Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1799: Frighten

Chapter 1799 Deterrent

After a hustle and bustle, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Among the many medicinal farmers and deacons, Duan Tianliang made a small splash again. He couldn't help but glow red, secretly ecstatic.

However, he calmed down quickly.

Because he knew that although these fairy grass seeds were planted by his own hands, the verdant green shoots grew overnight, which had nothing to do with him.

It was as if the vitality gathered in these ten acres of Lingtian suddenly became rich that night, so that the two kinds of fairy grass grew quickly!


Duan Tianliang touched his chin and was puzzled.

How could he think of Su Zimo's body.

This method can't be done by any land fairy or heaven fairy, let alone a person who has just ascended from the lower world.

Duan Tianliang decided to stay here to investigate what happened.

At the same time, Su Zimo also felt the scene happening outside and gradually realized in his heart.

The creation of green lotus is the most precious thing.

His Qinglian real promotion to Jiupin has already been regarded as a very high level, plundering the vitality of the world, it is nothing at all!

If Su Zimo thought, he could absorb all the vital essence of the elixir elixir within ten miles and directly refine it!

Fortune green lotus is the supreme among the plants!

Of course, since then, all the fairy grass within ten miles will wither.

At this time of the day, there were many medicinal farmers. Su Zimo was cautious and did not practice. He absorbed the vitality of the world.

Although the vitality of heaven and earth is invisible, once he cultivates, the vitality will skyrocket in the area of ​​more than ten acres of Lingtian, which will obviously be much richer than the outside, and it is easy to be noticed.

This incident is directly related to the creation of Qinglian, which is not easy to expose.

The fewer people you know, the better!

Of course, Su Zimo was not idle, but continued to comprehend the content of the Prajna Nirvana.

The Sanskrit engraved on one side of the wall is not many words, but every word seems to contain mystery, exhausting the earth and the earth!

Soon, night fell.

The medicinal farmers around have already dispersed.

Only wandering around this Lingtian, only Duan Tianliang was left.

At the end of the day, Duan Tianliang stared at this Lingtai here, with no results and no abnormalities. He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But after thinking about it, still unwilling, he simply moved a bamboo chair and sat down in this Lingtian.

Su Zimo was aware of this scene in the thatched cottage, and groaned a little, but decided to start practicing and devour the vitality of the world.

It is impossible to hide this from everyone.

What's more, looking at this Tianliang posture, it is obviously ready to stay in this spiritual field at all times.

Su Zimo could not practice because Duan Tianliang stayed here.

Just a Duan Tianliang, still under his control!


Duan Tianliang leaned on the bamboo chair, and at the beginning was still a little bit spirited.

But he looked into the sky, listening to the sound of frogs cicadas in his ears, his eyes gradually blurred, and he fell asleep.

In Duan Tianliang's heart, he kept thinking about this.

Even when I slept, it was not practical.

Suddenly, Duan Tianliang was awake suddenly!

At this time, it was already late at night.

Duan Tianliang suddenly felt something wrong!

The vitality around him turned out to be extremely strong!

Duan Tianliang stared, his spirits instantly.

He still couldn't believe it, thinking it was his delusion, and deliberately ran out very far, leaving the area of ​​ten acres of Lingtian.

The vitality of the world is still extremely thin.

Only in this area of ​​ten acres of Lingtian, the vitality is amazing!

Duan Tianliang looked at the two fairy grasses in Lingtian.

Just a few hours later, the buds of these two kinds of fairy grass seemed to grow a little higher!

"How could this be?"

Duan Tianliang's eyes flickered, and his expression was in doubt.

He thought for a moment, raised his head suddenly, and looked at the plain wooden house in the middle of a dozen acres of Lingtian!

"Don't ..."

Duan Tianliang thought of a possibility.

Despite this speculation, it's a bit ridiculous.

He lived in Fengxueling for thousands of years.

No such weird situation has ever happened before, but it has only happened since that person ascended!

In other words, the matter is most likely to be related to that person!

"This is a big deal!"

Duan Tianliang turned his eyes and was going to report this to the Lord of Fengxueling overnight!

He just turned around, but almost bumped into someone!

Duan Tianliang stepped back subconsciously and was about to yell.

But after seeing this person, he couldn't help but scare a half-dead. The words of scolding came to his lips, letting him go back for life!

"Su, Su, Boss Su, you came out so late, so silent, that scared me to death."

Duan Tianliang's voice was trembling.

"Practising here is good for you."

Su Zimo spoke slowly.

This sentence is by no means a lie!

Practicing in such a strong and energetic environment, one day is enough for one hundred days!


Su Zimo's words turned sharply and he said, "Some things, don't tell them, it's better to rot in the stomach."


Duan Tianliang quickly said, "Boss Su, don't worry, my population is the toughest!"

In fact, Duan Tianliang had already begun to figure it out at this time. He left the place alive and reported the incident as soon as possible!

Su Zimo didn't say much, took a deep look at Duan Tianliang and turned to the wooden house.

Duan Tianliang sneered slightly and was about to leave here.

Somehow, he made a terrible difference between the ghosts and moved his heart, spreading his consciousness and turning around Su Zimo.


This investigation, Duan Tianliang could not help but take a breath!

Xuanyuan Realm Triple!

At this moment, Duan Tianliang's pupils shrank, and his hair was erected!

A day ago, this person was only a second-order Xuanxian.

Just one day in the past, this person is already a third-order Xuanxian!

What is the speed of this practice?

What is this man reincarnated from?

Duan Tianliang was shocked and terrified.

Originally, he really planned to report the incident.

But now, he remembers the profound look at Su Zimo before he left, and he can't help fighting a shiver.


Duan Tianliang was secretly shocked: "My every move is probably under the watch of this person already! If I leave now, I am afraid to die here!"

At this point, Duan Tianliang exhaled a long breath, and returned to Lingtian honestly.

In any case, such a cultivation environment is indeed rare, and this matter can be regarded as a blessing and a disaster.

Duan Tianliang thought so, and began to cultivate!

In just one night, his cultivation has made a lot of progress!

The fairy grass in Lingtian grew rapidly. The matter spread quickly among the medicinal farmers in Fengxueling.

But just a dozen acres of Lingtian did not attract more people's attention in Fengxueling.

In a flash, a year passed.

Duan Tianliang watched the fairy grass in this Lingtian grow faster and faster.

The fairy grass, which could have matured in a century, will mature in just one year!

This incident finally attracted the attention of some Xuanxian in Fengxueling!

(End of this chapter)

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