Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1810: A fortune

Chapter 1810: A Fortune

"Sword of Heavenly Sword" was originally the top fairy of the upper world.

It was only for other reasons that it fell into the Nether, and this sword tactic was released with the vitality of heaven and earth, and it really showed its terrifying power!

The sword air was dense, rainy, sharp, and trembling, falling from the sky, covering more than four hundred evil wolf soldiers, no one was spared!

puff! puff! puff!

The sword air pierced through the bodies of these evil wolf soldiers, making a sound of infiltration, like a sharp blade piercing flesh and blood, clean and neat!

Most of these evil wolves are third-order Xuanxian.

Even if it is the third-order Xuanxian of the refining body, the flesh and blood body can't resist the sharp edge of Heavenly Sword!

Not to mention them, even the demon wolf with a hard Linjia was killed by more than half of the sword's qi like rain!

In fact, most of the living monks on the Longyuan Star have ascended from the lower realm and have limited knowledge.

They didn't even recognize the creation of Qinglian, nor did they know Heavenly Sword.

By the time the public realized that the man in front of him could not resist this sword-qi method, it was too late.

Such a fierce offensive is simply devastating for these evil wolves!

Almost at the moment when Tianqi Jianqi came, half of the evil wolf army was pierced by Jianqi, his body died, and the corpse disappeared on the spot!

The sword rain fell and fell on the ground, stirring up a white mist.

But soon, these white mists were stained red with splashing blood!

There are only a few fourth-order Xuanxian, relying on magic weapon, armor, magical power, and immortal art, barely supporting it, and want to break out of the envelope of Heavenly Sword.

Su Zimo sneered, sneered slightly, pinched his fingers together, and once again squeezed a sword, cutting forward!

Heart-breaking killer bursts, the earth shakes!

To kill, the dragon and the snake set off!

"Killing the Sword of the Earth" was originally realized only by the martial arts deity.

But the martial art deity smelted magical powers and did not rely on this sword tactic, and he rarely released it.

This sword trick can exert its greatest strength on Qing Lianzhen.

Therefore, before the ascension, the deity of the martial arts taught Qinglian Zhenshen to the sword.



Above the sky, a huge five-pronged demon dragon suddenly descended, filled with slaying murderous power, and the whole body was all formed by the condensed sword energy!

The ground cracked, and a Teng snake bathed in red hot magma, soared to the sky, burning with flames, hissing upwards!

Su Zimo condensed the sword tactics, chopped forward, and cut out the dragon and snake directly!

Looking at these two horrible **** beasts, the remaining army of evil wolves is as dead as a face, with deep despair in their eyes.

Divine dragons and serpents surround the evil wolf army, launching a killing ring, and hunting down some of the evil wolf army who escaped from the sky-sword rain by chance.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Screams screamed one after another.

The remaining evil wolf army was originally severely damaged by the Tianqi Sword, but now they are chased by the Dragon and the Snake, and there is almost no fighting back.

The sword rain poured down, the blood mist filled, and the two great beasts, Shenlong and Tengsheng, galloped in the sword rain.

In the misty rain, a man in a blue shirt was laid behind his back with one hand, standing in the air with a calm look.

This scene, like a scroll, feels a bit unreal.

For about half a column of incense, there was no sound in the battlefield.

The heavy rain stopped, the beasts dissipated, leaving only the corpses on the ground.

Including more than four hundred black-scale demon wolves, all the remaining evil wolf soldiers fell, none of them were spared!

Su Zimo exhaled a little, exuding a sense of consciousness, and collected all the magic weapons of the evil wolf army.

Although these magic weapons are not available to him, they seem to be of great value on this Longyuan star.

Su Zimo collected all the storage bags of the evil wolf army and opened them for a glance.

Almost all of these storage bags are Pei Yuan Cao, Yu Lin Hua, and many Ning Yuan Dan.

On the Longyuan Star, these are extremely precious cultivation resources.

Su Zimo gathered the grass and Ningyuandan in these storage bags together, and probably counted them.

This time, a total of more than 2.1 million Pei Yuan Cao and Yu Lin flowers were obtained, and more than 13 thousand Ning Yuan Dan!

If there are more than two million fairy grasses, according to the exchange rate of Xueyang Valley, this is more than 20,000 Ningyuandan!

In other words, this time Su Zimo shot and killed the evil wolf army, and obtained more than 30,000 Ningyuandan in total.

If counted before, the dozens of evil wolf soldiers that he beheaded and killed, the number of Ning Yuandan is likely to reach 40,000!

This is a lot of windfall!

You know, the entire Fengxueling ten years, only collecting 100,000 immortals, can be exchanged for one thousand Ningyuandan.

And Su Zimo got 40,000 capsules directly this time!

Su Zimo looked at the corpse on the ground and shook his head slightly.

No wonder some of the monks and ascended monks will choose to join these rogues and burn and rob.

This method is indeed much faster than honestly planting fairy grass.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, Su Zimo was about to leave, and he and Xia Qingying and other people went round.

He had just set out, and seemed to think of something, looking back at the corpses of the wolf army, thinking.


Valley of Blood Yang.

In a high-grade hall, Chen Xuanyang took off his armor, dressed in a robe, and sat in the middle of the hall.

On his left, there are some monks in Bloodyanggu.

On his right hand side are Xia Qingying and Liang Qiu.

Other monks in Fengxueling were also settled.

At this time, the night was shrouded.

In the hall, the lights were bright.

On the desk in front of Xia Qingying and others, there were many spirits and wines, as well as some delicious dishes cooked by the flesh and blood of monsters.

Every time Fengxueling people come to Xueyang Valley to exchange Ningyuandan, they will stay here for one night.

Because everyone arrived in the Blood Yanggu, it was already evening. If they rushed back to Fengxueling overnight, some accidents would easily occur.

And every time, Chen Xuanyang will set up a banquet in the Blood Yang Valley, to take the wind and wash the dust for Xia Qingying.

This time, Fengxueling repelled the enemy, and the dinner prepared by Bloodyang Valley was even more abundant!

It was just that Xia Qingying sat in the middle of the table, gently changing her eyebrows, barely touching her chopsticks, and absent-minded.

Beside Liang Qiu, there was no heart or lungs.

From time to time, he raised his head, stared at Chen Xuanyang, and communicated with his eyes with a strange look.

Xia Qingying had other thoughts and did not notice this.

After a long time, he smiled slightly and said, "Qingying, what do you have in mind? This time, the rest of the life after Feng Xueling's disaster, you should be happy, why are you still frowning?"

Xia Qingyingqiang smiled and didn't answer.

She looked at the sky outside and sighed in her heart.

Chen Xuanyang suddenly asked: "Qingying, are you still thinking about that person?"

Xia Qingying was only a little silent before she summoned her courage and said, "Xuanyang, I know this request is overdone, but I still want to ask if Xueyanggu can lead some people to meet my guard."

(End of this chapter)

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