Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1789: Zhending Ding

Chapter 1789: Town Prison Tripod

Tianhuang mainland, Beiyu, Pingyang town.

The martial art deity stood in the courtyard, looking at the sky, his eyes were cold, and there was a scourge of murder!

The atmosphere in the entire courtyard became extremely depressed!

Tao Yan frowned slightly, worried.

He has been with the Martial Arts Lord for many years, and he has not yet seen the Martial Arts Lord exude such a look, exuding such a terrifying and depressing atmosphere!

Even after the war with the fierce tribe and the blood demon, the martial arts deity is always calm.

Now, such a gaze is revealed in the martial arts deity, something must have happened!

"My son, but what happened?"

Tao Yan could not help asking.

The martial art deity silently said nothing, shook his head slightly, without explanation.

Although he couldn't see the situation in the starry sky, he still felt clearly about the calamity encountered by Long Phoenix.

A little later, the main figure of Budo shone, appearing directly in the deep sky.

Outside of the wilderness, there was a huge flare falling down, full of blood, terrifying!

This huge fire is the real body of Dragon and Phoenix destroyed by Yunyou King!

Although the life of Dragon Phoenix was extinct by the palm of King Yunyou, the blood flowing on his body still contained powerful power!

The martial arts master stretched out his palm, condensed a space, and caught Dragon Phoenix.

Immediately afterwards, he tore the void and returned to Pingyang Town.

"This, what is this?"

Tao Tao saw the martial arts master come back, and with a dilapidated blood in his hand, he asked in surprise.

Long Huangzhen has long been shaken by Wang Yunyou's palm, and the fragmentation is so bad that he can't even see the skeleton body.

"This is the dragon-phoenix real body I practiced, and it was destroyed."

Said Budo slowly.


Tao Yan exclaimed, his heart was shaken!

"How is Qinglian's body really, isn't it?"

Tao Yan was very clever, and immediately thought that it must be Su Zimo's two true bodies who had risen to the upper bounds and encountered great difficulties before they fell into this.

"do not know."

Martial art deity shook his head.

When the Dragon Phoenix real body was caught just now, there was a weak induction between him and Qinglian real body, although it was already there.

At this time, the Budo master has no sense of Qinglian's true body!

Because, at this time, Qinglian Zhenshen has been swallowed by the starry black hole with the bronze Fang Ding, and completely isolated from the outside world!

The Budo master took a deep breath and regained his peace.

No matter what Qinglian's true body is, the only thing he can do is wait patiently and continue to practice!

Fortunately, for some reason, the deity of Budo did not choose to ascend, but stayed on the continent.

Otherwise, this martial art deity is also fierce!

The martial arts master groaned a little, and with a sense of consciousness, stunned the wolf in the storage bag, which was burned by three big flames.

After the martial art master realized the fire, he united with the fire of Wuhun and the fire of Honglian industry to burn the Sirius.

That is the blood in the silver mask!

"What treasure is that bronze tripod? What's the origin?"

Asked the martial art deity.

"I do not know!"

Sirius yelled, and shouted, "When I woke up, I had amnesia. I only knew it was called Zhending Ding, and I forgot the rest, and it's no use burning you!"

The martial art deity sneered slightly.

This wolf is obviously dishonest.

If it is true that he has lost his memory, how can he teach the three corpses of the Blood Demon Daojun.

The Three Corpses Dafa is the top-level avatar of the magic gate. Sirius can remember even this secret technique clearly, how can he forget the origin of the bronze Fang Ding.

The sacred eyes of the martial art prince are silent, staring silently at the Sirius in the flame prison.

Although Sirius was jumped up and down by the three kinds of flames and screamed again and again, he could hold back and said nothing.

The three kinds of flames can only threaten Sirius. If they want to thoroughly refine them, this kind of power is not enough.

The Martial Lord despised him and threw him directly into the storage bag.

"Taohua, I'm going to retreat, and I'll leave it to you."

Martial art deity turned around and whispered softly to Tao Yan.

"Don't worry, I will protect Pingyang Town and you."

Tao Yan said quickly, it is difficult to hide his concerns.

After a short pause, Tao Tao still asked, "Son, are you okay?"

Tao Yan knew the origin of Long Phoenix's true body, and also knew the meaning of this physical body for Su Zimo.

Therefore, he was worried that Su Zimo could not bear this blow.

If you retreat in this situation, it is very easy to cause a demon, or even go into trouble!

"I'm fine."

The Budo master smiled slightly.

Although Dragon Phoenix was destroyed, he did not disappear.

This time the retreat, the martial arts master is preparing to incorporate the dragon and phoenix into this body!

It may be extremely difficult for Qinglian Zhenshen to merge with Long Phoenix Zhenshen.

But the martial arts smelting dragon and phoenix real body is relatively simple.

The martial arts demon took the real body of the dragon and phoenix back to the practice site where Butterfly Moon was originally laid out, and slowly urged blood.

In an instant, the martial art deity disappeared.

In its place is a huge furnace with a burning flame!

There are only three kinds of flames burning around the furnace!

The physical body of the martial art deity is a huge melting pot that can smelt hundreds of sutras, smelt supernatural powers, and even smelt flesh and blood!

The martial art deity threw Dragon Phoenix into the furnace and began to refine.

If the Dragon Phoenix Real Body can be thoroughly refined, the martial arts deity might be able to master another kind of flame!


Starry black hole.

I don't know how long it has been here, Su Zimo curled up in the bronze Fang Ding, his face pale, his brows locked.

Although hiding in the bronze Fang Ding, he would not be swallowed and killed by the power of the black hole, but here he could not feel the passing of time at all.

There was no sound around.

A madness of loneliness keeps coming to my heart.

There was darkness all around, as if in this darkness, he was left alone, aimless and endless wandering.

Bronze Fang Ding can only isolate tangible power.

In the black hole, that invisible power is always affecting Su Zimo!

Initially, Su Zimo was able to calm down and comprehend the Prajna Nirvana.

But over time, Su Zimo's heart became more and more irritable.

To be precise, he had no idea how long the time had passed!

One month, one year, or ten years?

If he could feel the passage of time, Su Zimo would be much better, but this sense of emptiness, loneliness, powerlessness, tortured him all the time!

This is more terrible than any power!

He can only wait alone in this narrow space.

The connection between him and the martial art deity has been completely broken!

Su Zimo shouted loudly in the bronze Fang Ding, without any response, only his echo remained, gradually weakening in the Ding.

His consciousness, through nine days of death, wanted to explore the outside world.

But the consciousness of God had just left the bronze Fang Ding, and they were all devoured by the power of the black hole.

It just wandered like that.

After a while, Su Zimo's spirit almost reached the brink of collapse.

In fact, Su Zimo was inside the bronze Fang Ding and couldn't see the outside.

In this starry black hole, it is not without light.

The outer wall of the bronze Fang Ding is the only light in this starry black hole!

(End of this chapter)

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