Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1770: Mercy of the Great Monk

Chapter 1770: Mercy of the Great Monk

Daming Monk fell.

The impact of this has not only taken away an avatar of the Bloodlust Demon Emperor.

Even more, because of the choice of the monk, the magical power of the blood-demon emperor appeared flaws that could not be repaired.

The two fought for 40,000 years, and it was not until this moment that they finally had a result.

Although the Daming Monk fell, the battle between the two was won by the Daming Monk.

If the blood-evil demon emperor is struck by lightning, the whole person's breath suddenly diminishes!

Originally, because Su Zimo's two true bodies were not deeply involved in the demon, the blood conquering emperor could barely restrain the two real bodies with the help of the "Lianxue Demon".

But nowadays, the monk of the Ming Dynasty has fallen, the emperor of the Xingsu City has fallen, and the magical power of the blood-demon emperor has been severely damaged.

The momentum of the two true bodies soared, one after another broke free from the shackles and influences of the Blood Scriptures, sober up!

The fall of the monk monk has formed a huge psychological shock to the blood conquering emperor!

There was even a flaw in the Taoist Heart of the Lianxue Demon Emperor!

This subtle change may not be felt by others, but the martial arts demon who fights against the blood-demon emperor feels it most clearly.

As if at this moment, the blood conquering emperor was a lot older, and became weak and sullen.

Su Zimo looked silently at the direction where the monk fell.

It was empty and nothing was left.

The Emperor's Mirror, everything in the ancient temple in the early Taizhou period, has been wiped out.

All the traces of the Daming Monk disappeared in the dismantling of the demon!

In front of Su Zimo's eyes, a scene of encounters with the Ming monk can't help flashing, everything looks like yesterday.

He never understood the Ming monk.

I don't know, what is the mind of Daming Monk.

The monk who practiced the "Blood Demon Sutra" burst out of the coffin and was stained with endless blood, which is no longer the compassionate monk of that year.

But the monk still has the Buddha nature, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate the most powerful peerless supernatural powers of Buddha, the dragons of the Buddhas!

Su Zimo did not know whether the monk was a Buddha or a demon.

It was not until this moment that he really understood the Daming Monk.

From the moment the monk broke the coffin, he had no intention of living.

The sole purpose of his life is to crack the Blood Scriptures and defeat the blood demon!

He succeeded.

Therefore, in this battle, the monk shaved his long hair and restored his former appearance, also because he was ready to fall.

The demons disintegrate, this magical magical power of the monk, but on the monk's relief, the compassion of the Buddha blooms!

Storytelling old man, all the emperors looked at the direction in which the Ming monk disappeared, except for the shock in his eyes, there was only respect.

Thousands of years ago, the ancient emperor's lower realm clearly saw that the monk had practiced magic skills, but he still handed the emperor's mirror into the hands of the monk.

Maybe it is because the emperor of ancient times also saw the compassion deep inside the monk.



Long Huang Zhenshen, Qing Lian Zhenshen screamed with anger and blood.

The dragon and phoenix directly transformed into the body form, burning the flames of dragon and phoenix, and rushed towards the demon emperor.

Qinglian Zhenshen also has three heads and six arms, holding many magic weapons in his hand, suppressing towards the demon emperor!

The two real bodies join forces to fight against the demon emperor!

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as the two sides contacted, a shocking collision erupted.

Normally, the combat power of Xun Yaohuang should be above Su Zimo's two true bodies.

However, in the war just now, the Emperor Yaohuang was bruised with martial arts deities, consumed extremely severely, and his combat power decreased sharply.

The fall of Xingsu Xianhuang also affected him to a certain extent.

Now he is under the siege of Su Zimo's two true bodies, and instantly falls into the downwind, back and forth, and his injuries are getting worse and worse!

On the other side, in the void.

"You cheer me up, don't die here!"

In the mind of the Blood Conquering Emperor, the voice sounded again, and became a little hasty, yelled: "I have helped you for 40,000 years, and seeing that it is going to take off and rise, I don't want you to die here!"

The blood-demon emperor was silent, and did not respond.

The martial arts offensive became more fierce.

The blood conquering emperor failed, and his fists had been beaten with blood and flesh, and his blood was constantly coughing.

Today, he can still support it, completely because of the blood face mask, which is constantly releasing magic.

"Run away, I heard nothing! He can't catch up with you with the blood sacrifice technique! You have the magic to help you, and one day, you will definitely make a comeback!"

In the mind of the Blood-Lengping Demon Emperor, the voice continued to ring, becoming more and more anxious.

The blood conquering emperor still did not respond.

The martial art demon blasted the defense of the blood-demon emperor with one punch, suddenly reached out his palm, and grabbed it in the face of the blood-demon emperor!

"I'll see what you are!"

The martial arts prince had a big look and drank softly.

The blood-faced mask seemed to have spirituality, felt the crisis, and suddenly filled with a blast of magic, condensed into a sword, and stabbed towards the palm of the martial arts deity!


The master of martial arts grasped his hand tightly and directly crushed this magical sword!

The martial art demon stepped forward and continued to grab the blood face mask!

As long as this blood face mask is taken off, the blood conquering emperor is no longer afraid!


Seeing that he could not escape, the blood-face mask even fell off from the face of the blood-demon emperor, turning into a blood light, galloping away!

"Where to escape!"

Suddenly the arm of the martial arts swelled suddenly, the blood was raging, the palms spread over and kept expanding, almost covering the sky!


The palm of the martial art deity fell on the blood-faced mask, and the magic on this mask was scattered a lot!

You know, the martial arts master has just one fist in his hand, and it has amazing power, which can destroy all the magic weapons of time.

But this palm shot fell, but did not hurt the slightest of this blood face mask!

The martial arts master gathered his five fingers and wanted to detain the blood-face mask first and refine it in the future.

But as soon as he grabbed the blood-face mask, he felt a pain in his palm!


Blood flashed!

The blood-face mask escaped from the palm of the martial arts deity.

Not only that, this blood-faced mask also scratched out a few wounds in the palm of the martial art deity, dripping with blood!

Even the magic weapon of the blood-demon emperor cannot hurt the physical body of the martial art deity.

This blood-faced mask cut the palm of the martial arts deity!

Not only that, the magical qi emanating from the blood-faced mask was stained on the wounds on the palms of the martial arts deities.

The flesh and blood around the wound appeared blue and black, and it was difficult to heal!

The martial arts master secretly startled.

At this moment, Su Zimo's eyebrows flickered, and there was a big tripod from Xu Gao, with four feet and two ears. The tripod was full of cracks, permeating the ancient atmosphere.

Bronze Fang Ding turned into a streamer, suppressing it towards the blood face mask!


There was a sudden scream in the blood-faced mask, full of fear: this respect ... "

(End of this chapter)

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