Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1781: Curse

Chapter 1781 Heaven Penalty

Dragon Phoenix Real Body and Qing Lian Real Body turned into two light spots, and soon disappeared at the end of the sky.

Those two milky rays also disappeared.

When many of the strongest in the sky regained their sights, they discovered the anomaly!

The third milky light beam still penetrates the world and shrouds the body of the martial arts deity!

The martial arts deity did not leave, but stood still in the air, looking up!

"What is the third Emperor of the Emperor Wuzhen doing?"

"Unclear, it seems to be resisting the upper world?"

Many powerful people looked surprised and talked.

The milky beam of light became more and more fierce, and the powerful suction force acted on the body of the martial art deity, and wanted to take him away from the wilderness.

But the martial arts deity remains still.

Wrestling between the two sides, the martial arts demonstrator slowly stimulated Qi and blood, and even in the end, he even evolved a bleeding vein vision, a burning furnace melting across the air to fight this leading force!

Su Zimo had already made a decision before this robbery.

Long Huang Zhenshen and Qing Lian Zhenshen crossed the caliber at the same time, soared away, and headed for the upper bound.

The martial art deity chose to stay on the continent.

In the first place, what interface will rise, what creatures will be encountered, and what dangers will be encountered, everything is unknown.

Leaving martial arts deity in the sky, even if Long Huang Zhenshen and Qing Lian Zhenshen have encountered any changes, he will not be considered dead.

One day, the martial arts deity will still be able to ascend to the upper world!

Second, on the continent, Su Zimo still has many old people.

Like Xiao Ning, today's cultivation has just entered the Mahayana realm.

If Xiao Ning wants to survive the calamity, he still needs to practice for a long time.

Su Zimo was most worried about Xiao Ning.

Of course, in addition to Xiao Ning, there are also brothers such as monkeys and night spirits, as well as fat people, Ji Chengtian, Leng Ruo, and Lin Xuanji.

There are also Nian Qi and Tao Yan, his two great disciples.

So many old people are still on the continent. If Su Zimo left directly, how could he be relieved.

Third, Su Zimo thought about some causes and effects.

"What exactly is the Emperor Wu thinking, and why should he resist the introduction of the upper world?"

A burst of noise broke out in the crowd.

"It is probably some old people who can't rest assured." Someone speculated.

Another said: "But if so, why bother to cross the robbery? Now, after four or nine days of robbery, but choosing to oppose the connection of the upper world, this is no longer against the sky, this is challenging the rules of heaven!

"Yes! This is a dangerous move, and it is very likely to cause heaven's punishment!"

Crossing is a step that must be taken.

Only after crossing the calamity can the martial arts deity continue to practice.

At that time, the strong in the upper world came and were all killed by Butterfly Moon, leaving a lot of treasures and cultivation resources.

But these treasures cannot be refined and absorbed without going through the robbery.

Martial arts deities continue to practice in the Nether!

"Zimo, why are you doing this?"

Among the crowd, a woman in a light yellow robe looked at the figure above the East China Sea, worried and murmured.

"Sister, will he stay for you?"

Beside, a veiled girl in a pink skirt asked softly.

The woman in the yellow robe tightened her eyebrows, pursed her red lips, and tied her heart completely to the person over the East China Sea. She did not hear what the girl beside her was saying.

In the milky beam, the attractive force is still increasing.

The martial art deity is still not slack, after the blood vein vision, the four life wheels are all stretched out, and four purple haloes condensate behind them, almost breaking the milky white beam!

The confrontation between the two forces was silent.

But everyone in the wild was nervous and sweaty.

Because, the void above the East China Sea is fragmented, crazily twisted, shattered, and collapsed!

"Old man, what would happen if Brother Su continues to resist?"

Lin Xuanji could not help asking.

The storyteller looked dignified and slowly said, "No one knows what will happen. After all, this kind of thing is unprecedented."

After a short pause, the storyteller sighed softly, "Wu Huang is breaking God's will and challenging the rules of Heaven!"

Although the storytelling old man did not continue to talk, Lin Xuanji sank in his heart.

He could hear that the storytelling elders said something beyond the meaning of Su Zimo's move.

It didn't take long for the milky light that passed through the world to fade away.

The figure of the martial arts master was re-appeared, standing on the East China Sea, his face pale, but his eyes remained calm.

This struggle has also consumed a great deal of martial arts deity.

He had just passed the forty-nine days of calamity, and was confronted with the enlisting power of the upper realm, almost exhausted.

"has it ended?"

"The connection failed, but they gave up, leaving Wu Huang in the lower bound?"

The appearances of the various races are different, and this scene seems very different from their imagination.


Above the sky, a crack was opened.

There was a terrifying coercion in this crack, and it seemed to kill everything!


A loud noise is deafening!

A purple electric light descends from the sky, and it will soon arrive on the body of the martial art deity!

Purple electricity cuts across the world in half!

Thousands of people are horrified.

The emperors are shocked!

No one can describe the power of this purple electricity.

The momentum of this purple electricity is far less shocking than the robbers in four or nine days.

But the strength of the forty-nine days of calamity is far worse than the killing of this purple electricity!

This purple electricity seems to be the punishment from heaven. It is necessary to destroy all the souls who want to challenge the will of heaven and the rules of heaven!

It's too fast.

The moment the purple light flickered, this purple electricity had already fallen on the body of the martial art deity.


In the bright purple light, I burst out with blood!

Under the eyes of everyone, this martial art deity was completely destroyed by this purple electricity, and the bones were left!

The creatures who saw this scene all subconsciously opened their mouths and stared.

The emperors even forgot to breathe and stunned in place.

The martial arts deity is powerful, and all the emperors have seen it.

Even the forty-nine days of calamity failed to destroy the martial arts deity, this purple lightning, but it was easy to destroy it, and the soul broke away!

After half a ring, the crack above the sky slowly closed.

It seems that the purple lightning was just an illusion of the living beings of all nations.

However, above the East China Sea, the monarch came to the world, and his eternal appearance was completely annihilated under the purple electricity and became a thing of the past!


Many strong men shook their heads and sighed.

"The Emperor Wu Ming has successfully completed the robbery, but he still has to provoke God. It's really ..."

"No wonder he ended this way."

"In any case, the two emperors of the Emperor Wu successfully passed through the robbery and have risen to the upper bound. At least the two emperors have been preserved, which is a blessing in misfortune."

Talks of living creatures of various ethnic groups lingered around the East China Sea for a long time.

Some strong men also wanted to find the storage bag of the martial arts deity, but found nothing.

Under that force, it is estimated that the storage bag has also been wiped out.

Many strong think so.

In fact, just as the purple electricity descended on the main body of martial arts, under the cover of the blazing purple light, no one noticed that a touch of silver light fell into the East China Sea and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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