, and interweaving the Tao and Dafa.

The master of martial arts is so imposing that he stepped on the tortoise and snake in front of the blood-demon emperor, raising his hand is a punch!

This punch is invincible, nothing is broken!

The blood-finding demon emperor also raised his arm, urging qi and blood, and the blood-faced mask released the rolling qi, condensed on his arms, and shook with the martial arts deity!


Accompanied by a loud noise!

Take a step back!

Both martial art deities are already in the midst of emptiness, and the surroundings are dark and deep, endless, but the power of this fist still shakes and shakes the heavenly continent!


The Alchemy Lord roared.

The blood-faced mask suddenly released countless blood-faced faces, surrounded by martial arts deities, biting wildly.

The life wheel behind Martial arts deities slowly rotates.

As soon as these blood faces rushed up, they were defeated by the three life wheels!

These three life wheels of the martial art deity can even smash all magic in the world!

boom! boom! boom!

The two rushed together again, fighting against each other continuously, blood and blood colliding, **** hard, and a fierce confrontation broke out!

Since the war, both have been unreserved and have exhausted everything!

Although the martial art deity has the upper hand, the blood-finding demon emperor has a blood-face mask to help. The martial art deity wants to suppress it, and there is not much opportunity.

And the blood-demon emperor could not get rid of the martial arts offensive.

The martial art deity has the upper hand, launching a suffocating attack directly, like a violent storm, with supreme strength and vast physical strength, completely formed suppression!

"Is there anything you can do!"

A roar in the heart of the Blood Conquering Emperor: "You always brag about how big you are, can't you be the enemy of this nether world!"

"My strength hasn't recovered at all."

In the mind of the blood-finding demon emperor, a voice sounded: "Furthermore, there is an upper limit of power in this lower bound, and this person does not know what method of cultivation has broken this upper limit!"

"Even if we don't kill him, he will certainly die in the future!"

The blood-defining emperor gritted his teeth and said, "I can't wait for him to cross the robbery! I am now suppressed by him, and I can't even get away! What's the use of crossing the robbery, you tell me!"

"You are a waste too!"

The voice sounded and sneered: "I have long allowed you to refine that Damon monk. You just don't listen and let it be cultivated. Now it's better. People have cracked the Book of Blood Scriptures, and your magical powers are left behind. A huge flaw! "

"If the magic is successful, He Chou can't kill this person!"

Feeling the crisis on the side of the blood conquering emperor, the offensive of Xingsu Xianhuang became even more fierce!

After breaking away the dragons of the Buddhas, the monks no longer have any cards. Under the offensive of Xingsu Xianhuang, they have been defeated one after another, and their bodies have suffered huge trauma, and they are already in ruins.

With the self-healing power of the monk, it is difficult to heal in a short time!

Taking advantage of the martial arts deity and the blood conquering emperor to kill, the demon emperor took off and rushed towards the monk.

Xun Yaohuang is ready to join forces with Xingsu Xianhuang to suppress Daming Monks as soon as possible!

In this way, the Blood Evil Demon Emperor will refine the Daming Monk to become the third avatar.

Daming Monk's face was pale and kept going back, but his eyes were still compassionate, and there were no waves in his eyes.


Xingsu Xianhuang stepped forward, stretched out his huge palm, and broke out an extremely fierce force, as if to take off the stars from the sky!

Peerless magical powers, pick the stars!

This star picking big hand, suppress it towards Daming Monk!

"It's over."

The Daming Monk sighed softly, looking at the Xingsu Xianhuang not far away, daring back and rushing forward!

"Looking for death!"

Xing Su Xian Huang cursed!

Of course, he will not beheaded the monk, he only needs to imprison the monk's primal **** and release the secret method to completely assimilate him!

The Daming Monk smiled slightly, and suddenly a destructive breath burst out from his body!

This breath is extremely violent, and it will almost drown the star emperor!

As soon as the Xiuhuang rushed up, she realized that it was not good.

After all, he is the voice of the demon tribe, and his spiritual consciousness is different from ordinary people.


Xingsu Xianhuang suddenly opened her eyes and seemed to realize something. In her eyes, she expressed deep fear, her voice shuddering!

"The demons disintegrate!"

Daming monk spoke four words.


These four words fell, and the flesh of Daming Monk burst in front of Xingsu Xianhuang, bursting into a terrifying storm, and instantly engulfed Xingsu Xianhuang in it!

At this moment, the heavens and earth seemed to stand still.

Along with this loud noise, the battlefields of the emperors were severely shaken.

The emperors looked at each other and looked at the scene incredibly.

Under the watchful eyes of the emperors, Xingsu Xianhuang was torn apart completely by this devastating storm, with no bones left, and the Yuanshen failed to escape!

"The demons disintegrate!"

Storytelling old man was shocked.

The disintegration of the demon is a legendary supernatural power.

It is said that the person who released this supernatural power will fall immediately.

But at the moment of disintegration, a powerful storm of power will be released, destroying everything around and engulfing all vitality!

No one had expected that the monk of Daming actually realized this supernatural power.

No one thought that at this moment, the Daming Monk turned back without hesitation, and released the demons disintegration without hesitation, and fell simultaneously with the star emperor.

"Do not!"

Feeling the scene in the Tianhuang continent, the blood conquering emperor roared!

The fall of Xingsu Xianhuang means that his avatar disappeared completely.

What's more, his magic has shown more flaws!

Of course, in the heart of the blood-demon emperor, what is even more unacceptable is the fall of the Daming Monk!

Because the fall of Daming Monk means that they defeated him defeated!

He never had a chance to come back!

Daming Monk is his eternal flaw.

(End of this chapter)

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