Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1778: Life Cycle Quadruple

Chapter 1778: Four Levels of Life Cycle

The thunderous waterfall drew down, it was dazzling, the arc was shining, and the thunder was roaring!

Dragon Phoenix Real Body and Qing Lian Real Body released a magical power, sacrificed countless magic skills, and opposed them!

boom! boom! boom

Every collision, there will be a violent vibration!

The Thunder Falls shattered, leaving the pure vitality of the heavens and the earth, flowing into the bodies of Dragon and Phoenix and Qinglian, blending into every inch of flesh and blood!

The two true bodies are rapidly transforming and their breath is constantly rising.

The Thunder Falls, which has been looted for three or nine days, is becoming more and more fierce and violent.

After being broken once, in a blink of an eye, it can be reunited and fall from the sky again. If the Milky Way falls for nine days, it is extremely spectacular!

Under three or nine days of disasters, Long Phoenix and Qinglian Real were almost forced to the extreme!

On the other hand, the deity of Martial arts confronted the thirty-nine days calamity and was forced to spur blood to resist it.

Under thirty or nine days of calamity, the only one who can still stand is the martial arts deity!

Dragon Phoenix and Qing Lianzhen were knocked down by Thunder Falls several times, and their bodies were all bruised and blood was dripping.

By the time of the last thunderstorm, Qinglian's three-headed, six-armed body had been broken by Thunder Falls with two heads and four arms!

In front of the eyes, the two true bodies fell again and again, stood up again and again, bathed in thunder, imposing!

at last.

Dispersed in thirty-nine days.

Longhuang Zhenshen and Qinglian Zhenshen almost reached their limits, breathing heavily, breathing blood, swallowing a lot of miracles, and frantically repairing their injuries.

Three or nine days of calamity still cannot pose a threat to martial arts deity.

After the 39th Heaven and the Ninth Heaven Calamity, there were no breakages on the clothes of the Budo master.

Martial art deity closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be feeling something.

The storyteller looked up at the sky with a serious look.

Although the thirty-nine thunder disaster ended, the thunder cloud in the sky did not dissipate, and hovered above Su Zimo's three true bodies!

"Did ... the Emperor Wu will bring about four or nine days of disaster?"

The storyteller frowned, worried.

You know, the emperor of the ancient era only attracted thirty-nine days of calamity and leapt to the upper bound.

The thirty-nine days calamity is already so horrible, what kind of power will the four or nine days calamity be?

Su Zimo's Dragon Phoenix and Qing Lian Zhenshen have resisted the next three or nine days of calamity, and have reached the limit. All the supernatural powers have been released.

Now, if four or nine days of calamity come, it will be a devastating impact on the two true bodies!


When the storytelling old man was worried, above the sky, Lei Yun reunited!

The color of Thunderbolt changed again.

From blue thunderstorm to blue thunderstorm!

And this time, the thunder clouds above the three real bodies are no longer a waterfall, but a sea of ​​thunder and lightning condensed. Thunder is like a tide, shatters the void, and emits endless pressure!

Su Zimo looked up.

At this time, his spirit was constantly warning!

Above his head, in the thunderous sea of ​​thunder, he felt a devastating breath!

Forty-nine days of calamity is coming!

"This ... how can we resist?"

"A forty-nine days robberies means that they have to withstand the impact of thirty-six thunder robberies. Who can survive?"

"Where is this calamity? It is simply to destroy the Emperor!"

Many emperors originally wanted to watch the process of Wu Huang's crossing and gain some experience.

But now, seeing this scene, the already hesitant emperor becomes even more afraid.

Even when watching from a distance, they all feel a sense of despair!

Su Zimo took a deep breath, his gaze was like a torch, and he looked at the thunderous ocean above his head. There was no fear in his eyes, and he flinched!

Cultivation is the act of going against the sky.

How could it have reached its peak without the indomitable spirit!

Even if it is a forty-nine day calamity, there is not much threat to the martial arts deity.

For Su Zimo, the most important thing now is how the Dragon Phoenix and Qinglian Zhenshen survive these four or nine days!


The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, deafening, even the many powerful men watching the distance felt a trembling heart!

Among the thunder, there is the most upright and mighty power that can crush all evil!

At the moment when the thunder sounded, Su Zimo's heart had a new insight into the sound-field mystery of Lei Yin killing.

However, now that he is crossing the robbery, he has no time to think about it.

Above the sky, the blue ocean poured down, and the three true bodies were drowned in an instant!

In this blue ocean, it is not the sea that is bred, but the thunderous thunder that seems to be annihilating and destroying all vitality!

Lightning dazzled, flooding between heaven and earth.

In front of many strong men, the three true figures of Su Zimo have not been seen.

All three true bodies were engulfed by thunder tide!

"Did it end like this?"

"None of the three emperors of the Emperor Wuhuang survived the forty-nine days of disaster?"

Thousands of creatures were shocked and looked at this scene sternly.


In a blue thunder tide, a purple halo burst out!

In this purple halo, a figure emerges, which is the martial arts deity!

The emperors have bright eyes and can see clearly. Behind the deity of martial arts, there are actually four purple **** wheels halo, exuding a powerful breath!

Under the baptism of Tianjie, the deity of martial arts broke through the realm, stepped into the fourth level of the chakra, and cultivated the fourth chakra!

The thunder tide is raging. Under the shelter of the four life wheels in the martial arts deity, it still stands, like a **** in the thunder!



In another thunder tide, a majestic roar growled!

In the blue tide of thunder, a huge body was gradually revealed. The whole body was red, and the pieces of lintel were closely connected, burning with flames. There were wings on the back, dragon heads and tails, and sharp teeth!

Dragon Phoenix Real Body has transfigured itself to fight against the forty-nine days of calamity!


Thunder surge surged.

A touch of blue broke the tide and soared into the sky.

Qinglian really couldn't resist, and released the bleeding vein vision. In the thunder tide, a natural green lotus was manifested, bathed in thunder, and shook the light!


In the forty-nine days of calamity, the second thunder tide came, and the impact was even more fierce!

The huge body of Dragon Phoenix was almost submerged in this thunder tide, with a painful roar, blood swelled in his body, and a lifelike demon king appeared around him!

Long Huang Zhen Shen was also forced to release a bleeding vein vision!

This is already his last hole card!

The secret book of the twelve demon kings in the wild has been cultivated to completion, and the twelve demon kings have all appeared.

Of course, without Butterfly Moon's backhand, these twelve demon kings will not transform, and will not reunite the shape of Butterfly Moon.

Even so, the twelve demon kings still can't be underestimated, and surround the dragon and phoenix's true body, resisting the impact of thunder tide!

Under the impact of the second thunder tide, the fortune green lotus shook violently, and the lotus platform drooped, almost drowning in the thunder tide!


The second thunder tide has not stopped, and the third thunder tide has arrived, more terrifying and earth-shattering!

(End of this chapter)

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