Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1797: Boss Su

Chapter 1797 Boss Su

Su Zimo's Qinglian true body, even if she doesn't use any blood, is much more powerful than any Xuanjie inferior magic weapon!

This Xuanjie inferior magic weapon, in the palm of his hand, is like a soft mud, which can be easily manipulated.

Su Zimo measured the black iron ball in his hand and looked at Duan Tianliang with a smile, with a faint smile on his face.

Su Zimo was laughing.

Duan Tianliang was about to cry.

He never imagined that a man who had just ascended up, who knew nothing, would be a ruthless character!

If this person wants to pinch him, it is as simple as pinching a chick!

This method, even if it is the power of the third-order Xuanxian, the fourth-order Xuanxian, can't it?

"Boss Su, I was wrong!"

Duan Tianliang plopped, fell to his knees, and bowed his head.

The path of spiritual practice, no matter in which world it is, is against the sky, step by step.

He can practice to this step, soaring into the upper world, relying on randomness, seeing the wind to make the rudder, and dignity, and so on, in his view, are just outside the body.

The most important thing is to live!

In his whole life, he bowed down to countless people and let them step on his feet, but in the end, he laughed to the end and rose to the upper bound.

"Boss Su, I have no eyes and don't know your means."

Duan Tianliang drew his mouth fiercely, and said, "I really can't help it, I don't know the sky is thick, but I am dancing and sword in front of you."

"You are the bright stars in the night sky, the bright full moon, and my means is the light of rice grains!"

These flattering and flattering words, Duan Tianliang did not think about it, blurted out, as if he had said it numerous times.

Su Zimo was unmoved and looked indifferent.

Those who can ascend to the upper realm, even if they have only passed through the nineteen days of calamity, are also the eternal arrogance of the lower realm. How could it be so easy to yield to others.

Su Zimo's eyes were deep and he said quietly: "You better not do any small moves, if you let me know, I will rub you into it!"

Su Zimo pointed at the black iron ball in his hand.

Duan Tianliang trembled in shock, his expression terrified.

He really had some other thoughts, and planned to escape from here before making plans.

But now, hearing this sentence, Duan Tianliang is really scared!

"Boss Su, you laughed, how could this be possible!"

Duan Tianliang said quickly: "In the future, I will look forward to you, and if you let me go east, you will never go west!"


Su Zimo nodded, and said, "The ten acres of Lingtian outside, you can help me plant it."

Duan Tianliang looked deadlocked.

He broke through the duality of Xuanyuan Realm, and after he was promoted to a deacon, he never went to farm in person.

"Why not?"

Su Zimo frowned.


Duan Tianliang was so excited that he said, "I'm so willing! I should come to such a field thing! It's absolutely glorious to get the trust of Boss Su!"

"Okay, nothing matters. Don't bother me during this time."

Su Zimo said lightly, and threw the black iron ball in his hand to Duan Tianliang.

Duan Tianliang caught it, and there was a pain in his eyes.

A good magic weapon for Xuanjie, now it has become such a big iron egg.

"Go on."

Su Zimo waved his sleeves lightly, his figure fluttered, and returned to the bamboo bed.

Duan Tianliang, like a pardon, muttered as he stepped back: "I really had the ancestral grave who smoked blue smoke in order to get the opportunity to farm for the oldest boss of the Soviet Union. It was a blessing in three lives. There is no regret in this life ..."

Soon, Duan Tianliang exited Su Zimo's thatched cottage and closed the door gently.

The charming on his face disappeared instantly, and his eyes were gloomy.

Duan Tianliang stared hard at the door, his expression changed, cloudy and uncertain.

After a little, Duan Tianliang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to leave.

In his heart, he still refused to accept it!

However, the situation is pressing and he intends to hold back for a while and look for another opportunity.

Duan Tianliang came to the destroyed Lingtian, gritted his teeth, bent down, rubbed his big buttocks, and started planting.

At this time, it was noon.

Many medicinal farmers in Fengxueling have already got up and went to Lingtian to investigate under their jurisdiction.

Some cast rain, some remove weeds.

"Well? Isn't that a fat man?"

"Strange, the Lingtian should be planted by the new brother Su. How did the fat man land himself?"

The farmers who saw this scene were surprised and surprised.

The news spread from ten to ten, and soon, all the medicinal farmers in the neighborhood heard about it and ran over to see the excitement.

"Deacon Duan, why are you still farming yourself? This Lingtian should be the Brother Su?"

Another deacon of Fengxueling couldn't help asking.

Duan Tianliang glanced at Su Zimo's thatched house full of resentment.

In front of Su Zimo, he showed great obedience, but in front of others, he faced his face and did not want to admit it.

Duan Tianliang coughed and said, "After all, this new little brother has been seriously injured and has difficulty moving. If he waits for his injuries to be healed, I don't know how long it will take."

"We are all a family of Fengxueling. For my own sake, as a deacon of Fengxueling, I should help him plant it in advance, and that is justified."

"Yugong, the two kinds of fairy grass can be planted earlier and mature earlier, which is a good thing for us all!"

Duan Tianliang's words were affectionate and righteous, moving.

However, these words came out of Duan Tianliang's mouth, which seemed strange.

"Did this fat take the wrong medicine?"

"I don't know what kind of wind he draws, but he was so kind."

Many drug farmers whispered.

"its not right!"

At this moment, Lao Yan rushed over and said, "I just returned from Brother Su yesterday. He took Miss Lingtan, and the wound was cured!"

"I do ..."

Duan Tianliang scolded his mother in his heart, anxious to stuff Wan Wan ball in his storage bag into Lao Yan's mouth!

"Brother Su just recovered from the trauma, but his internal injuries had to be recuperated for a while."

Duan Tianliang explained hardly.

"Old section."

Another deacon stepped forward and said, "Give me your Wanjun brick again. This time I took some Ning Yuandan, and I am going to change to a Xuanjie inferior magic weapon."

"Get off!"

Mentioning this matter, the old paragraph became pale and scolded.

The deacon was aggressive.

Duan Tianliang looked at the audience, his face was ugly, and scolded: "It's gone, it's gone! What are you looking at here blindly, don't you need to look after your own piece of Lingtian!"

Many drug farmers shook their heads and dispersed.

The deacon's expression was blank, and he didn't know why he touched his nose.

If it were weekdays, Duan Fatty would have been proud to take out the treasure and show off in front of everyone.

Su Zimo sat in the cottage.

Qinglian Zhenshen's ear strength was amazing, and Duan Tianliang said those words in Lingtian that he could hear clearly.

It's just that he didn't go through.

As long as Duan Tianliang does not make any small moves, Su Zimo doesn't care at all.

Now, the most important thing for him is to reply as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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