Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1773: The end of the era

Chapter 1773: The End of The Era

The Martial Lord continued to browse the memory of the Blood Conquering Emperor and witnessed everything.

The blood-finding demon emperor is in the blood rattan family, and he is bullied. Anyone in the blood rat family can punch him, kick him, and drink.

It was in this environment that the Bloodlusting Demon King grew up a little bit.

He did not leave for only one reason, his mother, being imprisoned in the Bloodvine tribe.

Later, the blood-demon emperor looked at his mother, and was forced to die by those Bloodvine people, but he could do nothing!

Before the Blood Devil's mother died, fearing that her child would be in the clan and continue to be insulted, she let the Blood Demon leave the Blood Vine clan to find his father.

The blood demon fled the blood rattan family, disappearing silently.

No one in the Bloodvine family cares about his life or death, and no one looks for him.

The blood demon came to the heavenly continent, and according to the message left by his mother, came to Shuluozong.

Seeing this, there was a slight throbbing in the heart of Budo, and suddenly I remembered the first scene, thinking of a terrible possibility!

The blood demon worshiped in Shuluozong, and the demon tried hard to practice, and finally found an opportunity to meet the person.

Disciples of Shulu Zong!

The Martial Lord deity saw the person killed by the blood devil first, not his neighbor, but his father!

When the father and the son met, there was no warm scene, but fierce quarrel broke out.

At that time, Shura had almost forgotten that he had made friends with a Bloodvine woman, and he was neither cold nor hot about the existence of the blood demon.

"Your mother, just one of my women."

At that time, Shura said lightly: "I just played with her casually, and I was not a gangster at all.

"What's more, for so long in the past, who knew who she was secretly dealing with and only gave birth to you."

The Gorefiend couldn't bear it anymore, and he shot against that Shura and broke out!

After that, it was the scene that the Martial arts deity first saw.

The blood demon was bullied at an early age, and he lost his mother and father. His heart has become extremely distorted, and he has been hunted down by countless practitioners. Only then has the blood conquering emperor caused several catastrophes in future generations!


The Yuan Shen of the Blood-Evil Demon Emperor erupted into a fierce struggle!

These memories are the last thing he wants to face and the last thing to look back on!

With the pride of the Bloodfinger, he would never want the second person to know these secrets!

Click! Click!

In the ball of light, those black chains that were entangled in the blood-staining demon primordial **** appeared a crack, and they were going to be broken by it!

"No one can kill me, neither can you barbaric!"

The blood-demon emperor suddenly broke off the chain and looked sorrowful and miserable, yelling.


The Primal God of the Blood-Employed Demon Emperor directly exploded and was torn apart, and became nothingness in the palm of the martial art deity.

In fact, as long as the martial arts masters gather in their palms, urge the gods again, and suppress them, they can regain control of the blood-demon emperor.

Even, he can easily kill the blood **** of the blood conquering emperor!

But Martial arts ignored.

After reading those memories, he chose to give the Blood Evil Emperor a chance to die, leaving him a little final dignity.

The Alchemy Demon Emperor fell, leaving no trace.

His body also turned into a billowing blood, and fell on the land of the barren land.

The blood demon has hardly felt any kindness, love, or parenthood. In the past, he only received bullying, insult, injustice, ridicule, and hunting ...

It was because of these experiences that there was a later cruel and merciless blood-demon emperor.

The Daming Monk is willing to give the Limon Demon Emperor a chance, perhaps because the Daming Monk knows the past of the Limon Demon Emperor.

Su Zimo looked at the void, remained silent, his complex look, and was emotional.

The same is the legacy of the fierce tribe and abandoned son, but the blood demon and the great monk have taken two very different paths.

Both are talented and unparalleled.

The Blood Demon created the Book of Refined Blood, and secretly promoted several catastrophes.

In a sense, these 40,000 years have been under the rule of the blood demon, even the fierce tribe is no exception!

Every creature on the continent is just his pawn.

Gorefiend's ambition is also terrible!

He would assimilate all the creatures on the continent into a race!

If it were not for the appearance of Butterfly Moon, the Blood Demon would have been successful more than a thousand years ago, and no one can stop him!

The Daming Monk is even more admirable.

He was alone in that ancient coffin for 40,000 years!

For 40,000 years, what kind of suffering he has endured, it is impossible to imagine!

In the end, the monk chose to enter the demon and break out of the coffin. Then, in many Buddhist dharma and mystical techniques, he found a way to break the "Lengxue Demon" and break the shackles of the blood demon.

In fact, the confrontation between the two lasted for 40,000 years and just ended.

The blood-demon emperor's body fell, and the rest of the emperors were not a concern. Under the shot of the martial arts deity, it didn't take long for them to fall.

The storyteller came to Su Zimo, stood with him, looked at the broken battlefield, and sighed, "It is finally over."

"Wu Huang, I once said that the ancient times belonged to the emperor. And this life belongs to your age!"

"Do not."

Su Zimo shook his head.


The storyteller said: "You founded martial arts, Bu Wu Cang Sheng, unveiled the truth of the ancient times, suppressed the emperors of the fierce tribe, the common respect of all the ethnic groups! For all admiration! "

Su Zimo shook his head slightly, and said, "This is not my own era. In this era, there are Yeling, Lin Xuanji, Dragon, some emperors, and seniors ..."

"Because of you, you can create such a magnificent era."

The storyteller laughed, "No matter what, in this life, no one can beat your achievements."

Su Zimo sighed: "No matter how great my achievements, I can't hide the light of the monk."

The storyteller was silent.

If later generations mention this life, I am afraid that the first thing to say is the three emperors, the monks and the blood demon!

In ancient times, the emperor had exclusive respect.

But in this life, the Emperor Wu, Daming Monk, and Blood Demon all left indelible marks and bloomed their respective brilliance!

"Are there any reincarnation in this world?"

Su Zimo asked suddenly.

The storyteller said: "The reincarnation cycle only exists in the legend. That kind of power may only be found in the upper realm."

Su Zimo whispered: "If there is reincarnation, I hope that the monk can still be a human and have better rewards."

The fall of the Ming monk and the blood-demon emperor also means the end of an era.

Su Zimo will not stay on the continent for too long, he will rise and rise.

In the future, the wild continent will usher in a new era of prosperous martial arts and coexistence of all races!

(End of this chapter)

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