Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1780: Nine days of interest

Chapter 1780: Nine Heavens Breath

Almost everyone thought that Qinglian's true body had fallen into forty-nine days.

Only the deity of martial arts and the true body of the dragon and phoenix knew that Qinglian was not dead at all!

The three true bodies can sense each other.

Both the martial arts deity and the real dragon phoenix can perceive that the breath of Qinglian real body is in this thunderous wave of thunder!

However, even the martial arts deity is not clear about how Qinglian's true body can be washed away by this thunder wave and survive.


Suddenly, the martial arts prince gave a frivolous noise.

Even if there is a bronze Fang Ding, Dragon Phoenix is ​​almost dead under these four or nine days of calamity. Although it has survived, it is still weak and almost lost half of its life!

But now, the breath of Qinglian's true body is gradually rising!

"Not right."

At this moment, the storyteller also noticed an anomaly, staring at the distant thunder tide, frowning: "If Qinglian really fell, this thunderstorm should be dispersed, why is it surging?

Everyone looked intently.

In the blazing blue tide, a strange yellow light loomed.

Gradually, this yellow color became clearer.

The eyes widened.

I saw that in the thunder tide, there was a bare blue lotus platform floating in it, and on top of the lotus platform, there was Su Zimo's Yuan Shen.

Although the good fortune lotus platform was drowned by the forty-nine days, the Qinglian Yuanshen did not fall!


An emperor whispered: "The branches and leaves of this created green lotus have been withered by the thunder tide, and the lotus petals have shattered, leaving only a dilapidated lotus platform. How can it protect the green lotus?


Another emperor said: "It seems that there is a yellow mask surrounding the lotus lotus terrace. It looks like yellow sand is permeating around it."

The strange yellow brilliance that everyone just saw was reflected by this group of yellow sand.

"What is this thing that can resist the baptism of four or nine days?"

"It looks very ordinary, it seems like a pile of loess."

The emperors looked in wonder.

From their knowledge, it is not clear what the yellow sand is.

At this time, even the gods of martial arts can't penetrate the barrier of this yellow sand!

In the thunder tide of the forty-nine days, Qinglian really experienced the biggest transformation!

Su Zimo's Qinglian true body has long since grown to the peak of eight products.

Even though he later got a lot of opportunities, and realized that the supernatural powers such as burning heaven and cooking the sea, Qinglian true body showed no signs of breakthrough.

Su Zimo also did not know how to break through and grow into the realm of Jiupin.

In the process of crossing the robbery, Qinglian was physically baptized by thunder robbing, and constantly integrated into the vitality of the world. Finally, a qualitative change occurred!

Tianjie and the vitality of the heavens and the earth are the key to the transformation of Qinglian into nine grades!

Under the repeated baptism and tempering of Tianjie, Qinglian's flesh and bones have become immaculate, more condensed, and no impurities!

Yuan Shen is even more pure and bright!

In this case, the fusion of heaven and earth's vitality makes the forged green lotus start to transform and break through to the nine grades!

The fortune-making green lotus is heaven and earth.

Growing to the back, each transformation will bring out many mysteries!

At the beginning, Qipin created the green lotus, allowing Su Zimo to release the spells without interruption.

Bapin forged green lotus has bred a variety of supernatural powers.

And growing up to nine grades of green lotus, a treasure of heaven and earth was born, which is the ordinary loess seen by everyone.

When the good fortune Qinglian grew to nine grades, Su Zimo's Qinglian Yuanshen also got a piece of incomplete memory.

Many ancient races have inherited memories.

Fortune Qinglian, the only place in the world, it is normal to have a memory of inheritance.

In this inheritance memory, the origin of this loess is recorded.

This loess is not ordinary. It is named Jiutian Xixi, but it is the ancestor of the earth. It is infinitely mysterious and defenseless, born of chaos.

Part of the soil has evolved for nine days, and part of it has bred a green lotus!

Although there are only a handful of these nine days of interest, they can quickly expand and spread, with endless changes, the size is as desired, moving with the rules, tough and dense, and impeccable!

Of course, this part of hereditary memory is incomplete.

What magical effects Jiutian Xiliang has, we still have to try it ourselves.

Today, Qinglian's true body grows to nine grades, which is derived from this treasure, immediately transfigured, shrouded around the forged lotus platform, and protected Su Zimo's primordial spirit in it.

Although the thunder tide was surging outside, but it came over, it was resisted for nine days!

In the middle of the nine days, the original bare lotus lotus terrace began to pervade birth.

The lotus hole in the middle of the lotus terrace was derived to eighty-one!

These lotus holes, gushing out a blue glow, rendering Zhoutian, actually burst the thunder tide around, bright and eye-catching!

After a little, the thunder tide receded.

Thunder clouds in the sky also gradually dispersed.

Above the East China Sea, see you again!

The dull, heart-wrenching coercion also dissipated, and the blue sky reappeared above the sky.

Seeing this scene, all living beings breathed a sigh of relief.


The emperor's crossing of the robbery led to four or nine days of robbery, a total of 36 thunder robbery!

This scene will definitely go down in history!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, in the nine days of dying soil, the forged green lotus re-grows, the lotus leaves are crystal clear, and the huge lotus petals are blooming in circles, shaking the light!

Eventually, the good fortune Qinglian disappeared, and Su Zimo appeared.

With a blue shirt, black shawl, and beautiful eyes, the whole person's breath has become unfathomable!

Originally, the flesh and blood of Qingpin Qinglian's real body could not compare with Longhuang's real body.

Among the three true bodies, Qinglian's true strength is weak.

But now, Qinglian Zhenshen has been transformed into Jiu Pin, and her combat power is by no means weaker than that of Dragon Phoenix!

Of course, Qinglian's true body grew to nine grades, and the biggest gain was still nine days.

On the other side, Long Fengzhen barely supported her with a bronze Fang Ding. Her body suffered severe wounds and was greatly injured. She is still trying to repair the injury.

The martial arts deity was the most peaceful and smooth.

Even the last four or nine days of calamity did not pose much threat to the martial arts deity.

Just then, three milky beams of light suddenly descended from the sky, exuding strange powers, shrouding Su Zimo's three true bodies.

The crowd looked surprised, watching the scene intently.

This milky beam of light exudes powerful vitality, pouring into the body of Dragon Phoenix.

Dragon Phoenix's injuries are healing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

But a dozen breaths, Long Huang Zhen Shen has recovered!

At the same time, in these three milky beams, there is a strong suction force, which will rise into the air with the three true bodies and fly away!

These three beams seem to be the channels that pass through the upper and lower bounds!

Longhuang Zhenshen and Qinglian Zhenshen did not resist this force, relaxed their body, followed this traction, and slowly lifted off into the unknown upper world under the gaze of the people of all races.

(End of this chapter)

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