Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1811: clean

Chapter 1811 Innocence

Chen Xuanyang put down his glass, his face remained unchanged, and asked, "Qingying, he is just a guard, fourth-order Xuanxian, why are you so nervous about him?"


Xia Qingying said: "This time everyone in Fengxueling can survive because of him, if ..."


Just then, Liang Qiu suddenly said, "You haven't doubted the identity of this person?"

"What do you suspect?"

Xia Qingying froze slightly.

Liang Qiu Shen said: "The origin of this person is unknown. He said that he came from the Nether, but when he ascended, he was a fourth-order Xuanxian!"

"It's because he's spent four or nine days."

Xia Qingying explained.

"Ha ha."

Liang Qiu sneered, and said, "Miss, do you really believe what he said? If he spends four or nine days of calamity, it will be impossible for him to descend on the Dragon Dragon Star!"

"He said there was an accident in the middle, but he didn't explain it carefully. Because he couldn't explain it at all! What accidents can happen during the robbery process?"

Chen Xuanyang looked at this scene, and there was a smile in his eyes, and he didn't rush to speak.

Xia Qingying frowned.

Liang Qiu looked subconsciously at Chen Xuanyang.

Chen Xuanyang nodded slightly, motioning him to continue.

Liang Qiu was shocked and said: "Miss, think again, he is a fourth-order Xuanxian, but he wants to hide the cultivation, what come to our Fengxueling?"

"Our Fengxueling headed to Xueyang Valley today. It was only a day's journey, but we met the evil wolf army. Can this be a coincidence?"

"Surely someone is reporting! This person is Su Zimo, and he is the spy of the evil wolf army!"

Hearing here, Chen Xuanyang said, "Leader Liang makes some sense, is clear, and knows everyone, but he hasn't been aware of it. This person has only been in Fengxueling for a year. It is really not worth your trust."


Xia Qingying shook his head and said, "How can you say that Su's guard is a spy? It's because he killed the leader of the evil wolf army and repelled the evil wolf army. This is what everyone saw."

"Miss, this is obviously a mischief."

Liang Qiu argued forcefully: "Su Zimo's move must be a bigger plot, most likely to plot the entire Fengxueling Range!"

"And, that's exactly why he got the trust of the young lady!"

Xia Qingying shook her head slightly, still unwilling to believe it.

Liang Qiu continued: "Miss, do you think, if you don't control the monster, how can you catch up with the black-scale demon wolf? But Su Zimo has caught up!"

"He is not going to hunt down the wolf army this time, but to discuss a larger plot with the remaining wolf army!"

"What a conspiracy, you talk to hear."

Just then, a voice came from outside the hall.

Three people walked towards the main hall, and the person in the middle hit the blue shirt and looked bright, it was Su Zimo!

The two people around him were guards of the Fengxue Ridge guarding in the distance.

One of the guards smiled at Xia Qingying: "Miss, Guard Su is back!"

Xia Qingying saw Su Zimo's return, and she couldn't help but look up, she was so happy that she stood up and greeted her.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuanyang's eyes glanced over a gloomy gloom.

"Guard, are you all right?"

Xia Qingying's gaze turned around Su Zimo's body, and asked with some worry.

Su Zimo smiled slightly and said, "I am worried about the troubled lady, I'm fine."

Chen Xuanyang turned his gaze and looked at Liang Qiu between the seats.

Liang Qiu knew, and suddenly shot up, pointing at Su Zimo and shouting, "Su Zimo, you are so brave, you dare to come back!"

"If I don't come back, I'm afraid I'll be detained by some spy."

Su Zimo sneered.

Xia Qingying turned around, staring at Liang Qiu frowning, Shen said, "Liang Qiu, don't say it anymore, there is no such thing as Guardian Su, I believe him!"


At this moment, Chen Xuanyang got up slowly, came to the front, looked at Su Zimo, and said, "I think Liang Tongling's words are not unreasonable and anti-human."

"As soon as this person came to Fengxueling, the evil wolf army appeared nearby. The two may not be irrelevant."

Su Zimo looked at Chen Xuanyang with a smile, without saying a word.

He can feel that there are many masters hidden around this hall!

In addition to the fifth-order Xuanxian, there are several sixth-order Xuanxian!

Moreover, the Chen Xuanyang in front of him is the power of the sixth-order Xuanxian!

Normally, with Su Zimo's cultivation as the realm, it is impossible to investigate the surrounding situation so clearly.

But Su Zimo's Yuan Shen is a fusion of Dragon and Phoenix Yuan Qing and Qing Lian Yuan Shen, which has undergone amazing transformation!

His Yuanshen Realm, far beyond his own cultivation, has reached the level of the sixth-order Xuanxian!

Of course, Su Zimo is now in the Blood Yang Valley. Even if he knows that today's incident is the ghost of Chen Xuanyang, it is not easy to tear his face with Chen Xuanyang.

Blood Yanggu is among the eight forces of the Dragon Yuan Star, hiding the dragon and lying down.

If he had evil with Xueyang Valley today, even he might not be able to leave alive, not to mention all the people in Fengxueling.

Liang Qiu pretended to ask: "Chen Gongzi, in your opinion, what should you do with this Su Zimo? You want me to kill him directly, so as not to cause trouble!"


Xia Qingying looked cold and flatly refused.

She didn't look well and stared at Liang Qiu intently.

She could see that Liang Qiu's move was obviously a public grudge!

If she returns to Fengxueling this time, she will definitely punish Liang Qiu!

Liang Qiu did not dare to look at Xia Qingying.

He had known his situation for a long time, and returned to Fengxueling this time, fearing that he would be punished. This time when he arrived at Bloodyang Valley, he had secretly found Chen Xuanyang.

That's why there is a scene of today's dinner.

Chen Xuanyang smiled and said, "It is too arbitrary to kill directly. In my opinion, this person will be temporarily detained first, interrogated, and his identity will be known before making a decision."

Chen Xuanyang was laughing on the surface, but her heart was already dead!

If he really detains Su Zimo, how to deal with it is not up to him alone!


Xia Qingying still shook his head and refused.

Su Zimo suddenly said: "You are doubtful, I am related to the evil wolf army?"


Liang Qiu sneered: "Don't think that killing dozens of evil wolf soldiers will prove your innocence!"

"is it?"

Su Zimo smiled at Liang Qiu and said in a fierce tone: "I killed, but not dozens of evil wolves ..."

Speaking of which, Su Zimo paused for a moment, suddenly found out to open a storage bag, and realized that he moved all the contents in the storage bag!

In a short time, the whole hall was full of blood!

The corpses of hundreds of evil wolves and the bones of hundreds of black-scale demon wolves were all piled up in the hall, blood dripping and shocking!

Each was miserable.

Some were cut in half.

Some bodies are pierced with sharp weapons!

Some are staring at their eyes, not staring at death. In the eyes of these people, there is a deep fear before they die, and they do not know what they have experienced!


The people in the hall shook, and took a breath of air!

(End of this chapter)

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