Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1788: Prajna Sutra

Chapter 1788: Prajna Nirvana

These golden handwritings are very strange and do not belong to the text on the continent, but belong to an ancient Sanskrit scripture.

If these Sanskrit words are replaced by others, they will not recognize a word.

However, Su Zimo was proficient in Buddhism. At the time of mortals, Butterfly Moon put the worry-free flower in his body and became his wisdom root. He also had a profound attainment to the Sanskrit text in the Buddhist door.

Su Zimo endured the pain in his mind, his spirit almost reached the edge of collapse, and subconsciously read the first five characters on the inner wall of the bronze Fang Ding.

"Prana ... Nirvana!"


Su Zimo's mind suddenly heard a shock!

The two great gods, merging the power of the sun and the shadows, were chasing and colliding madly, and the conflict became more and more fierce, but when Su Zimo read these five Sanskrit words, the two great gods suddenly paused!

There seems to be a lot of relaxation between the sun and the power of the overcast.

Su Zimo gained a brief sobriety, and vaguely realized that the golden Sanskrit on the inner wall of this bronze Fang Ding is likely to be the key to resolve the crisis in his body!

Prajna, in Dharma, represents wisdom.

The Nirvana in the Dharma is completely different from the Nirvana of the Phoenix family.

The nirvana in the Dharma is the monk's awakening of enlightenment, enlightenment, epiphany, and complete enlightenment.

Su Zimo opened his eyes wide, stared at the golden Sanskrit on the inner wall, and continued to look.

From this perspective, Su Zimo only felt that in this Sanskrit, the mystery is endless, and it seems to contain the deepest essence in the Buddhist way!

Every golden Sanskrit, carefully pondered, has infinite wisdom.

It is difficult for Su Zimo to understand these Buddhist scriptures in a short time.

On the continent, one of the six Buddha gates is the Prajna Temple.

Su Zimo, an important Buddhist scripture in the Prajna Temple, also practiced it.

But the mystery in the Prajna Sutra, compared with the Prajna Nirvana in front of it, is completely small.


Just then, in the mind of Su Zimo, the two Yuanshen chased and collided again. He was shocked and he couldn't help screaming.

If he continues this way, he can't hold a few breaths, his head will burst, and the two great gods will break away!

Su Zimo quickly converged his mind, condensed his eyes, and recited the Sanskrit words on the inner wall of the bronze Fang Ding one by one.

A series of ancient Sanskrit sounds echoed between the nearly enclosed bronze Fang Ding, sacred and immense, with infinite power!

In Su Zimo's eyes, the golden light shone and dazzled.

He seemed to have an illusion. The golden Sanskrit on the inner wall of the bronze Fang Ding fell off one by one and swarmed into the sea of ​​knowledge!

A sacred and peaceful power descends on the two main gods chasing each other.

Under the blessing of this power, the two great gods gradually quieted down.

The two primordial gods, which combine the two powers of the sun and the Taiyin, seem to be transformed into two large fishes in black and white, which are connected end to end, and gradually close together.

Originally, the power of the yin and yang Pisces was diametrically opposed and could not be blended at all.

But at this time, in the middle of the yin and yang Pisces, a golden thin line was added, which evolved into a perfect radian, combining the two forces.

This golden thin line is the result of the power in the Prajna Nirvana!

Yin and Yang Pisces, under the connection of this golden thin line, fit together almost perfectly, slowly rotating, and the breath gradually stabilized.

Su Zimo was breathing heavily, his body was soaked.

But in his eyes, the joy of the rest of his life flashed.

The bronze Fang Ding absorbed the weapon of the fairy king strongman, but also only repaired one side of the wall.

The "Prana Nirvana" recorded on this wall is not complete, and can only be regarded as one of them.

If these Sanskrit cannot suppress the sun, the overcast, and his two great gods, he will be helpless.

At this time, the black-and-white yin and yang piranhas slowly rotated on the lotus platform of nature, absorbing the gush of the blue sky in the lotus platform, exuding a powerful breath!

Over time, this yin and yang Pisces gradually became illusory, reuniting a Yuanshen, which is exactly what Su Zimo looks like!

It's done!

Su Zimo rejoiced.

The integration of the two great gods!

Not only that, Su Zimo can clearly feel that this brand new meta-god is much higher than his current state!

What surprised Su Zimo even more is that today's Yuanshen is not only nourished by the lotus lotus, but the two candlelights and fluorite that blend into the eyes also emit a hint of power, nourishing the Yuanshen!

In this way, the potential of Qinglian Yuanshen is infinite, and there will be a greater chance to grow to ten, eleven, and even the twelfth in the legend!

Dieyue once said that the four grades behind Qinglian Qinglian all have great fortunes.

Today, Su Zimo's Qinglian true body has transformed into nine grades, and this sentence has been fulfilled.

He got a treasure, nine days to die!

I don't know what kind of fortune will come out of the next three realms.

This fusion of the Yuanshen was the last thing Su Zimo had done.

Only in this way can the losses caused by this calamity be minimized!

This time the Yuanshen integration, his Yuanshen realm rose sharply, and he also made a mistake, completely activated the bronze Fang Ding, and got a step from the ancient Buddhist scriptures.

This Buddhist scripture has obviously a very powerful effect on the cultivation of Yuan Shen!

If this were not the case, it would not have been possible for yin and yang to converge and fuse his two great gods.

More importantly, none of the mysterious magical powers such as inverse scales, barrenness, etc. in the Dragon and Phoenix Yuanshen were lost, and they were completely integrated with Qinglian's true body.

Qinglian's true body after the integration of the Yuanshen has also improved significantly in combat power!

This was too important for him to ascend to the upper world.

Even before the upper bound, you have encountered such a great calamity. It is hard to imagine what kind of danger you will face when you truly fall into the upper bound.

Of course, the integration of the two great gods is not without loss.

At least today Qinglian's true body can no longer release the Nirvana supernatural power of the Phoenix family.

In order to motivate this talent, in addition to comprehension, the most important thing is to have the **** phoenix, the blood of the **** phoenix!

The blood of Dragon Phoenix was flowing in the body, but Qinglian was not.

This loss is nothing to Su Zimo.

Even if he could urge this supernatural power, Su Zimo would not dare to use it.

Because Nirvana magical power was originally a life of nine deaths.

Relying on this supernatural power will not do much to his practice.

"King Yunyou!"

"When I rise to the upper bound, I will revenge!"

Su Zimo was in the bronze Fang Ding, thinking of the destroyed dragon and phoenix, he couldn't help but look cold and stunned, saying word by word!

Su Zimo didn't know yet that although his crisis of the Yuanshen was temporarily relieved, he had not escaped the danger!

Today, he is swallowed by a starry black hole. In this space where there is no light, no time, no vitality, he never goes out, let alone ascends to the upper world.

If there is no accident, he will wander in the starry black hole forever, until Shou Yuan is exhausted!

A lot of ideas have been straightened out, no accidents, and I will start to make up tomorrow. I haven't slept well these days, and I don't dare to look at the book review area. I'm guessing I've been scolded ... I invite you to keep it under your mouth ...

(End of this chapter)

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