Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1771: fate

Chapter 1771 The End

The origin of this blood-face mask is unknown, but it is most likely from the upper bound.

Even the martial arts deity shot with all his strength, he could not suppress it, even if Su Zimo offered other magic weapons, it would not help.

Although this bronze Fang Ding is full of cracks, it seems to be completely abandoned, but since Su Zimo was acquired, this Ding Ding is indestructible!

It is with all the top magic weapons of the Tianhuang continent, the bronze Fang Ding will not be damaged.

Su Zimo sacrificed a bronze Fang Ding, he didn't think much about it.

I just thought that maybe we could use the bronze Fang Ding to pin down the blood face mask and let the martial arts deity find a way to suppress it.

Unexpectedly, there was a creature hidden in this blood-faced mask, and the reaction was extremely fierce. It seemed to know this bronze Fang Ding!

If this blood-faced mask comes from the upper world, then this bronze Fang Ding must also be a thing of the upper world!

Moreover, the blood face mask seems to be very afraid of the bronze Fang Ding!


Bronze Fang Ding suddenly descended and fell on the blood face mask!


A **** scream came from the blood-faced mask!

The **** magic around the blood-faced mask was shocked by this, and the blood and water on the mask was shaken everywhere!

These **** waters quickly condensed into a drop of **** water in the mid-air, exuding evil spirits, and wanted to reattach to the mask.

At this time, the martial arts master decisively abandoned the blood-demon emperor, and descended directly in front of him.


Another loud noise!

This drop of blood was shattered again by bronze Fang Ding!

Even if this drop of blood water re-condenses, the blood light is much bleak.

The martial arts demon stretched out a large hand, and detained the remaining drop of blood directly in the palm of his hand.

As soon as the martial arts master thought, his five fingers gathered, and in his palm, an impenetrable prison condensed.

Although this drop of blood was dim, it was still extremely irritable and enchanting!

This drop of blood sometimes turned into a weird blood face, and sometimes a dead tombstone condensed, rammed into the palm of the martial art deity, trying to break free!


The martial art deity sneered slightly, and the fire of martial arts soul and the fire of the red lotus industry were condensed directly in the palm of his hand.

Two flames burn at the same time!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

This drop of blood uttered a scream of screams, extremely painful.

But even so, the two flames could not completely refine it!

I don't know the origin of this drop of blood, let alone the blood of anyone.

Although there is only one drop, even falling to the lower bound, it can still resist the power of Wuhun Fire and Honglian Industry Fire!

At this point, the war is not over.

The deity of Martial arts put this side into prison, and let the fire of the Wu soul and the fire of the red lotus industry continue to incinerate the blood.

Two flames, although they cannot be refined.

But it is also difficult for this drop of blood to escape the prison condensed by the martial arts deities!

The martial arts master handily picked up the mask floating in the air.

This mask, without the dip of blood, returned to its original appearance, covered with silver and white, did not know what the material was known, and felt slightly cool.

The martial arts master squeezed the palm of his hand firmly, and he wanted to crush it and throw it away.

But this silver mask is intact!

This martial arts deity, even if it is a magic weapon, can be scrapped into scrap copper and rotten iron. I did not expect, but it will not crush a thin mask like a cicada!

This silver mask is obviously not ordinary!

The martial arts master also put away this silver mask, and threw the bronze Fang Ding back to Qing Lian's true body, flashing his own figure, and came to the blood-demon emperor.

Without the blood-face mask, the breath of the blood-demon emperor suddenly diminished, and his strength was also exhausted.

He battled with the martial arts deity, and the injuries that he had accumulated also broke out in a short time, and the whole man was much older.

On another battlefield.

Under the siege of the two true bodies, the Yao Yao Huang is already at the end of the crossbow.

Long Huang Zhenshen digged out his sharp claws and flew forward to fight close to the Yao Yao Emperor, madly biting, and his supernatural powers burst out frequently!

The world shook, and the void was riddled with cracks on the battlefield!

Dragon Phoenix really restrained the demon emperor, Su Zimo took the bronze Fang Ding thrown back by the martial arts deity, lifted the big tripod, leaped up, and covered the demon emperor's heavenly spirit. Smashed!


Under the entanglement of Longhuang Zhenshen, the Yaohuang Emperor couldn't escape at all!

He can only tilt his head slightly, avoiding the key points,

The bronze Fang Ding slammed heavily on his shoulder, accompanied by a series of bone fractures, and the Yao Yao Huang's shoulder was smashed by the bronze Fang Ding!


The demon emperor roared in pain.

Half of his body was almost smashed by bronze Fang Ding!


Long Phoenix took the opportunity to step forward and bite off the head of the Yaohuang Emperor!

Blood spews and splashes everywhere!

The demon emperor's Yuan Shen came out of the shell, but just escaped, and saw a shadow over it!

Bronze Fang Ding is here again!


The demon emperor's Yuan Shen was smashed by bronze Fang Ding, and disappeared on the spot!

The second avatar of the Blood Evil Demon Emperor has completely fallen!

The two avatars were damaged one after another, and the blood-demon emperor lost his blood-face mask, which greatly reduced his combat power.

"Golem, Fuxi!"

The master of martial arts has a strong eye, and the offensive becomes increasingly fierce. One punch after another will not give the blood-finger emperor a breather!


at last.

The blood-demon emperor couldn't support it, and was punched out of defense by the martial arts deity, hitting his chest heavily.

This punch almost severed the vitality in the Blood Evil Demon Emperor!

The blood in the blood-demon emperor's body began to decay rapidly, and the vitality passed away!

Today's blood-evil demon emperor has long lost his original style, his body is ruined, his hair is scattered, and his body is bruised. This is the end.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

The blood-demon emperor suddenly laughed and murmured: "I did not expect that I lost to you in the end! Hahahaha!"

In the mouth of the blood-demon emperor, obviously it does not refer to Su Zimo.

The laughter was dying, and the Blood Latter Demon Emperor suddenly looked up, staring fiercely at the martial arts deity, and gritted his teeth, "Desolation, if you don't have a great monk, you won't win me at all!"

The martial art deity is silent.

If no monk sacrifices himself and destroys an avatar of the Bloodlust Demon Emperor, the outcome of this battle is indeed unpredictable.


The blood-demon emperor smiled suddenly and said, "Since you have fallen, take a step first, and I will take a look with you to the underworld. When we reach Huangquan Road, we will fight again!"

Realizing that the Blood-Length Demon Emperor was about to extinguish himself, the martial art deity flickered, and came directly to the Blood-Length Demon Emperor, and shot to detain his Yuan Shen.

There are still many secrets in the blood-demon emperor.

Who created the "Leng Meng Jing Jing".

What is the avatar technique practiced by the blood-demon emperor?

What is the origin of that blood face mask ...

This kind of secret, Martial arts destiny must get an answer!

(End of this chapter)

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