Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1843: Instant Kill

Chapter 1843 Instant Kill With One Palm

Ding Yu's Xuanyin Dafa was released. In the place where Su Zimo originally stood, a ray of femininity and dark air was born, showing a stern chill, covering Su Zimo.

But Su Zimo is faster!

When these feminine and dark air had just emerged, Su Zimo had disappeared in place and came directly to Ding Yu's body.

Close at hand!

Ding Yu's eyes showed deep panic and fear.

To be precise, he is not a monk who ascended from the Nether.

He was born on the Dragon Star of the Upper Realm.

The monks born in the Upper Realm, because it is the heaven and earth's vitality that absorbs and refines, the foundation of their practice is very high.

He has cultivated to the sixth level of Xuanyuan Realm at a young age.

However, in combat experience, he is far better than that. He fought all the way from the Nether, and after all kinds of dangers and dangers, he finally crossed the robbery and died in nine lives.

Among the many ascenders, Su Zimo has been flying for four or nine days and is the most powerful one!

Su Zimo did not confront him at all.

He released the immortal method, but Su Zimo broke out with his horrific physical body and instantly struck back!

Where has Ding Yu seen this outbreak of terror!

In the face of Su Zimo close at hand, his mind was confused and he did not know how to resist.

In a hurry, he reached out his hands subconsciously, trying to touch the storage bag, and offered his magic weapon to resist.

But below this distance, Ding Yu is already dead.

Su Zimo has a hundred ways to kill him on the spot!

I saw Su Zimo stretch out his palm and seemed to flutter on Ding Yu's forehead.


Ding Yu shuddered, her eyes became dull instantly, and the light in her eyes dimmed quickly.

There was no scar on his forehead.

But the power of this palm directly shattered his Yuan Shen!


Ding Yu's eyes were wide, his eyes were indifferent, he fell straight and fell on the gladiatorial arena.

Su Zimo grabbed Ding Yu's waist storage bag and put it directly into his pocket.

In the palace, fell into a dead silence!

All monks were stunned, looking at the scene with shock and doubt.

As if at this moment, everyone was strangling their throats!

"How, how is that possible?"

Zhen Leitang's blue skirt woman looked stunned, her eyes filled with incredible colors, and murmured quietly: "Ding Yu was dead?"

The master of Scorpio Village was a little gloating, he smiled, and said, "Deserve it! Who made him so arrogant just now, and competed for Miluo leaves with me."

"Master, that Miluo leaf seems to be in this man's hand."

The guard behind him immediately whispered.


Master of Scorpio Zhai gazes slightly.

The young masters of the other major forces are also in shock and look different.

Seeing this scene, Liu Tongling's face was ugly, his fists clenched, obviously his heart was angry!

He did not expect that this Ding Yu was so disappointed, instead of being able to kill and kill Su Zimo within twenty rounds, he was killed instantly by one hand!

Yan Fei also calmed down, exhaled a long breath, and chuckled, saying, "Brother Liu, I won!"

In fact, he dared to make this bet with Liu Tonglian because he had received some information before and speculated on one thing.

Liu Tong's eyes were gloomy and he didn't speak, just stared coldly on the gladiatorial arena and stared at the blue shirt monk.

With the fall of Ding Yu, the matrix barrier around the gladiator field gradually dissipated.

Until this time, many monks had slowed down to God, and in the palace there was an instant noise!

"Ding Yu is dead!"

"Oh my God, the sixth-order Xuanxian was actually killed by a fifth-order Xuanxian who crossed the realm!"

"And it's still killing! Ding Yu didn't have the power to fight back, and was slapped away with one palm!"

"Too fast! What is the origin of this person!"

Many monks secretly figured it out, even if they were with Ding Yu without any precaution, it would be difficult to escape the blow.

"However, when Ding Yu died, this man was in dire straits, and he certainly couldn't survive!"

"Yes, the monk in Xuanyin Mountain can't let him go."

The words didn't end, and many monks in Xuanyin Mountain had already swooped up.

"Little Lord!"

Some monks rushed towards Ding Yu.

Ding Yu's guard, the seventh-ranked Xuanxian looked cold and cheeky, and went straight to Su Zimo, chirping: "Thief, help my young master!"

"What do you guys do! If you can't fight, do you have to bully more!"

Yue Hao couldn't stand it, yelled, drew a huge ax from the storage bag, and rushed to the gladiatorial arena to block the seventh-level Xuanxian of Xuanyin Mountain directly!

Shen Fei and Gu Wenjun also shot.

In the hearts of the three, Su Zimo was their life-saving beneficiary, naturally they were not allowed to besieged in this way!

Duan Tianliang and Rhubarb knew that the state of self-cultivation was insufficient, and they stood honestly in the crowd.

boom! boom! boom!

Magical collision, magical confrontation, immortal surge!

In the blink of an eye, the entire palace fell into chaos, and the surrounding monks retreated, lest they be caught up and hurt themselves.


Xu Wan seemed to think of something, frowned, and whispered.

Duan Tianliang looked relaxed and waved his hand: "Xuanyin Mountain is not enough to look at, and you don't need to worry about being immortal."

"I'm not worried about these people in Xuanyin Mountain."

Xu Wan shook her head: "Ding Yu's death means that Liu Tong's leader just lost his gambling contract! Su Daoyou has offended this Long Yuancheng leader!"

"If he finds an excuse to attack, Su Daoyou is afraid of his life!"

At this moment, a figure came in from outside the palace, wearing an armour, and looking at this costume, it turned out to be a guard in the city!

"The newspaper--"

The guards in the city had just broken into the palace and shouted loudly, running towards Liu Tongling and Yan Fei.

"What happened?"

Yan Fei got up and asked Shen Sheng.

The guard said quickly: "There are monks from outside the city, and we can hear the wolverine faintly. It should be one of the four major rogues. There are probably thousands of them!"

"What are the evil wolves doing? Come to death!"

Yan Fei looked cold, and said, "This group of rogues, we don't go and get rid of them. They will come to their door. Is this to declare war on me?"

"seems not."

The guard looked hesitant and shook his head.

Liu Tongling moved in his heart and suddenly said, "Brother Yan, you don't need to pay attention to this. The evil wolf army is not for us, but for him!"

Liu Tongling pointed at Su Zimo below.

When many monks heard this news, they realized that the evil wolf army was obviously coming for Su Zimo!

Duan Tianliang was also a little nervous, and his palms were sweating. "The situation seems a little bad."

Ding Yu came here with only a dozen guards.

If it were only these dozen guards, there would be no storm.

But the thousands of wolves are all extremely ferocious and extremely vicious!

(End of this chapter)

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