Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1772: Three Corpses Dafa

Chapter 1772: Three Corpses

The martial spirit of the martial arts deities came down, directly banned the space around the blood-demon emperor, stretched out his palm, and covered the blood-demon emperor's heavenly spirit.

A blood-colored yuan **** was detained by the martial art deity from the top of the blood-demon emperor.

"What are you doing!"

The Alchemy Lord roared.

In fact, in his mind, he had already foreseen what would happen.

The martial art deity did not hesitate, a ball of light emerged from the palm of his hand, and a dark chain was bred on the light ball, which was wrapped around the blood **** Emperor's God.

So far, the blood-demon emperor battle has weakened, and the two avatars have been continuously damaged. The fall of the Ming monk has even affected his Taoxin.

At this time, it is the best time to perform the soul-searching technique on the blood-seeking emperor!

All kinds of memories rushed into the minds of the martial arts princes instantly, like scenes of pictures, passing quickly in front of his eyes.

Strangely, the memory of the Blood Latter Emperor was a bit vague and hidden in the deepest part. It seemed to be the most unwilling part of the Blood Lender, and it was not real.

The martial arts deity didn't waste time on this, and looked straight back.

When everything became clear, the blood-finding demon emperor was already a teenager, but the cultivation was already returning to the realm, showing the horror of his talent!

The first act seen by the martial arts deity is that the blood-demon emperor is killing with a prince of law.

This Faxiang Daojun is a middle-aged man with dark red hair scattered randomly, handsome features, purple eyes, as if exuding the magic of evil charm.

However, even the handsome face looked a little embarrassed at this moment, staring at the Blood Conquering Emperor not far away, his expression angered!

The martial art deity can see clearly that the long sword held in the hands of the prince of Daxiang is the Shura sword!

This was the disciple of Shuluzong at that time!

Although the blood-demon emperor is a relic of the blood rattan clan, the two sides are in a big realm. He is still facing the disciples of Shuluzong's title, but is still severely damaged, loses combat power, and can't afford to fall to the ground.

At this time, the blood-demon emperor could not see any terrible future generations.

His face was a little bit astringent, he just bit his lip and stared fiercely at Shuluozong's Tao Jun, saying nothing.

"Little beast, you dare to do it to me!"

The Shuo Laozong's Tao Jun sighed loudly!

"You **** it!"

Shouted the Alchemist.

The Shuluozong Daojun didn't speak, but just stared coldly at the Lianmo Demon Emperor. He didn't know what he was thinking, his face was cloudy.

After a few moments, Shura Zong Daojun held the Shura knife in his hand, his eyes were gloomy, and there was a hint of killing. He walked towards the blood-demon emperor, and said in a cold voice: "Not my race, his heart must be different, and really can't stay with you!" "

As he talked, Shura Zong Daojun had already come to the Blood-Evil Demon Emperor, raised the Shura knife, and then cut it down!

At this moment, the world shook!

The martial art deity looked intently.

I saw two things falling from the sky!

One of them is the bronze Fang Ding.

And the other one is the blood face mask!

Bronze Fang Ding fell directly towards the northern part of Tianhuang, and the blood-faced mask seemed to sense something, and flew towards the Blood-Evil Demon Emperor in a flash.


Shu Luo Zong Dao Jun's long sword was cut off, but he could not split the skull of the blood conquering emperor into two halves, but chopped open on this blood face mask!

The man was shocked, and the blood-demon emperor put on a blood-face mask, and suddenly burst from the ground!

A terrible power burst out from the Blood-Length Demon Emperor, holding up the broken knife in his hand, and piercing directly into the eyebrow of this Shura Zong Daojun!

A fatal slash, directly kill the Shuluzong disciple!

The entire process took place between electro-optic flint.

The disciple of the title, even when he fell, did not want to understand how the blood conquering emperor who had lost his combat power suddenly broke out and beheaded him.

After seeing here, the deity of Budo finally determined one thing.

Bronze Fang Ding and Blood Face Mask both came from the upper world and came down at the same time 40,000 years ago.

The blood-demon emperor looked at the body of this Shuluzong disciple with a complex look and stood for a long time before taking a deep breath and turning away.

The Martial Lord demon continued to browse the memory of the Blood Conquering Emperor.

Through these memories, the deity of Martial arts also solved many confusions in his heart.

The Book of Blood Alchemy was indeed created by the Blood Alchemy Emperor based on the secret method of the Bloodvine tribe, but with the help of the soul in the blood-faced mask.

The creature in the blood-faced mask gave him a lot of help in the practice of the blood-demon emperor.

Later, the Blood Latter Demon Emperor was hunted down by the immortal Buddha and the devil three times. No one helped him. If there was no blood-face mask, the Blood Lever Demon King would have died.

Through the memory of the blood-demon emperor, the martial art deity also saw the Ming monk of that year.

Although they are the enemy of life and death.

But in the heart of the blood-demon emperor, the monk was regarded as the only confidant.

Because, of all the practitioners, only the Ming monk will give him a chance!

Until the last two men fought, the Blood Evil Demon Emperor was under the suggestion of the Blood-Face Mask. Taking this opportunity, he succumbed to death and secretly practiced another magic skill!

This is the blood cloak imparted to the Blood Evil Demon Emperor, the three dead corpses!

Su Zimo has also heard Ye Ling mentioning this method of separation, which is said to be on par with the three-way method of immortalization of Xianmen and the three ways of Buddhism.

However, what is the origin of this blood-face mask? After reading the memory of the blood-demon emperor, the master of martial arts did not find the answer.

The creatures in the blood-face mask were never mentioned.

The Martial Lord originally wanted to directly kill the Primal God of the Bloodlust Demon Emperor, but he hesitated a little and suddenly became curious about the vague memories of the Bloodlust Emperor as a child.

The martial arts deity went back again, pulling away the cocoons.

That memory is revealed a little bit!

After the scenes passed by, the look of the martial arts master gradually became more complicated.

"Hybrid! My command, you dare to disobey!"

An immature face was stepped on by the blood rattan family severely under his feet, stepped in the mud, and constantly crushed!

The blood rattan tribe descended, stepping on the boy's cheek, and said coldly, "You are a hybrid, your mother is a bitch!"

"Don't scold my mother!"

Even though the boy was stepped under his body, his face was in the mud, and his mouth was full of sand, but he still grinned and said, looking angry.

"Ha ha."

The blood rattan sneered, "Your mother seduced the wild man outside, and you were born. You are the shame of my blood rattan!"

While cursing, the Bloodvine tribe fiercely shoved the teenager's face into the dirt.

There was a group of Bloodvine people standing around, laughing unscrupulously while watching the excitement.

The Master of Martial Arts suddenly understood why none of the Blood Rattans would be beheaded and killed.

When the martial arts demon saw these memories, the Primal God of the Blood Purifying Demon Emperor suddenly became excited and wanted to break free from the restraint of the martial arts deity!

These are the deepest secrets of the Blood Lever Emperor.

This experience, with the pride of the blood-demon emperor, will never be mentioned to others.

Regarding the blood demon's past, I wanted to leave it blank, but hesitated for a long time and still wrote it down.

(End of this chapter)

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