Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1782: Fire disaster

Chapter 1782: Calamity

As Su Zimo's two true bodies soared, the martial arts deity was destroyed by the purple heaven punishment, and the people of all races wandered around the East China Sea for a long time before they gradually dispersed.

This time the Emperor Wuhuang's crossover took off and caused a huge impact on the lives of thousands of people!

Some souls even choose to sit directly on the East Coast and realize Wudao.

Some strong men have completely given up the idea of ​​crossing the robbery and soaring.

And some people are more determined!

No one noticed that a touch of silver brilliance fluttered and fell into the depths of the East China Sea.

Su Zimo crossed the robbery. In this area of ​​the East China Sea covered by the robbery, no one dared to stay here!

In the deep sea, naturally no creature finds the existence of this silver brilliance.

This is a silver mask.

This silver mask came from the Upper Realm, and fell on the continent with the bronze Fang Ding at the same time.

And, in this mask, there is a drop of blood with wisdom!

Make this mask become blood red.

However, this drop of blood was imprisoned by the martial arts fire and the red lotus industry fire of the martial arts deity, making the mask return to its original appearance.

Since the deity of martial arts decided to defy the will of the heavens, he had already anticipated that there would be difficulties in the coming of the punishment.

His combat power, though invincible in the Nether.

But this day punishment can definitely destroy him easily!

Therefore, this silver mask is the final hole card of Martial arts deity!

When that day of punishment came, the deity of Martial arts already felt that he couldn't resist the impact of this day penalty!

Therefore, the Budo master decisively decided to hide a drop of blood in the silver mask.

as expected.

His physical body was slashed by the heaven punishment!

But the silver mask was intact under this heavenly punishment, and fell into the deep sea!

Under the East China Sea, a drop of blood spewed out of the silver mask.

A powerful miraculous power pervaded, and in a blink of an eye, the figure of the martial art deity reunited, exuding a terrifying atmosphere!


Normally, the rules of heaven do not allow the power of the upper bound to appear in the lower bound.

Therefore, after crossing the robbery, the people crossing the robbery will be allowed to rise to the upper bound.

Moreover, it is difficult for the strong in the upper world to come, even if it comes down, it will suffer huge punishment.

But this move of the martial arts demon is tantamount to shielding the heavens, deceiving the heavens and concealing the earth, and the robbery makes the heavens and earth vitality baptize the flesh and blood gods, while gaining the power of the upper world, but staying in the lower world!

The existence of martial arts deity is originally a different number.

Out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements.

But as long as the martial art deity practices, he will leave traces in the Nether and enter the reincarnation of heaven.

Therefore, martial arts masters will also be induced by Tiandao to descend into Tianjie.

And this time, the martial arts master used the day punishment to erase his traces again and jump out of the samsara!

The martial arts master looked calm, took the silver mask with him, and stroked his palm lightly in front of him.

In the deep sea, a deep gap cracked, but the seawater could not flow into it.

The martial art deity stepped in and disappeared into the depths of the East China Sea.

The cracks closed, and soon the sea floor of the East China Sea returned to calm.

Beiyu, Pingyang Town.

In the middle of Su Zimo's mansion courtyard, a gap suddenly opened, and the figure of the martial art deity emerged and walked out slowly.

"My son."

Not far away, a well-behaved, pink boy came forward, looking pleased and softly.

This boy is Tao Yan.

Tao Yan held a storage bag and handed it to the martial arts deity, and said joyously, "My son, here."

This decision of the martial arts deity told only one person, that is, Tao Tao!

But before the martial arts deity ransacked, some things were arranged.

He passed the "Sword of Earth Killing Sword" to Qing Lian Zhenshen, leaving the Ning Yuandan, Yuan Ling Stone, and the imprisoned blood in the fallen upper bag of the strong. In a storage bag.

In order to prevent accidents, the Master of Budo took the storage bag to Momori.

Sure enough, the coming of the day punishment almost destroyed everything!

The physical body of the martial art deity is all dead, and if you carry a storage bag with you, you will be smashed by the smoke.

The Budo master took the storage bag, and with a sense of consciousness, he directly detained the drop of imprisoned blood inside.

At this time, the prison condensed by the fire of Wuhun Fire and Honglian Industry Fire still could not hurt the root of this drop of blood, and could only be held in it.

"who are you?"

The martial art deity asked: "What is the origin of this silver mask, and what is the origin of the bronze Fang Ding?"

That drop of blood was motionless in Purgatory, without any response.

"What do I ask, what do you answer to avoid suffering?"

Budo said faintly.


Hearing the threat of the martial arts deity, the drop of blood finally couldn't bear it, and sneered, "With your strength, you can't threaten me!"

"I'm the great Sirius. If you let me go now, I can still teach you some techniques and skills that will last you a lifetime!"

"If you are obsessed with obsession and wait for my master to be born, you will peel your skin and cramps and frustrate your ashes!"


The Budo master raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Who is your master?"

"My master is great ..."

Sirius seemed to realize something, and he kept silent.

The Budo master smiled indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, just let you try the method I just learned."

As he said, the deity of the martial arts urged Yuan Shen, a pinch of his finger, and lit a cluster of blue flames.

In this cluster of flames, there was a heartbreaking breath that seemed to have known each other!

This is not magical.

This breath is very similar to the calamity that just came!

"what is this!"

Sirius dodged for a moment and whispered.

The deity of Budo said: "This is a kind of power that I realized when I was crossing the robbery, and I called it 'fiery fire.'"

Robbery is a very special force. No one knows how it was derived.

Calamity, it seems that Henggu existed, coexisted with heaven and earth, and has various forms, everywhere.

Cultivation to Mahayana, magical robberies.

Want to soar, there is a calamity.

In the upper realm, there may be other calamities.

The forty-nine days of calamity pose little threat to martial arts deities.

Therefore, he can understand the source of the power of the calamity while crossing the calamity, and finally condense it in the form of a flame.

The sky disaster came in the form of thunder and lightning.

The martial arts deity is a form of fire that is in control!

In other words, if the martial arts master wanted to, he could even replace Tiandao now and drop the scourge on the continent!

The strength of the martial arts now condensed by the deity of martial arts can even be compared with the calamity of four or nine days!

The fourth robbery of the four or nine robberies is sky blue!

Moreover, as the martial art deity is refined, the power of this calamity will continue to rise!

The martial arts master tapped his fingertips and directly merged the sky-blue calamity into the fire purgatory in his mid-air.

In purgatory, in addition to the fire of Wuhun, the fire of the red lotus industry, now there is one more fire!


The flames are flourishing!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Sirius' screams sounded in pain.

In my conception, the upper world is a very large and vast world. There are too many things to consider, and these days have been sorting out. I know everyone is anxious, I am also anxious, but I did n’t think about it, I ca n’t just write for updates

(End of this chapter)

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