Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1775: Robbing! (happy New Year)

Chapter 1775: Crossing the Calamity! (happy New Year)

Cultivation is an act that goes against the sky, step by step.

Prior to this, although there would be huge dangers in impacting every major realm, it was difficult to call them 'robberies'.

Only when stepping into the Mahayana realm did magical powers come.

But the magical robberies are compared with the celestial robberies.

Tianjie is the most difficult level in Xiao Qian World!

If you can support it, you can soar into the upper world and become a fairy.

If you ca n’t make it through, there will be only one ending, and the soul will fly away!

If you want to practice against the sky, you must endure the baptism of God!

On the continent, as long as the monks practice to the Mahayana state, even if they do not understand the supernatural powers and become emperor, they can choose to cross the calamity.

In the ancient times, the exquisite fairy of the ancestor of the Xuanji Palace did not realize the superb magical powers but went through the calamity.

When the monks practice to the Mahayana state, they only need to spread their consciousness to impact the barriers of this small world, and it will lead to disaster!

To this day, there are very few monks who dare to trigger the calamity when the Mahayana is complete, because the calamity is too dangerous.

Many emperors are hardly spared by the calamity!

Su Zimo had seen it in the Xuanji Palace. The exquisite fairy had gone through the robbery that year, and she had also experienced great danger.

Had it not been for the exquisite magical tricks of the exquisite fairy, deduction of Wushuang, she had extremely high accomplishments in the formation method, and could not support it!

More crucially, the robbery can only rely on its own strength.

If there is someone to help each other, it will actually involve this person, and let the robbery give birth to many variables!

These are the valuable experiences left by those who have been robbed in ancient times.

However, no matter how precious these experiences are, they are not as good as many powerful people can witness and witness the process of one person crossing the robbery!

It can be said that the Emperor Wu Huang's crossover was the focus of much attention!

Many powerhouses on the continent are only aware that the Emperor Wu will surely cross over.

But the Emperor Wu had three real bodies, and it was not clear to everyone how to choose to survive the calamity.

"If I were the Emperor Wu, I would choose to use one of the real bodies to cross the robbery. It would be a trial first, and the other two real bodies could also see what happened during this process.

"That's right, even if the robbery fails, there are still two real bodies. After learning from these two real bodies, we may be able to think of ways to crack them."

Since this time, the powerful people of all ethnic groups have been discussing Wu Huangdu's robbery with different opinions.

On this day, a sound suddenly sounded, spreading to every corner of the continent!

"I am a desert martial art. I will cross the East China Sea in ten days. You can go there!"

Heaven is shaking!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

All of a sudden, countless figures from all over the emperor flew towards the sky, galloping in the direction of the East China Sea.

Some of the figures have a lower realm, just the state of law and the state of union, unlike the Mahayana ancestor, who can tear the void and land in the East China Sea.

So these monks immediately set off for the East China Sea!

The state of law and the state of integration, although there is still a long way to go between crossing and robbery, but no one wants to miss this opportunity.

"Guess, which real body will the Emperor Wu first use to escape?"

"I guess it's Long Phoenix's real body. After all, Long Phoenix is ​​taboo, and he has a better grasp of crossing the robbery, and maybe he can cope with some changes."

"I guess it's Qinglian's true body, after all, it's a heaven and earth treasure."

For ten days, a large number of monks gathered near the East China Sea.

In addition to some cultivators, there are powerful people from all ethnic groups, gathered together to discuss.

Among them, there are many familiar faces, the six brothers of monkey, spirit tiger, Qingqing, Yeling, little fox, and golden lion, naturally among them.

Nian Qi also came from the continent of the gods and stood side by side with Tao Yan. In front of these old people, Nian Qi didn't have the slightest shelf of the Emperor.

Bei Mingxue and Kun Peng have also arrived.

Yufei, Shura and Jihuo were also among the crowd.

Lin Xuanji, Mingzhen, Fatty, Shi Jian and others stood together.

The emperors of all races and the emperors of various races also tore the void and landed on the East China Sea.

In a flash, the ten-day period had come.


Three cracks opened in the East China Sea, and three powerful figures came out of it!

Su Zimo's three true bodies come at the same time!

The three true bodies are far apart, each standing, looking calm, while looking at the sky.

The eyes around him all focused on Su Zimo's three great truths, and he was nervous.

Lin Xuanji frowned suddenly, and whispered, "Old man, Brother Su has said, which real body to use for the robbery first?"

"Did not say."

The storytelling old man also looked dignified, saying: "Looking at this posture, the Emperor Wu is likely to cross the robbery with two true bodies at the same time."


Su Zimo's three true bodies, at the same time, erupted into a terrifying sense, soared into the sky, broke through the clouds, and hit the barriers of the Tianhuang family!


The heroes trembled, and there was an uproar!

"Wu Huang dare!"

"The Emperor Wu is too conceited, just in case ..."

"Three true bodies cross the calamity at the same time, the Emperor Wu is so bold!"

There was a burst of noise in the crowd, everyone was shocked!

Even the storytelling old man was stunned, and secretly said, "This is a bit reckless."

In the talk of the heroes, in the sky above the East China Sea, there are already dark clouds, dark as ink, and three huge clouds, suspended above the three real bodies!


Above the East China Sea, howling winds, in the dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunders!

Three dark clouds cover the sky and radiate the vast and mighty divine power, making the souls of all races feel terrified!

Ten thousand strong men have long been hiding away, almost standing on the mainland, looking at the East China Sea, dare not to step forward, for fear of being affected by the calamity.

Everyone looked carefully. Among the three black clouds, the cloud layer above the head of the martial art deity was obviously larger.

The clouds on Long Huang Zhenshen and Qinglian Zhenshen are not much different.

The three black clouds slowly rotated and gradually turned into a huge vortex.

In the clouds, a light red arc of thunder began to flash, condensing towards the center of the vortex, accumulating terrifying power!

Seeing this red thunderbolt, Qun Xiu looked shocked!

"It turned out to be a red thunderbolt!"

"Do you think that the calamity is an ordinary thunder calamity? In this calamity, there is a destructive force, and qualitative change has already occurred!"

The ordinary thunderbolt is just colorless or white, but today's God of Calamity is red!

Sky calamity is coming!

In the center of the black cloud vortex, the flashing blazing red mansions are refracted for thousands of miles, reflecting the mountains and rivers, and the whole world seems to be covered with blood.


Almost at the same time, the center of the three black clouds descended on a red sky mine, splitting towards Su Zimo's three true bodies!

Longhuang Zhenshen and Qing Lian Zhenshen stood with their heads raised, their eyes were like torches, and they looked at the deceased Tiancai without any means to fight against them.

"What is the Emperor Wu?"

"Why not release the magic weapon, magical powers to fight against the calamity?"

"Did ... the Emperor Wu wanted to use the physical body to resist the calamity!"

Qun Xiu was shocked.

In an instant, two red calamities descended on the real bodies of Long Huang and Qing Lian. The two real bodies were different. The red thunder entangled and crackled!

The two true bodies shook the sky and were safe!

On the other side, Wu Daoben looked forward to the coming calamity, which was even more powerful. He even stretched out his palm and grasped it directly.


The sky disaster exploded in the palm of the martial arts deity!

I wish you all a Happy New Year. Zi Mo Du Jie, as a firecracker to celebrate the New Year as the continent, after all, the effects are similar, all crackling ...

(End of this chapter)

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