Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1776: Forty-nine days

Chapter 1776: Four Nine Heavens Calamity

Su Zimo's three real bodies crossed the calamity at the same time. Facing the impact of the sky calamity, the real dragon dragon and the real body of Qinglian chose to use the physical body to shake the first thunder calamity to feel the power in the thunder calamity.

The martial arts deity is even more powerful, and took the initiative to take the thunder and smash it!

Only by truly crossing the robbery can we realize the mystery.

In the thunderstorm, in addition to the powerful lightning power, there is also a wonderful power!

It is this kind of power that has transformed the thunder and lightning in the dark cloud into a terrifying and horrifying disaster!

At this time, the physical bodies of Longhuang Zhenqing and Qinglian Zhensheng suffered the first baptism of thunder and thunder, with thunder flashing on their bodies and arcs tangling.

The power of thunder and lightning in the thunderstorm gradually dissipated, and the remaining strange power penetrated into the body along the skin of the two real bodies.

This strange power is also changing the two true bodies!

"It's heaven and earth!"

Su Zimo's mind flashed.

A few years ago, Butterfly Moon came to him, and he mentioned some things about the upper world. Among them, there is the mystery of heaven and earth.

After being merged into the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the little magical power can transform and evolve into a more terrifying power, defeating Su Zimo's peerless magical power!

Today, the reason why thunder and lightning have transformed into thunder robbers is certainly blended into the vitality of the world!

At the same time, there was a flash of enlightenment in Su Zimo's heart.

Although crossing the robbery is dangerous, for the monks in the Nether World, it is a threshold that must be crossed.

In the Xiaoqian world, only crossing over the calamities has the opportunity to come into contact with the vitality of heaven and earth, baptize the flesh and blood, and transform again.

In this way, monks in the lower realm can adapt to the environment of the upper realm when they enter the upper realm.

Only the monks who have gone through the calamity can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth in the upper world to cultivate!

The martial art deity shattered the sky, and the thunderbolt collapsed in the palm of his hand, but the vitality of heaven and earth contained in it poured into the martial art deity, baptizing his flesh and blood.

Martial arts master closed his eyes slightly and felt the slight changes in his body.

"The red heist just came, and I was so far away from it, and I still felt a palpitation. It was terrible."

A royal sighed.

"I didn't expect such a terrible disaster, to the Emperor Wu, it was nothing at all."

"How can it be so easy to cross the robbery? There are nine thunder robbery, one is more fierce than the other!"

"This is just the beginning!"

In fact, if there is only one thunderbolt, many emperors from ancient to modern times have all their hole cards, means, magic weapons, and they can all be carried down.

However, most of the emperors who failed the calamity fell to the next few thunder calamities.

Most of the emperors, until the end, ran out of hole cards and naturally couldn't withstand the impact of Tianjie.

Many emperors have been reluctant to cross the calamity and want to understand as many peerless magical powers as possible, because with one more peerless magical power, it is possible to resist one more thunderbolt!

Over the East China Sea.

Dark clouds are lower and thicker.

The blazing red electric mang flickers in the dark clouds, converging towards the center of the black cloud swirl!


A crimson thunderbolt fell from the sky and fell towards Su Zimo's three true bodies!

The color of this thunderbolt is much darker than that, and the power it emits is even more terrible!

Dragon Phoenix Real Body and Qing Lian Real Body still did not move, but still greeted the baptism of the calamity with the physical body!

In Tianjie, not only has the vitality of the heavens and the earth, but also a powerful thunderbolt.

This baptism becomes more powerful for the flesh and blood of the two real bodies!

In thunder and lightning, there is inherent vitality and the essence of heaven and earth. These are great supplements for Su Zimo!

Of course, this way of crossing the robbery is absolutely impossible for others to follow.

The martial arts deity is still strong. Facing the coming thunder robbery, he punched it back and crushed the crimson thunder robbery!

Under the gaze of countless gazes, thunderstorms came again and again.

The colors are getting deeper, dark red, blood red, and Yin red!

The power of the thunderstorm is also becoming more and more horrible. Even many emperors standing in the distance watching it feel frightened!

The two true bodies are still intact, bearing the baptism of thunder, not only did not suffer any damage, but the breath in the body has become more and more powerful!

The way of martial arts to cross the calamity is even more violent and direct.

At first he was still standing in the air, raising his hand to fight against Thunder.

But in the final seventh, eighth, and ninth calamities, the deity of martial arts rose against the trend and rushed up against the sky!

boom! boom! boom!

The ninth thunderbolt has just arrived, and the martial arts master has come under the black cloud, raised his hand, punched it, and threw it towards the thunderbolt in the center of the black cloud, yelling!

"Break me!"


This cloud of thunder and lightning was even torn apart by the martial arts deity, and scattered everywhere!

The master of martial arts stands under the sky, like a god, forever!

Less than half an hour, the nine thunderstorms, all spent.

Su Zimo's three true bodies are safe and sound!

"Unexpectedly, the eighth and ninth calamities were the most dangerous, and the Emperor Wu passed through so easily."

"This way of crossing the robbery is truly unprecedented."

Inspiration from all races.

The end of the robbery, Su Zimo's three true bodies did not leave, and there was no vision coming down from the sky.

According to the ancient records, a successful crossing, a milky beam of light descends on the body of the monk, leading it to the upper bound.

But the end of the Nine Road Thunder Calamity, and the coercion emanating from the sky, became even more heavy and horrible, as if any calamity had come!

"what happened?"

"Did the Emperor Wu succeed in crossing the robbery?"

Creatures of all races became agitated.

"Don't ..."

When Lin Xuanji moved in his heart, he turned to look at the storytelling old man, revealing his inquiry.

The storyteller looked dignified, nodded, and said, "So it seems that the legend about Tianjie is true!"

"What legend?"

The emperors appeared curious and asked inquiries.

Regarding Tianjie, not only the other major gates, but even the mysterious palace, there is no exact record, only some legends.

The storyteller said, "There are nine legends."

"We all know this, are there nine thunderstorms?" An emperor continued.

The storytelling old man shook his head and said, "This nine does not refer to the nine thunderstorms, but the nineth heaven disaster!"


The emperors looked shocked.

Long Ran asked, "You mean, this calamity still has to go through nine times?"

The storyteller nodded his head and shook his head again: "Normally, as we know, the nine thunderstorms we just saw can only be counted as the first heavy disaster, and it can also be called the nineteenth disaster.

"But between heaven and earth, if any evil is born and it arouses the jealousy of the sky, it may lead to the second hegemon. There are still nine thunder hegemons in the second hegemon. This is the twenty-nine hegemon!"

"The Emperor of Ancient Times once attracted thirty-nine days of disaster!"

Regarding this matter, let alone other people, not even many people in the mysterious palace know.

The storyteller paused for a while and slowly said, "In legend, the extremes of the Nether are the forty-nine days of disaster! So far, there has never been any on the continent."

(End of this chapter)

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