Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1777: Reborn

Chapter 1777: Reborn

The end of the nine thunder storms, but the dark clouds above the sky, have not completely dissipated, but still hovering over the heads of the three true bodies of Su Zimo, black pressure, heavy, I don't know what terrible powers are being born!

It didn't take long for the dark clouds to change turbulently. In a blink of an eye, three thick clouds formed on the heads of Su Zimo's three true bodies!

This cloud is even more terrible than it is, as if dripping ink!

In the clouds, lightning flashes and thunders, permeating murderous people, it seems that they can swallow everything and tear everything up!

The black cloud spun up again, and the endless lightning force in the clouds began to condense toward the center of the vortex, and the electric light became more and more fierce!

And this time, it is no longer the crimson thunderbolt, but the orange-yellow thunderbolt!

The electric brilliance flashed in the air, emitting a golden light, dazzling!

This has completely surpassed the thunder in the consciousness of many strong men. In this world, there is the power of orange and yellow lightning!

The vortex center of the black cloud seems to have given birth to a round of golden sun, and the surface is surrounded by countless thunder and lightning!

Twenty-nine days of calamity are coming!


In the center of the three black cloud vortexes, a blazing golden thunderstorm erupted, and numerous lightning arcs were knotted together.

This thunderbolt, like a towering ancient tree, fell from the sky and fell down towards the three true bodies of Su Zimo!

Dragon Phoenix and Qinglian Zhenshen still have not released any magical secrets, nor have they offered any magic weapons, and are ready to use their physical bodies to shake the 29th Heaven and Earth.

The martial arts deity looked calm, just like a genius, and took the initiative to strike in the direction of thunder!


The golden thunder robbed on the two true bodies, and a loud noise came.

A huge horrifying force hit the two real bodies, directly splitting the two real bodies and almost fell from the air!

There was a stir in the crowd.

Su Zimo's two true bodies, against the last one of the nineteen days of calamity, were not damaged and remained motionless.

Unexpectedly, the first robberies of these two or nine days robbed Su Zimo's two true bodies!

On the other side, the martial arts deity is still strong, and without using any means, he directly punched the golden yellow thunder smash!

The vitality of the heavens and the earth hidden in the thunderstorm gradually merged into the body of the martial art deity.

The martial arts master moved in his heart, smelted it with martial arts furnace, felt the power in thunder, and gradually glanced through his eyes, seeming to realize.

"Ahem ..."

Su Zimo's two true bodies slowly stood up, taking in the air slightly.

Although Long Phoenix Zhenshen is taboo, although Qing Lian Zhenshen is a treasure of heaven and earth, it is still quite different from the martial arts deity today.

The powerful lightning force interweaves in the bodies of the two true bodies, with a devastating atmosphere!

Under this first thunderstorm, both the two real bodies suffered some injuries.

However, the two true bodies have strong healing powers. This kind of injury, blood and swells, has healed in a blink of an eye.

In Su Zimo's eyes, there was no fear at all, but there was a trace of excitement.

The power of the second heaviest calamity is obviously much stronger than the first.

This also means that in the second scourge, there is more vitality, purity and richness in the world!

The danger is also accompanied by chance!

In this robbery, the more benefits Su Zimo can get, the higher he rises to the upper bounds, the more likely he will adapt as soon as possible and have a foothold.


The second thunderstorm came, and did not give the two real bodies a chance to breathe!


Within the bodies of the two true bodies, there were also two vibrations, blood roaring, and the sound of sea tides came out, surging and surging.

Su Zimo did not dare to enlighten him, worked his blood, and thundered with Lei Jie!

boom! boom! boom!

Lei Jie continued to land, and he madly bombarded Su Zimo's three true bodies, and it seemed that he would not destroy the three true bodies, and he would never stop!

The second day the sky looms behind, the more terrifying the power!

At first, the thunderstorm that came down was just like the thickness of an old tree.

In the end, the thunderous thunder that came down was like a celestial pillar that was held together by more than a dozen people. The golden light was flourishing and the thunder and lightning were surging. It had completely submerged Su Zimo's two true bodies!

The martial arts deity is still strong, relying on a strong physical body to rise against the trend, and once again thunder the thundercloud above his head!

"According to this trend, Su Zimo's third true body has risen and risen, and there is almost no suspense. The storyteller old man nodded slightly.

The other strong ones also nodded.

So far, only Dragon Phoenix and Qinglian Zhenshen can successfully survive the calamity, it is unknown.

After a long time.

Lei Guang gradually dissipated, revealing the real figures of Long Phoenix and Qing Lian.

The two real bodies were a little embarrassed by being robbed in the 29th day, their clothes were raging, their mouths were coughing, and Qiqiao was smoking blue smoke.

But the vitality in the two real bodies is still strong, and the eyes are still bright!

Under the baptism of Twenty-nine Days, the two true bodies experienced a metamorphosis, flesh and blood, hard bones, and viscera flickering with crystals. The breath of the whole person became even more unpredictable!

Today's two true bodies are the same as being baptized by the heavens and earth's vitality in the upper world, and naturally have a reborn change!


Before waiting for the two true bodies to rest a little, a dull and powerful thunder came from above the sky again!

"Three Nine Thunders are here!"

The storyteller looked dignified and murmured.

The ancient emperor of the year, after experiencing the disaster of thirty-nine thunder and soaring!

"Good job!"

Su Zimo laughed loudly, showing his madness.

Many strong men look at monsters like Su Zimo.

In fact, they didn't know that the heavens and the earth were bred in Tianjie.

The thirty-nine days calamity is obviously stronger than the twenty-nine days calamity, although it is more dangerous, but it also means that the heaven and earth vitality in the thirty-nine days calamity is more pure and strong!

If it can support the past, the improvement of Su Zimo will be even more obvious!

Above the sky, three clouds of thunderclouds quickly condensed!

And this time, the color of the thunderstorm in the dark cloud changed again, from golden yellow to cyan!

Cyan Thunderstorm!

The dark clouds swirled and gathered, and numerous cyan thunderbolts condensed in the center, as if condensing a river, surging and dazzling!


Among the three thunder clouds, the thunderstorm came!

This time, there were no light beams and lightning. All the lightnings formed a huge waterfall, such as the inverted pouring of the Milky Way, pouring down and flushing towards the three true bodies of Su Zimo!


The emperors were dismayed, and took a breath of air.

These thirty-nine thunder robbers are so turbulent that they are more powerful than the previous two heavy thunder robbers combined!

How can such a force be countered by manpower!

"Three heads and six arms!"

Qinglian Zhenshen broke out into a peerless supernatural power directly, and the sky shouted. Six palms, each holding a magic weapon, blasted away against the Thunderfall!


There was also a roar of Long Phoenix's real body, and the flames of the dragon and the flames of the dragon and phoenix radiated hot temperatures. It seemed to burn everything and go up against the current!

This time, the two true bodies are no longer reserved, offering all means!

The martial art deity's expression also became a little dignified, slowly stimulating qi and blood.

This kind of thunder waterfall is too horrible. If you are not careful, you will be washed away with no bones, and his physical body cannot resist it!

(End of this chapter)

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