Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1842: Showdown

Chapter 1842 Showdown

Miluo leaves have belonged, and the auction tonight means the end.

After this, it's time for monks to fight!

On the seat above the palace, the commander Yan Fei suddenly said, "Brother Liu, what did you just say?"

"Brother Yan is interested?"

Liu Tongling chuckled and said, "Ding Yu beheaded this man without any suspense. Let's bet on Ding Yu for a few rounds to kill this person!"

In Liu Tongling's mind, it was easy to kill a fifth-order Xuanxian with Ding Yu's means.

Ten rounds are enough!

But he cautiously and groaned a little before he slowly said, "I bet Ding Yu for 20 rounds to kill this person!"

Yan Fei laughed: "Okay, in this case, I bet this person can survive fifty rounds!"


Hearing this sentence, Liu Tongling laughed and said, "Brother Yan, you will definitely lose in this game! It seems that your" Hong Guang Jian Jue "is destined to give me a look!"

Yan Fei looked as usual, and said, "If I lose, I will naturally hand up Jian Jue with my hands. What if you lose?"

"You have been stunning my" Burning Sea and Skyline Gong "for many years. If I lose, this method will be lent to you!"

Liu Tong led a big hand and was extremely confident.

"it is good!"

Yan Fei's eyes brightened.

If he can practice the book "Burning Sea and Heavenly Pattern Gong", his practice is very likely to be a little more advanced, and he may even have the opportunity to step into Xuanyuan Realm!

Liu Tongling stood up and yelled, "Don't wait any longer. Arrange these people to fight directly. The first match is Ding Yu and that person!"

With Liu's leadership in Longyuan City, it is naturally possible to change the arrangement at will.

Ding Yu has long been eager to try, looking excited.

Liu Tong looked at Ding Yu with a majestic look and Shen said, "Ding Yu, I have a bet with others, and only give you twenty rounds of time! You better not let me down!"

"Liu Tongling rest assured, you don't need to have twenty rounds, three rounds are enough!"

Ding Yu was full of spirit and confidence, and said with a fist.

Liu Tongling was still a bit uneasy, and he urged: "Do not underestimate the enemy!"

"I respect the instructions of Liu Tong."

Ding Yu quickly bowed and said, looking humble.

On the other side, Su Zimo in the crowd seemed to feel something, frowned, and turned to look at a seat at a high place.

I saw a monk with a square face looking at him with a smile. It was the commander named Yan Fei.

The palace was crowded with loud noises.

The gambling contract between Yan Fei and Liu Tongling could not be heard by others, but Su Zimo could clearly hear it.

This Yan Fei seemed to know something before daring to make that gambling contract with Liu Tong.

The woman in Zhenleitang's blue skirt shook her head, watching Su Zimo shake her head slightly, and said, "You really shouldn't take the battle."

"You know, on that arena, the battle will never end unless one party falls."

"What do you mean?"

Yue Hao frowned and couldn't help asking.

Xu Wan explained: "There is a matrix law ban on the gladiatorial court. Once both sides enter the arena, the matrix law will be activated, forming a barrier similar to a cage."

"Unless there is only one person alive in the arena, this formation barrier will always exist."


Su Zimo's expression was calm, and he answered, seemingly not caring.

The woman in the blue dress looked at Su Zimo's eyes with a little pity, and said, "Did you not realize your situation? By then, even if you want to admit defeat, it will be useless and you will have nowhere to escape!"

Su Zimo still looked indifferent.

Duan Tianliang beside him grinned slightly, shook his head and sighed, "Well, this is terrible, it is going to kill someone."

In the eyes of the woman in the blue skirt, there was a touch of disappointment.

Originally, in Longyuan City, he saw Su Zimo's ingenious and appreciative.

Now, if you look at what is courageous, this person may just be unresponsive and not have a bright head!

Even the third-tier Xuanxian fat man around him realized the danger, and the man was still unaware.

The woman in the blue dress didn't realize that "there is a life to die" in Duan Tianliang's mouth, not referring to Su Zimo at all!


Su Zimo frowned slightly, raising a feeling of being peeped in his heart, feeling a strong hostility and murder!

He slowly turned his head and looked in one direction of the crowd.

Many monks over there are pointing and pointing at him, talking to each other.

Su Zimo's gaze turned around these monks, and finally fell on a thin old man.

This thin little old man seems to be no different from the people around him, but he is slightly higher and is a seventh-order Xuanxian.

Su Zimo stood still and retreated.

At the same time, a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the skinny old man, and the heart secretly said, "This child is so sensitive!"

This thin little old man is Xue Hufa who came from the Blood Yanggu!

You know, in the palace at this time, most of the monks' attention was on Su Zimo and Ding Yu.

But with the attention of so many people, Su Zimo could sense the anomalies and catch the murderous power on him, which is a bit scary!

"Two, please go to the arena!"

The tulle woman looked at Ding Yu and Su Zimo slowly.

Ding Yu could not wait any longer. He jumped up to the high platform in the middle of the palace, looked down at Su Zimo, and looked provocative.

"Su Daoyou, be careful."

Xu Wan whispered.

Su Zimo bowed his head slightly, walked out of the crowd, fluttered on the platform, light and agile.

The moment Su Zimo stepped onto the gladiatorial arena, a pattern of lines lit up on this high platform, forming a barrier covered with lines around the high platform!

In a blink of an eye, this gladiatorial field became an impervious cage!

Of the two people in this cage, only one can leave alive!

"Ding Yu made a lot of money this time!"

"Yes, this person's head is worth 100,000 tablets of Ningyuandan. In this person's storage bag, there are also three million pieces of Ningyuandan's Lingbao fragments."

"As soon as this person died, these things belonged to Ding Yu."

Many monks under the gladiatorial field talked about each other.

Hearing these voices, Ding Yu was even more proud. He stared at Su Zimo, his eyes were brutal, and sneered: "Boy, let me see your means of Ding Yu today!"

"Xuanyin Dafa!"

In Ding Yu's eyes, a strange light appeared, waving his hands, continuously changing the method to release Xuanyin Mountain's top magic!

Even in the face of the fifth-order Xuanxian, he did not stay.

He wants to kill Su Zimo in the shortest time!



Su Zimo took a step forward, and his soles fell on the ground. The huge high platform shook with it, and the dust fell!


A blue figure was approaching Ding Yu quickly, and the speed was so fast that the figure passed through the air, and even a strange and harsh howling came!

Blue shadows are coming!

Ding Yu's pupils contracted violently!

An exclamation came from the crowd.


Liu Tong's look changed, and his heart shook and he rose up.

Yan Fei's eyes were bright.

It's too fast!

This outbreak of power is beyond everyone's expectations!

(End of this chapter)

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