Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1800: Exposed

Chapter 1800 Exposed

On this day, Su Zimo was practicing in the thatched cottage. Suddenly he moved his ears and heard a noise from outside.

Many chaotic steps are galloping towards this place.


Su Zimo slowly opened his eyes, got up, and pushed out the door.

Duan Tianliang was running towards this place, panting and looking tense. When he came close to Su Zimo, he was already sweating.

"Boss Su, it's not good. The young lady knows this and is coming over here!"

Duan Tianliang gasped, and said.

Su Zimo glanced at Duan Tianliang.

Duan Tianliang was so excited that he waved his hands quickly: "Boss Su, this is not what I said! This fairy field of grass grows so well, so fast, it will surely pass to the young lady."

At this moment, a crowd appeared in the distance.

The person headed by is Xia Qingying, the young lady of Fengxueling!

The leader of Liang Qiu still followed Xia Qingying closely, staying still, his face was gloomy, and he looked at Su Zimo with a sneer.

Many medicinal farmers surrounded Xia Qingying, and Lao Yan was among them, looking at Su Zimo's eyes full of worry.

Seen in one year, Xia Qingying has not changed much.

She looked at the ten acres of Lingtian, the mature Peiyuan grass and Yulin flowers, and in her eyes, there was a radiance.

You know, she visited here a year ago and saw with her own eyes that the fairy grass in the Lingtian has been destroyed!

But just a year, these fairy grasses have grown so well!

At first, Xia Qingying heard a rumor about the incident, but just smiled indifferently, and ignored it, only when the medicinal farmers talked in vain.

But this time, the incident spread more and more fiercely, and even the guards of Fengxueling talked, and finally attracted her attention.

"How is this going?"

Xia Qingying's gaze paused a little on Su Zimo's body, and finally fell on Duan Tianliang's face, asking slowly.

"This this……"

Duan Tianliang shook his eyes, dodging his eyes, constantly wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"it's me."

Su Zimo suddenly said, "I once got a jade bottle in the starry sky, and there was a drop of spiritual fluid in it. I don't know what to use."

"When I performed" Rain and Rain ", I accidentally shattered the jade bottle, and the drop of spiritual fluid merged into it and was irrigated to this spiritual field. This spiritual field is growing so fast that it must be the spiritual fluid the reason."

Su Zimo had long expected that this incident would certainly not be concealable.

These remarks are naturally also prepared by him long ago.

There are some flaws in these remarks, but it is indeed difficult for others to distinguish between true and false.

Only Duan Tianliang knew in his heart that Su Zimo stayed in thatched house to practice all day long, where did he release "Cloud Rain".

He released the "Rainbow Techniques" of this Lingtian, and he has never seen any spiritual fluid.

However, Duan Tianliang bowed his head, said nothing, and did not stand up to expose Su Zimo.

"What kind of spirits have such power!"

"It's just a drop, which makes this Peiyuan grass and Yulin flower grow a hundred times faster!"

"Yeah, a fairy grass that can mature in a hundred years, it will grow like this in a year."

The surrounding medicinal farmers whispered, looking surprised.


Liang Qiu sneered: "It's a nonsense! What kind of fluid can have such an effect, so that the two fairy grasses mature in a year!"

"You haven't seen it, it doesn't prove it."

Su Zimo said something lightly and asked: "If it wasn't for the contribution of this spiritual fluid, Liang Tong would have explained, what is going on in these ten acres of Lingtian?"


Liang Qiu gritted his teeth and was speechless for a moment.

The scene in front of him is indeed a fairy tale, and he cannot find any other reason.

Xia Qingying groaned a little and asked, "How much do you still have this kind of fluid?"


Su Zimo shrugged slightly and said, "There is only one drop, it has been used."

Only by saying so, can we let others pass away the thoughts of Jiji.


"If there were more psychic fluids, the maturation speed of the celestial grass was a hundred times faster, and we could have more Ningyuandan to cultivate."

Many drug farmers shook their heads and sighed.

Xia Qingying also showed regret.


Liang Qiu raised his head slightly, his face was not good, staring at Su Zimo's eyes, sneer: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world! I don't believe it, you only have one drop of this spiritual fluid!"

"You don't believe it, I can't help it."

Su Zimo replied a little saltily.

"Of course there is a way!"

Liang Qiu's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly stepped forward and said loudly, "Give up your storage bag, let me check it!"

"do not!"

Xia Qingying frowned and quickly stopped to stop.

However, Liang Qiu shot very fast, without warning, rushed past Xia Qingying's side, came to Su Zimo's body, and stretched out his palm to shoot Su Zimo's waist!

The storage bag did hang on Su Zimo's waist.

But Liang Qiu's palm was obviously not directed at the storage bag, nor did he leave his hands behind.

This palm shot fell, the storage bag has not been received, Su Zimo's lumbar spine, I am afraid that it will be broken by a palm shot!

In the upper world, a broken lumbar spine is considered a serious injury. If it is not well regulated, it is very likely that the lower body will be completely abolished!

Liang Qiu's palm is sinister!

Many medicinal farmers also responded, exclaiming.

"It's over!"

"The leader of Liang is a fourth-order Xuanxian. He shot all out. With this palm, Su Zimo is afraid to lose half his life!"

"This little brother has just ascended and has a high-spirited, yet immature, why should he go against the beam leader. Well, it's a pity."

Everyone regretted their faces and could not bear to show their faces.



Liang Qiu's figure suddenly paused.

Many medicine farmers widened their eyes, and their faces appeared incredible!

Liang Qiu's palm was still in midair before it was photographed on Su Zimo's waist.

It was Su Zimo's sudden shot, holding Liang Qiu's wrist!

No one can see how Su Zimo shot.

But Liang Qiu's wrist was stiff in the air. No matter how he urged his strength, he still couldn't fall and couldn't move!

Numerous medicinal farmers are uproaring!

"This little brother can block Liang's shot!"

"No, the little brother has just soared, it's just first-order Xuanxian, how can it be!"

There was a burst of noise in the crowd.

At this moment, Xia Qingying looked at Su Zimo's face, his eyes were bright, and a radiant gleam bloomed, and he said slowly: "Fourth-order Xuanxian!"

Some medicinal farmers also reacted, and Shen Shen's investigation on Su Zimo's body was startled.

"It's only been a year since this little brother has cultivated to the fourth-order Xuanxian?"

"This, this, what is the speed of cultivation!"

Among the crowd, the only one who looked as usual was Duan Tianliang.

Su Zimo squinted his eyes slightly, staring at a hint of murderousness, staring at Liang Qiu in front of him, and slowly asked, "What does Liang Dominion want?"

(End of this chapter)

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