Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1841: Leaves belonging

Chapter 1841 Leaves Ownership

"Ha ha."

Ding Yu suddenly sneered and said, "Three million tablets of Ningyuan Dan, can you just take out a fifth-order Xuanxian! I think you are deliberately making trouble at this auction!"

Ding Yu didn't say a word and directly deducted one count.

Xu Wan frowned slightly and hurriedly whispered in secret: "Su Daoyou, if you can't get three million tablets of Ning Yuandan, don't bid, otherwise it will cause trouble!"

The tulle woman above the platform looked at Su Zimo and asked with a smile: "Can this Taoist take out three million tablets of Ning Yuandan and give me a look?"

"What is it!"

Shen Fei was a little bit upset and asked, "Others were bidding just now. Why don't you go and look for others?"

Ding Yu and others laughed and looked disdainful.

The tulle woman was extremely patient, explaining: "Most of the other monks are from the big forces on the Dragon Dragon Star, or they are enough to cultivate themselves."

"But this Taoist is only a fifth-order Xuanxian. Three million tablets of Ningyuan Dan are not small."

Shen Fei still had to argue, Su Zimo slightly raised his hand to stop him, and then threw it over a storage bag and asked: "Look at these things, is it worth three million Ningyuandan?"

The woman in tulle took the storage bag and swept through her senses, her body trembling lightly, and a look of surprise in her eyes.

In this storage bag, there are more than a thousand pieces of mysterious magic weapons!

Although they are all inferior to Xuanjie, a magic weapon of Xuanjie inferior value is about 10,000 Ningyuandan.

In other words, the value of this storage bag is around ten million tablets of Ningyuandan!

The gauze woman's look soon returned to normal, and she returned the storage bag to Su Zimo, saying, "Tao friends, please take it away. You are indeed eligible to bid."

Su Zimo intercepted the army of Blood Yanggu and harvested more than 3,000 pieces of mysterious magic weapons!

He didn't have to take it all out, but just took out a thousand pieces of Xuanjie's inferior magic weapon and threw it over.

The words of the tulle woman surprised many monks!

Even Xu Wan turned around and gave Su Zimo a deep look.

She found that the man in the blue shirt seemed more mysterious than he imagined!

The major commanders and Shangxian sitting on the high stage did not care about this episode in the auction.

However, the leader Yan Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and secretly asked the woman with a tulle voice: "Li Ji, what's in his storage bag?"

Li Ji quickly understood the voice and responded, "In that storage bag, there are a thousand pieces of Xuanjie inferior magic."


Yan Bei looked at Su Zimo in the crowd, his eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

"At three million times, is anyone still bidding higher?"

The tulle woman looked around and asked loudly.

The auction continues.

Ding Yu was in trouble, but did not expect to return without power. He couldn't help but feel annoyed. He was about to continue to raise the price, but the guard behind him quietly said, "You must not be a master."


Ding Yu frowned.

The guard said: "When we come here, the most important thing is to scramble the Miluo leaves back. There is no need to waste Ning Yuandan on this."

"What's more, it doesn't matter if you let this person buy it. After a while, this person will still be folded in the hands of the young master. His storage bag is not the young master's thing?"

Ding Yu was stunned and nodded secretly.

The guard again said: "If the price of the owner is too high, this person cannot afford it, and suddenly withdraws, then we will lose out."

"You're right."

Ding Yu smiled and decided not to increase the fare.

The tulle woman yelled twice more, and still no one raised the price, only to announce that this piece of Lingbao was owned by Su Zimo.

After taking a picture of this fragment, someone directly sent it to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo took out three hundred pieces of Xuanjie inferior magic weapon from the storage bag, packed it in a storage bag, and passed it.

The Xuanjie inferior magic weapon can be easily exchanged for Ningyuandan in Longyuan City.

"You, the next treasure is one of the three holy trees of the legendary Buddhist gate, the leaves of Miluo!"

Then, the woman of tulle finally lifted the veil of this treasure!

I saw a crystal-clear jade plate with a palm-sized leaf.

This leaf is quite strange, but it is a compound leaf, which is actually composed of seven leaves.

I do not know how long this leaf has fallen, and it has slightly yellowed.

But even so, many monks can still feel that the vitality of heaven and earth has become stronger around this leaf!

The spirits of the people in all the major forces were so excited that their eyes became hot.

Su Zimo noticed this scene, and said to himself: "Looking at this posture and trying to photograph this Miluo leaf, I am afraid it will be difficult."

The tulle woman did not introduce more, and said directly: "The starting price of the leaves is 10 million tablets of Ning Yuan Dan, and the increase is not less than 100,000 each time!"

"I rely!"

Shen Fei exclaimed, almost bit her tongue.

Gu Wenjun also looked shocked, and whispered, "The price is actually so high!"

Yue Hao whispered: "Muluo leaves can accelerate the growth of fairy grass, and the benefits to major forces are far more than 10 million Ningyuandan."

"And the longer it goes, the greater this benefit."

Xu Wan also nodded and said, "The only risk is that this Miluo leaf is already a little yellow. If he waits for him to wither completely, I'm afraid it won't have this effect."

But even so, all major forces are rushing to catch up.

"11 million!"

"Twelve million!"

"Fifteen million……"

Over time, the price of this Miluo leaf has also become higher and higher.

During this period, Xu Wan also spoke and shouted the price once, but was quickly overwhelmed by other forces.

Initially, the major powers were bidding at a fast rate, rising steadily.

But later, when the price rose to 30 million tablets of Ningyuandan, the increase in prices by major forces became slower and more cautious.

In the end, five of the seven forces withdrew from this struggle.

Only Xuanyin Mountain and Xuanguang Gate remain.

In Su Zimo's storage bag, even if all the remaining Xuanjie magic weapons were exchanged, less than 30 million Ningyuandan.

He has temporarily given up the competition for Mila leaves.

"Sister Xu, who do you think this leaf will eventually belong to?"

Zhenleitang asked the woman in the blue dress.

Xu Wan groaned: "It should be Xuanyin Mountain."

"How to say?"

The woman in the blue dress was a little surprised.

Xu Wan said: "This time Ding Yu and Jiang Li from Tianhuo Dian came together for this leaf. I guess that these two forces may have joined forces."

"Xuanguangmen's wealth is too rough, but it can't reach the bottom of the two forces."

as expected.

Before long, when the price of Miluo leaves rose to 35 million Ningyuandan, Xuanguangmen exited!

Ding Yu looked overjoyed.

Jiang Li from the Heaven Fire Hall also exhaled.

(End of this chapter)

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