Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1798: Fairyland

Chapter 1798 Immortals

Dozens of acres of Lingtian, full of two kinds of fairy grass, but no small project.

Duan Tianliang had been busy for a long time before he planted thousands of fairy grass seeds, all planted on a dozen acres of Lingtian.

Night fell.

At this time, other medicinal farmers have already returned to rest early.

Duan Tianhao has n’t had such a big exhaustion for a long time, his body is sore, and coupled with the mental shock he suffered in Su Zimo, he just feels physically and mentally tired.

He sat down on Lingtian with a grimacing look at the thatched cottage in the distance, and took a sip.

"Damn, one day, I will step you under your feet!"

Duan Tianliang cursed softly, and lay down on his back, regardless of the dirt on the ground.

Looking at the twinkling stars, Duan Tianliang felt only a little sleepy, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and he fell asleep in Lingtian.

Su Zimo practiced in the thatched cottage, constantly comprehending the Prajna Nirvana on the bronze Fang Ding, absorbing the vitality of the surrounding world.

The Prajna Nirvana is extremely esoteric.

Although it is not complete, Su Zimo's Buddhist dharma attainment today cannot be fully understood.

He just realized that this secret method is more inclined to the practice of the Yuanshen.

It is precisely because of this that the strength condensed by this secret method can neutralize the yin and yang, so that the two great gods, Dragon Phoenix and Qinglian, can be fused together.


Su Zimo secretly said in his heart: "The Prajna Nirvana Sutra is obviously a secret scripture of a Buddhist monk. How could it be carved into this bronze square tripod?"

"Can it be said that the owner of this bronze tripod was once a strong man of Buddhism?"

"What happened to the dragon carved on the outer wall of this bronze Fang Ding?"

These doubts flashed in Su Zimo's mind, and he didn't think too much.

He just absorbed the vitality of the world as much as possible, and worked hard to resume cultivation.

Heaven and earth vitality is invisible, just like air.

However, if the top power of the upper world descends on Longyuan Star, it must be noticed that the vitality of the heavens and earth around Longyuan Star is gathering towards a humble hut in Fengxueling!

That cottage is like a huge vortex, constantly rotating, like a whale swallowing a cow drink, devouring, absorbing the surrounding vitality!

Just at the end of the distant sky, the vitality that lay across the huge shadow in the starry sky seemed to have a tendency to gather towards Longyuan Star!

This change, Xuanxian and the like, is naturally imperceptible.

But if someone can enter Su Zimo's room at this time, he will be surprised!

In this cottage, Su Zimo's figure has long disappeared, replaced by a turquoise green lotus, gently swaying.

The lotus leaves are crystal clear, like jadeite.

The pink lotus blooms, and on the eighty-one lotus petals, fairy dew is condensed, and on the lotus platform, a ray of rays is gushing out, which is dazzling!

In the process, Su Zimo had a wonderful feeling.

He seemed to be transformed into a forged green lotus, plundering and absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth in a frantic plunder!

At this moment, his consciousness, as if incarnate into thousands and thousands, is like dense roots, spreading all around.

He even felt clearly that the fairy grass seeds had just been planted in the dozen acres of Lingtian surrounding it.

These fairy grass seeds felt his godly sense, as if possessing spirituality, even exuding a mood of joy and surrender.

It feels amazing.

Su Zimo was immersed in it, and he passed away overnight.

It was dawning.

Duan Tianliang leaned lazily, sat up, sleepy.

As he had just woke up, his look was still a little confused. After sitting still for a while, he gradually returned to his senses.

"Damn, I slept on Lingtian."

Duan Tianliang scolded, patted his buttocks, ready to get up.


Duan Tianliang's eyes were fixed!

In his sight, the turquoise fields beneath him actually gave birth to turquoise shoots, neat and tidy!

"Have you overslept, all have hallucinations."

Duan Tianliang murmured, shook his head vigorously, and rubbed his eyes before he opened his eyes.

Duan Tianliang's pupils gradually contracted!

He turned quickly and looked around.

On the dozen acres of Lingtian surrounding him, without exception, all of them have grown up and are full of vitality!

"This, this, this ..."

Duan Tianliang has been stunned.

You know, he just planted the fairy grass seeds in this spiritual field below him.

Only in the past night, all these seeds have sprouted and broke out!

Duan Tianliang spent tens of thousands of years in Fengxueling. He started as a medicinal farmer, and only a little bit until today, he is very familiar with the law of maturity of fairy grass.

On Longyuan Star, the strength of the heavens and earth is thin.

The two kinds of fairy grass grow slowly, and it takes 100 years to fully mature!

And Pei Yuancao and Yu Linhua want to produce young shoots and emerge from the ground, how can it take almost a year!

But that night, all the two fairy grasses had sprouts!

"What a hell!"

If it weren't for this piece of Lingtian, it was planted by Duan Tianliang himself, he would never believe that the scene before him was true.

"Is this what happened?"

Duan Tianliang frowned, and said secretly: "Is my old Duan the reincarnation of the immortal, and now, has begun to consolidate luck? If you just shot it, it will cause these immortals?

He was puzzled.

After a long time, Duan Tianliang came back to God, and was surprised to find that his cultivation was also a state of improvement!

Although he has not yet stepped into the triple world of Xuanyuan Realm, it is only one night's time that he can even survive his hundred-day cultivation!

Duan Tianliang's eyes flashed with excitement.

"If you follow this practice speed, it won't be long before Lao Tzu can break through the triple of Xuanyuan Realm!"

Duan Tianliang stared at the stilt house in the distance, biting his teeth and said, "Su Zimo, at that time, I'll show you some colors! What Su boss, **** one!"

Before long, it was bright.

Many medicinal farmers approached this place and noticed the sight of these ten acres of Lingtian. They were shocked that their chin almost fell to the ground.

"No, this Lingtian, Duan Fatty just planted yesterday, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Duan fat man, what's going on, you, you, you fairy grass in Lingtian, how can it grow so fast?"

"I'm going, this is a fairy tale!"

Many medicine farmers looked shocked.

Duan Tianliang stood on Lingtian with his head upright, looking up into the distance, with an unpredictable expression, and said lightly, "It's just a few tricks, you don't have to make a fuss."

"Consult Dean Duan, is this how it happened?"

Another Deacon Xuefengling could not help asking.

"Duan Duan, did you use any blinding technique?

Shouted another.

Duan Tianliang showed unhappiness, and said, "These fairy grass seeds were planted by Benxian himself. They naturally gave birth to great opportunities, and they are so lucky that ordinary people can do it!"

The crowd was stunned.


Duan Tianliang sighed deeply, and said, "I haven't planted the farm for a long time, and my technique is a little rusty. These fairy grasses are still growing slowly."

Everyone was fooled.

Although everyone felt that Duan Tianliang said something, it was a bit outrageous.

But the scene at hand is indeed true, and it cannot be faked.

(End of this chapter)

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